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Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! & Let's Go, Eevee!

Route 10

Vincent Lau
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Here, you can rest before exploring the Rock Tunnel.

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Type Location Chance (%)
"Krabby" IconKrabby Water Tall grass 10
"Nidorina" IconNidorina Poison Tall grass 5
"Nidorino" IconNidorino Poison Tall grass 5
Nidoran (female) Poison Tall grass 15
Nidoran (male) Poison Tall grass 15
"Raticate" IconRaticate Normal Tall grass 10
"Fearow" IconFearow Normal/Flying Tall grass 10
"Rattata" IconRattata Normal Tall grass 15
"Spearow" IconSpearow Normal/Flying Tall grass 15
"Chansey" IconChansey Normal Tall grass Rare spawn

This is another route that’s divided into halves by a dungeon: the Rock Tunnel. As you come from Route 9, there’s a fairly large patch of tall grass to the right. Head over to the top-right corner of the grass to discover a Super Potion by the side of the grass.

When you’re ready, head south while following the fence towards the east. You’ll end up walking past the side of a Pokémon Center, but before you can continue, you’ll be beset by a group of Team Rocket Grunts. Fortunately, help will arrive and you’ll only need to fight one of them.

Team Rocket Grunt

Pokémon Level Type
"Raticate" IconRaticate 22 Normal

You should have fought a "Raticate" IconRaticate back on Route 9. This one is pretty much the same, but it doesn’t have Quick Attack, making it a more straightforward fight. As before, hit it with a Fighting-type if possible, but any healthy Pokémon should make mincemeat of this oversized rat.

Once the trouble’s gone, you may want to visit the Pokémon Center to refresh your Pokémon. Or if your teammates still have stamina, feel free to carry on and defeat the remaining two trainers on this half of the route. The first trainer is standing below a bush to the south of the Pokémon Center. He’s easily avoidable.

Camper Vance

Pokémon Level Type
"Eevee" IconEevee 22 Normal
"Psyduck" IconPsyduck 22 Normal

There’s not a lot to say about Vance’s "Eevee" IconEevee. Smash it with Fighting-types if you want, but it’s not particularly strong. "Psyduck" IconPsyduck is weak to Grass and Electric, but any Grass/Poison-types should be mildly careful of Confusion.

Past Vance, there’s 5 Poké Balls to be found in the far bottom-left corner. It can be a little hard to see because of the mountain in the way. Next, go up towards the Rock Tunnel entrance. To the left is a Coach Trainer, while to the right are 3 Great Balls in plain sight.

Coach Trainer Tasha

Pokémon Level Type
"Poliwhirl" IconPoliwhirl 25 Water
"Primeape" IconPrimeape 26 Fighting

This trainer poses a decent challenge. Her "Poliwhirl" IconPoliwhirl is an evolved "Poliwag" IconPoliwag. Although it’s a plain Water-type, it can use the Fighting-type Brick Break, so Eevee and Normal-type users should beware. Go with Grass and Electric-types for an easy win.

"Primeape" IconPrimeape is an evolved "Mankey" IconMankey and can also use Brick Break–more effectively too since it’s actually a Fighting-type. Psychic and Fairy-types are extremely recommended. If you don’t have those, Poison and Bug-types are worth a shot, but the latter will need non-Bug moves.

Survive Tasha and she’ll gift you with TM13 Break Break. This move does decent damage and removes an opponent’s Reflect or Light Screen. If you have space in your movesets, consider learning it since it can be useful. Anyway, from here, you can enter the Rock Tunnel. But remember to heal at the Pokémon Center first!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    22 November 2018
  • Last Updated
    19 December 2020
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau

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  • Encounter tables for all the wild Pokémon, including the rare Pokémon with undisclosed habitats in the Pokédex.
  • Explanations of all the gameplay mechanics for both beginner trainers and Pokémon Masters.
  • Where to find all the Master Trainers and hidden battles after beating the game.
  • A handy mini-Pokédex containing the key details for all 153 obtainable Pokémon and where to find them.

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