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Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! & Let's Go, Eevee!

Buddy/Ride Pokémon

Vincent Lau
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You can have absolutely any Pokémon as your buddy. Even a shiny Articuno.

Once you’ve got your second Pokémon, you can choose to have a buddy Pokémon follow you while you’re traveling. To do so, you’ll need to access the Party menu from the main menu, then select your Pokémon and choose the “Take Out of Poké Ball” option. Voila, your buddy Pokémon will now follow you like a lost puppy–and probably just as cute!

Benefits of Buddies

Obviously, having a buddy Pokémon is pretty cool, but there are actual benefits. Firstly, you can build up Happiness, which works in the same way as playing with your partner "Pikachu" IconPikachu or "Eevee" IconEevee. The higher its Happiness, the more likely your Pokémon will receive special effects during battle, like curing itself from a negative status.

Secondly, your buddy Pokémon may run towards certain areas on the field and discover items. You may also receive items by interacting with your buddy. The type of item you can receive depends on where you are. For instance, you’re likely to find berries from bushes. It can also depend on the species or Type of Pokémon. Feel free to experiment!

Riding Pokémon

Life doesn’t get much better than riding on top of an Arcanine.

If you set certain Pokémon as your buddy Pokémon, instead of the Pokémon following you, you’ll ride on top of the Pokémon! Some Pokémon offer increased movement speed when you’re riding them, or other benefits. Others are just there to look cool.

Pokémon You Can Ride

Benefit Pokémon
Faster Movement "Persian" IconPersian, "Arcanine" IconArcanine, "Rapidash" IconRapidash, "Rhyhorn" IconRhyhorn, "Tauros" IconTauros
Sea Skim "Gyarados" IconGyarados, "Lapras" IconLapras
Reach Flying Pokémon "Onix" IconOnix
Flight (when Champion) "Charizard" IconCharizard, "Aerodactyl" IconAerodactyl, "Dragonite" IconDragonite
Looks Cool "Machamp" IconMachamp, "Dodrio" IconDodrio, "Haunter" IconHaunter, "Rhydon" IconRhydon, "Kangaskhan" IconKangaskhan, "Starmie" IconStarmie, "Snorlax" IconSnorlax
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    22 November 2018
  • Last Updated
    19 December 2020
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau

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Welcome to our strategy guide for Pokemon: Let’s Go!

  • A complete walkthrough with strategies to defeat all the Kanto Gym Leaders and conquer the Pokémon League.
  • Encounter tables for all the wild Pokémon, including the rare Pokémon with undisclosed habitats in the Pokédex.
  • Explanations of all the gameplay mechanics for both beginner trainers and Pokémon Masters.
  • Where to find all the Master Trainers and hidden battles after beating the game.
  • A handy mini-Pokédex containing the key details for all 153 obtainable Pokémon and where to find them.

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