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Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! & Let's Go, Eevee!

Route 2 and Viridian Forest

Vincent Lau
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A large forest lies smack bang in the middle of this route.

Wild Pokémon - Route 2

Pokémon Type Location Chance (%)
"Oddish" IconOddish Grass/Poison Tall grass 20 (Let’s Go "Pikachu" IconPikachu)
"Bellsprout" IconBellsprout Grass/Poison Tall grass 20 (Let’s Go "Eevee" IconEevee)
"Weedle" IconWeedle Bug/Poison Tall grass 15
"Caterpie" IconCaterpie Bug Tall grass 15
"Rattata" IconRattata Normal Tall grass 20
"Pidgey" IconPidgey Normal/Flying Tall grass 30

You can reach Route 2 by heading north from Viridian City. Before delivering the Parcel to Oak, a couple of misfits (did you recognize them?) were blocking the way, but they should be gone by now. Route 2 itself is fairly short and the eastern half is currently inaccessible until you find a way to cut down skinny trees.

For now, your primary objective is to follow the route north towards Viridian Forest, which is your first “dungeon” area. Before reaching the forest, you’ll come to a gatehouse that separates the two areas. Continue through the gatehouse to reach the forest itself.

This verdant forest is chock full of new Pokémon waiting to be caught.

Wild Pokémon - Viridian Forest

Pokémon Type Location Chance (%)
"Oddish" IconOddish Grass/Poison Tall grass 10 (Let’s Go "Pikachu" IconPikachu)
"Bellsprout" IconBellsprout Grass/Poison Tall grass 10 (Let’s Go "Eevee" IconEevee)
"Butterfree" IconButterfree Bug/Flying Tall grass 1 (Let’s Go "Pikachu" IconPikachu)
"Beedrill" IconBeedrill Bug/Poison Tall grass 1 (Let’s Go "Eevee" IconEevee)
"Pikachu" IconPikachu Electric Tall grass 5
"Kakuna" IconKakuna Bug/Poison Tall grass 10
"Metapod" IconMetapod Bug Tall grass 10
"Weedle" IconWeedle Bug/Poison Tall grass 24 (Let’s Go "Pikachu" IconPikachu), 25 (Let’s Go "Eevee" IconEevee)
"Caterpie" IconCaterpie Bug Tall grass 24 (Let’s Go "Eevee" IconEevee), 25 (Let’s Go "Pikachu" IconPikachu)
"Pidgey" IconPidgey Normal/Flying Tall grass 15
"Bulbasaur" IconBulbasaur Grass/Poison Tall grass Rare spawn

Once you’re inside Viridian Forest, you can expect to encounter a host of new Pokémon, plus many Pokémon trainers eager to test their trained monsters against yours. Before you proceed, make sure you have enough supplies–Poké Balls and Potions etc.–to last you until the next town. There’s nothing worse than running out halfway through!

From the forest entrance, we suggest heading west first. Around here, there is a Pokémon trainer–a Lass–standing below a tree. If you want, you can go behind the tree to avoid a battle. This will allow you to save time, but you will miss the chance to earn more experience points and, more importantly, money and extra Poké Balls.

Lass Joana

Pokémon Level Type
"Rattata" IconRattata 4 Normal

Just a "Rattata" IconRattata; nothing to see here. You’ve already fought a Rattata during your battle with Youngster Ronny and this one is hardly any different, only one Level higher.

Past Joanna, go over to the south-west corner where there’s a bunch of tall grass surrounding a tall tree. It can be a little hard to see, but there’s an item just below the tree. Pick it up to discover 5 Poké Balls. These will come in handy for catching all the new Pokémon here in the forest! Next, head north towards the trainer you cannot get around.

Well, actually, if you really want to, you can head east from Joanna, back towards the forest entrance, then go north and west to go around him. But that’s probably a lot of effort for a battle that will take a few seconds to deal with!

Bug Catcher Brian

Pokémon Level Type
"Weedle" IconWeedle 3 Bug/Poison

Brian has a Bug-type Pokémon that’s very common around these parts. Since it’s quite low Level, you shouldn’t have any problems. But if you want to be strategical, Flying-types such as "Pidgey" IconPidgey and "Spearow" IconSpearow will shine here. Meanwhile, Grass-types should be avoided.

Carry on north from Brian and follow the tall grass west. After you go past the tree obscuring your view, there’s an item sitting comfortably in the dead end: a Tiny Mushroom. Items like this have no use whatsover and should be sold at a Poké Mart for cash. From here, make your way east. Soon, you should find a signpost and another item nearby: an Antidote.

If your poor Pokémon were unlucky enough to be poisoned by Brian’s "Weedle" IconWeedle, you can use the Antidote to remove the poison. Anyway, go south and you’ll be back at the forest entrance. That’s this little corner dealt with. Head east and do battle with the Bug Catcher blocking your path.

Bug Catcher Rick

Pokémon Level Type
"Caterpie" IconCaterpie 3 Bug

Like Brian, Rick has bagged himself a pretty common Bug-type. Compared to Weedle, it’s less of a threat since it can’t poison your Pokémon, but it can temporarily slow them down using String Shot. That said, doing that will only delay the inevitable–a sad defeat for our bug-loving friend.

When you’re free to go, continue east towards the south-east corner of the forest. Here, there’s a patch of tall grass with an item in the center: 3 Razz Berries. There are some rare Pokémon here, so those could be useful soon, or maybe you’ve already encountered those Pokémon?

Afterwards, follow the forest trail north until it branches off to the right. If you’re looking for a scuffle, or wish to avoid wild Pokémon for some reason, take the right path. You’ll bump into a Lass near the end. Regardless, the two paths will converge, so you can’t really go wrong.

Lass Brittany

Pokémon Level Type
Nidoran (female) 4 Poison

A Rattata this isn’t, but it’s still not enough to strike fear in opponents just yet. Assuming you’ve been using them, your partner Pokémon can take out this venomous bunny easily. Or if you’re trying to spread the fun, any non-Grass Pokémon should do fine.

(1 of 2) Wild Bulbasaur spotted!

Wild Bulbasaur spotted! (left), Time to catch the Bulbasaur. (right)

After the two paths join together, there will be a Bug Catcher guarding the path to the left. You can either run headlong into a battle with him or head right and follow the path around to reach his left. We suggest going right, as you can find a Potion above the tree by the north-east corner. Then you can always battle the trainer as you go past.

Bug Catcher Doug

Pokémon Level Type
"Kakuna" IconKakuna 3 Bug/Poison

Doug has an evolved Weedle, which is kinda sturdy, but that’s all it is, since it can’t cause any damage to you. That said, if you’re leading with a low Level physical attacker, beware as it will spam Harden to raise its Defense, reducing the damage you do to it. We suggest hitting it hard and fast with your partner or a Flying-type.

From Doug, follow the winding forest trail west. Before long, there will be a Lass standing in-between two patches of grass. There’s no way to get past her without a Pokémon duel, so ready those Poké Balls on your belt!

Lass Jocelyn

Pokémon Level Type
"Pidgey" IconPidgey 4 Normal/Flying

You shouldn’t be a stranger to Pidgey by this point. Just like your second battle with your rival, "Pikachu" IconPikachu can easily clip the wings of this Flying-type with its Thunder Shock. Even if you’ve got Let’s Go "Eevee" IconEevee, you can now catch Pikachu in the forest, so you’ve no excuses unless you’re unlucky or harbor a disdain for the electric rodent.

Lures and Repels can be purchased from all good Poké Marts!

This is the final stretch. Go around the corner from Jocelyn and make your way south. You might be able to see the next gatehouse on your left. When you’re free of the tall grass, and near a signpost, go south-east towards a secluded corner. In the middle is a Lure ripe for the taking. These act as inverse Repels, increasing the wild Pokémon that spawn.

After pocketing the Lure, head west past the signpost, then proceed north towards the gatehouse that will take you out of the forest. Before you can get there, you’ll need to fight your way past the final trainer of this area.

Bug Catcher Sammy

Pokémon Level Type
"Metapod" IconMetapod 3 Bug

Sammy has an evolved "Caterpie" IconCaterpie that’s slightly more durable. But by this stage, it should hardly pose a threat at Level 3. Who knows, your partner’s Level might even be at double digits by now. Unlike the "Kakuna" IconKakuna you may have fought, this "Metapod" IconMetapod can actually fight back with Tackle. If it survives the first hit that is.

Through the gatehouse, you’ll arrive in the upper half of Route 2. Here, there’s a patch of tall grass by the corner, although there’s nothing new there. When you’re ready, carry on north to reach the next area: Pewter City.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    22 November 2018
  • Last Updated
    19 December 2020
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau

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