This quest can be acquired from the blacksmith in Ledetchko. He wants to know if there is any truth to the rumours that the Sasau blacksmith uses magic charms when tempering steel. Make your way to Sasau and speak with the blacksmith in the north of the town. Begin with ‘They say you can cast spells’ and the blacksmith with laugh, revealing that he simply sings a ditty to ensure that he does not keep the steel in the fire for too long. Once you have exhausted the dialogue options with him, wait beside the forge and observe him singing the ditty so that you can repeat it to the blacksmith in Ledetchko.
Listen to the blacksmith recite the ditty that he learned from his father to ensure that the steel is tempered properly.
When you have returned to the blacksmith in Ledetchko, tell him about the ditty and repeat it as follows:
– The sun sets out across the skies … he loses his way, to the forge he flies.
– Kuttenburg is far … far away, Kuttenberg is far here I’ll stay.
– My breath is short … my feet are sore. I’d buy a horse, but I am poor.
– The sun may burn … the sun may shine, but you’ll not wither, darling mine.
– And then he heated it again.
– The sun he hides behind a cloud … his heart goes cold and his fire goes out.
– He drowned the fish … and broke its neck, threw it down upon the deck.
– Fry your fish … the fish head’s best, fishy thighs and fishy breast.
– And that’s all of it.
The blacksmith will thank you and the quest will complete.
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