The Blue Bullet ability is effectively the same as the Blue Magic ability seen in many previous RPGs or their equivalents. You are probably well familiar with it already, assuming you played FFX before FFX-2 (as Kimahri was essentially the same thing with his Ronso Rage Overdrive). Blue Bullet skills are learned while you’re a Gun Mage and are hit by specific attacks from enemies. (You must be a Gun Mage, and you must be attacked by the enemy.) So long as you’re hit, you’ll learn the skill, even if it kills you. That means you can then use the skill via the Blue Bullet command! Below, you’ll find a list of the commands, organized alphabetically, their effects, who you learn these from and where, and so on and so forth. Keep in mind most of these enemies can also be found in the Creature Create Colosseum if you miss them at some point, in some way.
*MP Cost:* 3 MP
- *Effects:* The user damages the target's HP/MP, using the damage to restore their own HP/MP.
- *Learned From:*
Haizhe - Chapter 1/2 Macalania Woods; the Via Infinito, 16F-19F
- Protochimera - Most areas in Chapters 1-3
- Baralai - Forced Chapter 2 boss
- Black Elemental - The Via Infinito's 40F boss
- Flan Azabache - Chapter 5's Calm Lands, in the ruins there; the Via Infinito, 65F-69F
- Dark Cindy - Forced Chapter 5 boss
- Jabi - Chapter 5: Heart of the Farplane
- **Annihilator:**
*MP Cost:* 48 MP
- *Effects:* High magical damage to all enemies. Ignores Magic Defense.
- *Learned From:*
Experiment - Chapter 5 optional boss, when its Levels are at 5
*MP Cost:* 28 MP
- *Effects:* Fire-elemental magical damage to all enemies.
- *Learned From:*
Balivarha - Chapters 3-5: Thunder Plains and the Calm Lands
- **Heaven's Cataract:**
*MP Cost:* 22 MP
- *Effects:* High non-elemental magic damage to all enemies. Also lowers their Defense and Magic Defense each by two levels (-1/6).
- *Learned From:*
Kukulcan - Chapter 2: Bevelle Underground; Chapter 5: Via Infinito (16F-19F)
- Gucumatz - Chapters 3-5: Thunder Plains and Zanarkand
- Chac - Chapter 5: Via Infinito boss (80F)
*MP Cost:* 32 MP
- *Effects:* Adds Protect and Shell to your party, essentially halving your damage intake.
- *Learned From:* (Note that the enemies must be Confused to get them to hit you with this!)
Haizhe - Chapters 1-2: Macalania; Chapter 5: Via Infinito (16F-19F)
- Garik - Chapter 3: Mt. Gagazet boss
- **Mortar:**
*MP Cost:* 99 MP
- *Effects:* High physical damage to all enemies. Ignores Defense.
- *Learned From:*
*MP Cost:* 38 MP
- *Effects:* Deals magical damage to all enemies. Damage is equal to the user's Level times 30, meaning it ranges from 30 to 2,970.
- *Learned From:*
*MP Cost:* 16 MP
- *Effects:* The party will recover 3/8 (37.5%) of their maximum HP. It will also cure Darkness, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Confuse, and Berserk.
- *Learned From:* (Note that the enemies must be Confused to get them to hit you with this!)
PC, PS2, PS3, PS4, Steam, Switch, XB One
Guide Release 24 March 2015
Last Updated 22 February 2021
Guide Author Damir Kolar
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Set two years after the defeat of Sin, Yuna, the High Summoner who brought about its destruction, finds a mysterious sphere of a man who closely resembles someone she thought was gone forever. She sets out on a journey to find him, with help from faces old and new, only to discover the mysteries run deeper than she ever thought possible. Yuna is called on once again to protect the world she loves. Final Fantasy X was Tidus’s story; X-2 is Yuna’s.
The world of Spira may have changed, but we are with you every step of the way! The guide contains the following:
A 100% completion walkthrough - Get all those tiny details right without having to completely restart your game!
Full coverage of all optional bosses and side quests including the Via Infinito and Den of Woe.
The Last Episode and details on the new Creature Creator.
Colosseum boss strategies.
All Garment Grids and Dresspheres explained and much more!
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