1. Albany
Map location (885,795): On the ground between the back of a house and the wall, directly south of the Headquarters icon on the map.
Treasure Location (574,285) – Riviere Aurifere, River Valley
Dig Site: In front and between two trees on a raised plateau in the northern area of the map. This is directly northwest of the viewpoint.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
2. Ile Des Pins
Map location (233,095): On the ground in a small, open storage shed along the coast to the east of the docking area.
Treasure Location (788,549) – Lock Cliff, River Valley
Dig Site: On top of the highest ledge of a cliff by a bent over tree. From this location you can see the large waterfall below to the northwest.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
3. Mont Saint Denis
Map location (976, 468): Inside a shallow cave in the southeast corner of the Mont Saint Denis map. It is often guarded by assassins so be careful!
Treasure Location (556,591) – Burgeo, North Atlantic
Dig Site: On the beach just to the east of the docking area. You’ll find it just in front of the slanted tree propped up against a free standing tree.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
4. Old Growth Forest
Map location (347,592): On the ground by the base of a very large tree at the co-ordinates listed.
Treasure Location (515,206) – Coeur-de-l’hiver, River Valley
Dig Site: In front of one of the gravestones at the co-ordinates listed. It is just in front of the cliff face with several fallen rocks at its base.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
5. Or-du-Nord
Map location (963,122): On the ground beneath some trees at the indicated co-ordinates.
Treasure Location (218,056) – Havre-Saint-Pierre, North Atlantic
Dig Site: In front of a gravestone just outside the eastern wall of the restricted warehouse area on the Havre-Saint-Pierre map.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
6. Orenda
Map location (299,402): On the very far western side of the Orenda map is a small beach with several wrecked ships. The map can be found here.
Treasure Location (635,446) – Uncharted, North Atlantic
Dig Site: This is on a small beach area along the coast to the southwest of Lewisporte (722,379). It is on a small, raised ledge just west of a rowboat marker and on the ground directly behind a tilted tree.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
7. Sleepy Hollow
Map location (538,885): Can be found lying on the ground within a fenced off area marked by the co-ordinates.
Treasure Location (370,482) – Grand Entree, North Atlantic
Dig Site: Easy to find as it matches the picture at the given co-ordinates exactly. It is on the ground just before a fallen log just south of the docking area.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
8. St Nicolas
Map location (204,718): Can be found on a small island in the southern part of the lake area in the St Nicolas map.
Treasure Location (224,259) – Fleur-de-Vent, River Valley
Dig Site: In front of a sarcophagus in the centre of a pond at the co-ordinates listed on the map.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
9. Vieille Carriere
Map location (557,104): On the ground next to a tent. This is right next to the supply crate chest if you clear out the supply camp.
Treasure Location (529,777) – Greystone, River Valley
Dig Site: On the beach closest to the shipwreck in the far northwest of the Greystone map.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
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