Part 1: Tailing¶
From the start of the mission, head over to the green circle indicating the search area on the map. When you arrive, climb onto a rooftop to get a good view of the area and look towards the storage area on the docks. Use eagle vision to identify the target here.
After starting the mission (left), head over to the warehouse nearby to find the target (right).
As the target walks off, use eagle vision to tag him. We’ll now need to tail him. He will move along a set path and stop at regular intervals to peek behind to check to see that he’s not being followed. As such, we need to follow from a distance, making sure to use the various haystacks, stalking zones and groups of people to hide when he stops.
Note that there is a pair of optional objectives in this mission and they kick in now – we can’t be detected and we cannot swim.
To begin with, you’ll want to stick to the rooftops. He’ll stop once to look around before making his way across the covered bridge crossing the river. At this point, we need to hop from the rooftop closest to the bridge to a branch nearby and use the tree to jump across to the top of the bridge. On the far side, drop down into the shrubs to the left of the bridge.
Follow the target through a short tailing sequence (left) until he reaches a barn (right).
Run up to the barn in front and use the lift to reach the rooftop. Immediately run up to the chimney and use it as cover so that the rooftop sniper across the street to the right cannot see you. Use your sleep/berserk darts to hit the sniper. Continue to the end of the rooftop, drop to the roof below and hop into the haystack.
When it is safe to do so, follow the target into the nearby cane fields, using the sugar cane and shrubs around the area as cover. As you move in, your objectives will be updated.
Part 3: Infiltrate¶
We need to get into the barn to find the items we require, but we’ll have to get there first. Sneak your way over to the cane fields surrounding the alarm bell. Wait for the patrolling guards to come one at a time and whistle them to your location before performing an assassination from cover. There are four of them in total, but killing them is not required, it just makes getting out slightly easier!
Once you are happy with the area surrounding the alarm, enter the barn and loot the chest. At this point, if you have remained undetected, the game will award you with the completion of the optional objective.
Once you have looted the chest in the barn (left) and then return across the river (right) to our friends.
Now we just need to return to Franklin to complete the mission, you can go about this in whatever way you like (although I’d recommend backtracking to the bridge and crossing there), just make sure that when you cross the river that you do not land in the water or it will void the second optional objective.
When you arrive at Franklin’s place a scene will play to end the mission.
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