This is another fairly simple takeover due to the limited size of the restricted area. We simply need to enter, kill three snipers and cut down a flag to complete it. The easiest access point is via a rooftop leading to a treetop pathway at the northeast corner of the restricted area.
From the end of the final branch, dive into the haystack on the inside of the wall, continue east and use the rope lift ahead to access the platform above – kill the sniper here. From this position, use the next tree to get an angle on the next sniper below. Hold fast for a second and watch your mini-map. Wait for the patroller below you to look away before air assassinating the sniper when you are in range.
Enter the compund via the northeast corner (left). Take down the second sniper (right) and then drop to the left and cut down the flag below.
From this platform, quickly perform a double air assassination on the pair of guards practicing with guns in the courtyard below before interacting with the flag to cut it down. Now that that is done, make your way over to the guard tower nearby to find and kill the final sniper to end the activity.
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