The game has three world maps – one for River Valley, another for New York City and yet another for the North Atlantic region. On the maps, areas of interest are marked with icons that include collectibles, viewpoints, settlements and side-missions. There are a few cool things you can do with the world maps to increase your efficiency at travelling around in-game.
on the world map you can set a custom waypoint which will appear on the mini-map when you return to regular gameplay. You can then follow said waypoint to any destination of your choice.
As with the previous Assassin’s Creed games, climbing up to set viewpoints and synchronising with them will uncover the map of the surrounding region along with all of the nearby collectibles, side-tasks and areas of interest within that area. Handy for you completionists!
Fast Travel
Fast travel allows you to instantly select and travel to any previously visited destination or synchronised viewpoint on the world map. This can only be used when you are not currently in conflict.
Synchronised viewpoints can be used to fast travel (left). Custom waypoints will appear on the mini-map (right).
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