Memory Location: North Atlantic (003,862)
Reward: 20,000L
This legendary battle is ridiculously difficult, even when you have fully upgraded the Morrigan you will still be well overmatched. The Storm Fortress will take you on solo to begin with and will be joined later on by another pair of weaker legendary ships.
The Storm Fortress is a beast – it has massive amount of armour, way more guns than you do that dish out significant damage that will rip through your armour like it was paper and an extremely dangerous flammable mortar attack that will not only deal serious damage on impact, but will also leave burning oil on the water for a while afterwards which we’ll need to avoid or it too will cause damage over time.
The Storm fortress drops nasty flaming mortars (left) and has a billion guns (right) - so stay away from its sides!
The general trick to defeating the Storm Fortress is quick hit and run attacks. As soon as it launches its mortars, direct the Morrigan towards the legendary to avoid them. You’ll want to then quickly manoeuvre your way out of range of its cannon fire (using the ramming speed boost works wonders as an escape method here). At this point you should get a brief window of opportunity to come around behind the Storm Fortress and dish out some damage to the rear of the vessel. As soon as it starts to turn though, you want to bail and repeat the process.
It may take a few goes, but once you get the hit and run tactic figured out, the battle is still quite difficult because any mistake will be punished severely, but it still becomes slightly easier.
Once the Storm Fortress’s health is almost depleted another pair of legendary ships – The Argonaut and The Sceptre will arrive. At this point, you need to expend the rest of your ammo taking down the Storm fortress as quickly as possible.
Once the Storm Forttress’s health drops enough, two more ships will appear. Quickly finish off the main threat (left) before taking on the newcomers (right).
After the main threat is out of the picture, it is time to focus on its smaller siblings. Fortunately neither of these is anywhere near as powerful as the Storm Fortress. The difficulty lies in the fact that by this point the Morrigan will likely have not all that much health remaining and you will have expended just about all your mortars and ammo. Keep your distance from the enemy vessels and hit them when you can. Realistically though, your priority is to keep the Morrigan afloat!
Once you have defeated the two legendary ships, the memory will be completed.
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