Once the introductory cut-scene has finished, an objective marker will appear in the distance. Make your way over, past the Homestead Manor and down the hill behind it to reach the training area. Another scene will play at this point.
We’ll now have to undertake three lessons, one from each of the mentors. As Liam is straight in front of us to begin with, let’s start with him.
Part 1: Shooting Training¶
Approach Liam and he’ll give you a pair of pistols. We’ll now have the game give us a brief on-screen button tutorial on how to shoot, aim and reload. Hit all three static targets ahead to progress.
Practice shooting (left) before running the shooting course (right).
A timer will now appear at the top of the screen and you’ll have to run through a small obstacle course, whilst shooting six targets along the way. If you can complete this in less than 40 seconds, you will complete the mission’s optional objective for doing so. It is fairly straight forward as the game will mark the targets with red objective markers – just sprint between targets, highlight and shoot! You will also want to ensure that you reload every two shots as you move to the next target as doing so will save you a lot of time.
Once that is all done, next you want to head over to the next objective marker to take Hope’s lesson.
Part 2: Assassination Training¶
At this point Hope wants to see a number of different types of assassinations using the hidden blades. Note that we will need to perform the following:
- Assassinate a dummy using an air assassination.
- Assassinate a dummy from a bush.
- Assassinate a dummy whilst on the run.
- Assassinate a dummy from a haystack.
To make things more interesting, Hope sends two guards down to patrol the area. We need to perform all of the assassinations on the menu without getting spotted. Doing so will earn the missions’ second optional objective.
Speak with Hope (left) to begin assassination training. Assassinate the dummies whilst avoiding guards (right).
To begin with, climb the tree directly in front and make your way through the braches until you see a target directly below. Highlight the dummy and air assassinate it. After doing so, we’ll be at ground level in a bush (a.k.a stalking zone). Stay here for a moment and wait for the guards to walk away, and then move up to the dummy in the bushes under a nearby tree and assassinate it from cover.
Turn back and look at the dummy we air assassinated, you’ll see that its objective marker has reappeared. Wait for both guards to look away and then run over and sprint assassinate it. From our current location, you should see another dummy at the base of a rock wall ahead. Behind this is a pile of leaves (we can use this as a haystack). When it is safe to do so, run over and hop into the pile of leaves to assassinate the dummy.
Once that is all done, next you want to head over to the next objective marker to take Kesegowaase’s lesson.
Part 3: Hunting Training¶
Follow your buddy through the treetop pathway and scale the cliff face at the end. When you reach the top, your objectives will be updated. We now need to locate an animal.
Hop down to the branch just below the top of the cliff and work your way through the set treetop pathways until you reach the green mission area marker. When you arrive, hit your Eagle Vision ability to locate the animal.it should be fairly close and conveniently pass beneath your tree top pathway, so wait for it and when it does perform an air assassination on it.
Follow Kesegowaase (left) until you reach the hunting area. Air assassinate the elk (right).
When its dead, interact with the body to skin it.
At this point, you’ll be given a brief introduction to crafting – so head into the menu and craft the pistol holsters.
Return to the homestead and get to the green objective marker for a scene to end the mission.
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