Taverns allow us to recruit additional members for our ship’s crew (essential for continuous boarding), gain information about the location of side mission such as assassin intercepts, ship convoys and treasure maps, drink alcohol to get Shay a bit on the tipsy side, and try out some gambling-based mini- games to earn a bit of extra money. There are nine taverns in the game and all off them start as locked locations.
Taverns can be unlocked by approaching the jug icon on the map, going inside and then interacting with the bartender. As you do a small bar fight will break out and you will have to fight off four men in hand-to-hand combat. Once you have beaten them all up, the tavern will now be usable.
Approach and speak to the glowing barman (left) before fighting off thugs (right) to complete the tavern objectives.
The taverns are marked by a jug icon on the area maps and can be found in the following areas:
- New York – Greenwich (433,308)
- New York – Lower Manhattan (432,603)
- New York – Waterfront (520,729)
- River Valley - Sleepy Hollow (583,901)
- River Valley – Greystone (524,789)
- River Valley - Coeur-de-l’hiver (454,175)
- River Valley – Albany (852,761)
- North Atlantic - St Johns (874,633)
- North Atlantic – Perce (168,406)
- North Atlantic – Halifax (318,844)
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