Part 1: Infiltrate¶
As soon as we begin the mission, we’ll need to infiltrate the restricted area and make our way to the congress building undetected for an optional objective. This is actually fairly easy as there are only a few guards between you and your goal.
To start, make your way over to the branch in front and dive into the haystack below on the far side of the river. Stay in the haystack and whistle the patrolling guard over to you when he gets close for a haystack themed assassination.
Dive into the haystack (left), deal with the guards here and work your way through the cane fields and into town (right).
Exit the haystack and enter the sugarcane field ahead. Two more patrollers will make their way by this area – one from the hill ahead and another from along the path to the right. Either whistle them both in for a kill, or just avoid them, continue up the hill and join the crowd in the square front of the building here for a scene.
Part 2: Pursuit¶
As soon as the scene ends, a red ‘kill’ marker will appear atop a nearby guard and he will run off. We need to chase him down and kill him. Follow him up the road and when you see the first group of guards blocking the path, climb the crates to the left to avoid them and access a path leading across several support beams, up a tree and onto the rooftop of a building. Here, you’ll find a rope that we can use to swing over to the path ahead and if you time it right, you can swing and as the messenger runs beneath you, you can perform an air assassination mid-flight.
Chase after the messenger (left) and use the rope (right) to swing out and air assassinate him.
If you miss him, fear not as you’ll land nearby and the messenger will stop running and turn to attack you anyway. As such, kill him.
Part 3: Assassinate¶
You will find that the pursuit has led you to the walls of a fort and conveniently enough, our target is inside. If you approach the fort from the south, you will find some scaffolding and a rope that will allow you to reach a section of wall that is climbable. When you reach the top, look ahead as there is a patrolling guard who travels along the eastern wall of the fort. Wait for him to walk off and hop up on top of the wall. From next to the haystack here, use Eagle Vision to locate the target in the courtyard below.
Note that the game wants us to kill this fellow using an air assassination and as such, you have a few options here. The two easiest would be to either head to the left and get into the sniper tower, kill the sniper and wait for the target to pass below, or you can kill the guard patrolling along the east wall and hang out on the roof at the far end for the target to move below you. I personally would recommend the sniper tower, as once you have rid yourself of the sniper, you can stand in the centre of the platform and no guards will be able to see you. You just have to step out when the target comes by.
Enter the fort via the south wall of the fort (left), identify the target and use either the sniper tower or awning (right) to air assassinate him.
Once you have assassinated the target, a scene will play.
Afterwards we need to escape the area. Head up the nearby stairs and hop over the wall to exit the fort. Leave the restricted zone on the map, break line of sight with your pursuers and get into a hiding spot to become anonymous. When this has happened, the mission will be complete.
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