1. Anticosti
Map location (192,150): Located on a walkway halfway up the fort’s wall at the location indicated.
Treasure Location (724,176) – HMS Miranda Shipwreck, North Atlantic
Dig Site: Inside the washed up hull on the shore at the northern end of the HMS Miranda Shipwreck map.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
2. Halifax
Map location (325,836): Located on a platform on top of a building at the specified co-ordinates.
Treasure Location (428,757) – Glace Bay, North Atlantic
Dig Site: Inside the washed up hull on the shore at the northern end of the HMS Miranda Shipwreck map.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
3. Port-Aux-Basques
Map location (445,615): The map is leaning against a bench by a camp fire inside the restricted area.
Treasure Location (252,624) – Uncharted, River Valley
Dig Site: To reach this area, you want to sail to the east of Fort Soleil to find a small beach. Here, behind some gravestones you’ll find the treasure.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
4. St Anthony
Map location (588,231): Next to some crates by a campfire behind the Equipment shop in St Anthony.
Treasure Location (784,480) – Terra Nova, North Atlantic
Dig Site: Behind the stalagmite next to the waterfall directly in line with the Stonehenge-like rock archway. Note: This is in the same general area as Terra Nova’s Native Pillar.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
5. St John’s
Map location (867,638): On the ground near the Cave Painting inside the storage-type area of the St John ’s map.
Treasure Location (554,899) – Sleepy Hollow, River Valley
Dig Site: in the graveyard of the church. The site is just northwest of the sole viewpoint in the area.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
6. Port Menier 01
Map location (302,140): Can be found a t a small campsite.
Treasure Location (300,143) – Port Menier, North Atlantic
Dig Site: Directly north of the viewpoint in the area. It can be found just in front of the bent tree just to the left of the passage between the rocks (we went through here in the very first mission!).
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
7. Port Menier 02
Map location (306,146): On a small beach next to a boat we can use to fast travel back to the Morrigan.
Treasure Location (591,347) – Harbour Deep, North Atlantic
Dig Site: Just in front of the only tree on the small island in the northeast corner of the Harbour Deep map.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
8. The Sapphire
Map location (914,340): On top of the deck of the central section of the wrecked ship.
Treasure Location (134,739) – Nerepis, North Atlantic
Dig Site: On a small piece of accessible shore to the north of the small pond that is located in the northern section of the warehouse’s restricted area in Nerepis.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
9. Sept-Iles
Map location (069,043): On a body in front of a gravestone being mourned by a pair of nearby NPCs.
Treasure Location (721,270) – East Village, New York
Dig Site: In north New York, just south of the fence. Look for the large rock in this area and look slightly to the southeast of its position to locate the dig site.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
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