1. Waterfront
Map location (513,729): On the ground in a guard tower.
Treasure Location (52,724) – Black Ridge, River Valley
Dig Site: From the docking area, follow the beach to the west, cross the small river and continue until the beach curves to the south. Look for a pair of trees on the beach here to find the dig spot.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
2. East Village
Map location (629,335): On the ground by a bench in front of a farmhouse at the listed co-ordinates.
Treasure Location (948,933) – Pearl Island, North Atlantic
Dig Site: On a ledge with a large triangular shaped stone and a tree. This is just to the east of the Cave Painting site.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
3. King’s Farm
Map location (413,264): On the ground in front of a building at the listed co-ordinates.
Treasure Location (876,054) – Uncharted, River valley
Dig Site: This is located on the small island to the west of Aarushi in the north-east area of the North Atlantic map. You can use a ferry to get here. This is just by the base of a fallen log that leads to an Animus fragment.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
4. Greenwich
Map location (331,449): On the ground, by a fence overlooking the stream at the location listed. It is just to the east and just over the small stream from the area’s viewpoint.
Treasure Location (517,227) – King’s Farm, New York
Dig Site: Along the north shore of the large lake in King’s Farm.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
5. Stuyvesant’s Farm
Map location (645,425): This is found by some sheltered areas along the waterfront close to the docks. This is directly northeast of the area’s easternmost viewpoint.
Treasure Location (487,305) – Gros Morne, North Atlantic
Dig Site: This is located in a small recess in a cliff with a fallen branch overhead. It is almost immediately in front of you when you dock the ship at the Gros Morne docking area.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
6. Lower Manhattan
Map location (418,604): On the ground in front of a building just north of the Pub in the Lower Manhattan region.
Treasure Location (685,575) – Twin Snake Path, River valley
Dig Site: This is located inside a cave (located at 679,575) at the far northwest corner of the Twin Snake Path map.
Go to the co-ordinates on the map (left) and find the location drawn (right) to find a dig spot.
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