Location | Broadleaf; Upper Downtown (Inside building) |
Chapter 9; Completed 087 and 112 | |
8550 Exp, 2690G, Violet Pastille |
The young woman’s sister is feeling better, but she seems to be afraid of going outside. Perhaps a visit from a higgledy would help put a spring in her step. The higgledy you need to bring back is Jumblie the Lovely, which can be cooked up at the Higglery in Evermore. Before it becomes available, though, you will need to have researched My Fifth Higgledy Cookbook. Once you do that, you will be able to make this higgledy. Now, you will need the following ingredients to cook up Jumblie: Sheermint (x11), Sour Salts (x9), Rook’s Brocade (x6), Night-White Thread (x5), and Enigman Prism (x4).
(1 of 2) Sour Salts can only be bought
Sour Salts can only be bought (left), while Sheermints can be harvested from your kingdom (right)
Sheermint can be gotten from the Bustling/Thriving/Wondrous/Bountiful Bazaars, Night-White Thread and Rook’s Brocade can be gotten from the Bountiful/Wondrous Bazaars, and Enigma Prism can be acquired from Mining Camps No. 4 and 5. The other item, Sour Salts, can only be bought from the item vendor in Hydropolis. As you can see, you need quite a number of items in relatively higher than normal quantities, so it might take a bit if you haven’t been harvesting the resource facilities. Once you have everything, cook up Jumblie and bring it back to the younger sister to finish the quest.
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