Location | Ding Dong Dell; Next to food vendor |
Chapter 9 | |
8290 Exp, 3290G, Higgledy Heal Pendant, Rosamund as Citizen |
You can find your current number of citizens at the top of the screen when you’re building in Evermore
Rosamund’s bakery is always packed with customers looking to try her tasty treats and if Evan wants to persuade her to move to Evermore, he’s going to have to make sure there’ll be enough customers waiting for her when she gets there. As pointed out by Rosamund, she gets around 70 customers a day at her current establishment, so you’re going to need at least that many citizens in your kingdom. At the point of the game when you can get this quest, you should have more than enough citizens already in your kingdom, which means you don’t really need to do much else than talk to Rosamund again to finish the quest. There are a lot of citizens to recruit just in Chapter 9, so you could wait until you get all of those before coming to do this one.
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