Plenty of minigames in Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii are those you find in previous games, like Crazy Delivery being from Infinite Wealth. This minigame will have you delivering food to people, but there is more to it than just that. You can unlock Crazy Delivery relatively early into your adventure, although it is tied to a Substory in Pirate Yakuza. This page will go over when to unlock Crazy Delivery, as well as offer tips and tricks for completing all it has to offer.
Crazy Delivery has returned in Pirate Yakuza!
Unlocking Crazy Delivery in Pirate Yakuza¶
You will only find this minigame in Hawaii, so you’ll need to wait until you arrive there in Chapter 2. Once you do, you’ll need to do a bit of story in order to unlock the western half of Honolulu, which is where you’ll find a Substory near the Palekana Orphanage north of the Anaconda Shopping Center. As you approach the marker in front of the fountain, you will be introduced to Charlie, the person who will attempt to recruit you for Crazy Eats. This will automatically start Substory 5: Stay Crazy, but you have a choice on whether you want to participate in the minigame now or wait until later.
How to Play Crazy Delivery¶
Before you truly dive into the minigame, you are given a tutorial that goes over the basics for Crazy Delivery. You are delivering food to customers, but you first have to pick up the food. There are three different types, which are Burgers, Pizza, and Sushi, all of them being individual pick-ups as you ride around the map. Once you’ve gathered enough food, you will then have to bring it to customers. These customers are found around the map, but they ask for specific orders. Press L2/LT to apply your breaks and land in the designated circle to deliver your food. For example, if a customer wants pizza, you’ll need to deliver them the pizza, as neither of the other two will work.
You will also need at least 10 of the item to make the delivery; otherwise, the ring around that customer will not be lit. Of course, things expand from here, as if you just bring the food to them as normal, you won’t get as much money to contribute to your score. That’s where the stunts come into play, as performing them will increase the multiplier needed to boost your scores. These tricks are done by pressing the left analog stick with the X/A button. Successfully pulling off multiple tricks in a row will raise your rating from Cool to Genius to Extreme. At the Extreme rating, you’ll get the most bang for your buck at delivering the food then.
(1 of 4) You’ll need to ride around and pick up the food you find.
Crazy Mode¶
As you perform stunts, you will build up a meter at the bottom of the screen. Once filled, one of the little bottles there will light up, allowing you to trigger Crazy Mode, with Square/X. This is essentially a boost, which does two things for you. Not only will you gather meals and items from further away, but your rating will automatically become Extreme. Thus, it’s a good idea to use these when you get them, as they are supremely beneficial in gathering food and making it easier for maximizing your deliveries.
There are some pick-ups you can grab to enhance the minigame, such as the Coin, which will just add to your overall score. Additionally, you may see a Bottle similar to the one used for Crazy Mode, and grabbing one will add an additional boost. The Ticket is an extremely helpful item, as it will give you a multiplier to your score, any time you make a delivery. Lastly, there is a Backpack that prevents you from losing any meals, whenever you may crash, but it only lasts for 30 seconds.
If you played the minigame in Infinite Wealth, then you recall some of the hazards in that version. Those hazards have made a return to this version of the minigame, with one of the first ones you’ll encounter being cars on the road. Cars will appear in both lanes, so you will have to be careful when going with the traffic, as cars can creep up behind you and knock you over. However, for the most part, the cars are easy enough to dodge, since you can move out of the way or jump over them. Note that they will sometimes have some food on top of them, but it’s generally not worth the effort to bother. You can knock cars away by performing a stunt just as they are about to hit you, though.
Other hazards include construction workers that hit the ground and cause a small shockwave around them, as well as fire-breathing performers. These should be avoided at all times, since they will knock you down, causing you to not only lose precious time, but also food.
(1 of 2) You’ll happen across a number of hazards as you go through the harder difficulties.
You’ll happen across a number of hazards as you go through the harder difficulties. (left), The car can actually be knocked away if you time your tricks correctly. (right)
All Crazy Delivery Courses¶
When you first start the Crazy Delivery minigame, you will probably think there’s only a single set of courses. However, that’s not correct, as not only is there the set at Anaconda Boulevard, but there is also another set at Aloha Street. In total, since each set has four difficulties, there are a total of eight courses for Crazy Delivery. Completing all of them, with the minimum passing C-Rank, will net you the Crazy Captain trophy/achievement.
Anaconda Blvd Crazy Delivery Courses¶
These are all of the Crazy Delivery courses you will find at Anaconda Blvd.
Course | C-Rank | B-Rank | A-Rank | S-Rank |
Easy | $7,000 | $9,000 | $11,000 | $15,000 |
Normal | $8,000 | $13,000 | $20,000 | $27,000 |
Hard | $25,000 | $32,000 | $38,000 | $45,000 |
Crazy | $30,000 | $35,000 | $45,000 | $55,000 |
Aloha St Crazy Delivery Courses¶
These are all of the Crazy Delivery courses you will find at Aloha St, which will be right next to the Aloha Beach area.
Course | C-Rank | B-Rank | A-Rank | S-Rank |
Easy | $4,000 | $8,000 | $12,000 | $18,000 |
Normal | $7,500 | $13,000 | $20,000 | $27,000 |
Hard | $25,000 | $32,000 | $38,000 | $45,000 |
Crazy | $30,000 | $35,000 | $45,000 | $55,000 |
Using your boosts in an area with a lot of food pickups will make things easier for you.
All Crazy Delivery Rewards¶
Just for completing the Crazy Delivery minigame, you won’t get too much, although each time you do pass a course, you will accrue points. Note that achieving Platinum Rank will have Charlie join your pirate crew, so make sure you keep playing to get him. As for the rest of the rewards, you will need to bank points and spend them.
Reward | Points Needed |
Silver Treasure Chest | 25,000 |
Crewmate: Toru Higashi | 15,000 |
Aloha Shirt (Unbuttoned) | 2,000 |
Punk Pants | 2,000 |
Eyepatch (Steampunk) | 1,500 |
Earrings | 1,500 |
Aloha Shirt (Bare) | 2,000 |
Street Surfer Flag (Crazy Eats) | 3,000 |
Sonic Soundtrack CD 1 | 150 |
Sonic Soundtrack CD 2 | 150 |
Sonic Soundtrack CD 3 | 150 |
Sonic Soundtrack CD 4 | 150 |
Tuna Salad Sandwich | 40 |
BBQ Potato Chips | 10 |
Cola | 15 |
1 Dollar | 10 |
5 Dollars | 50 |
10 Dollars | 100 |
Other than the customization items and maybe the music CDs, the big ticket items are definitely the treasure chest and the crew member. For the chest, you will receive the Jungle Stone treasure, worth a nice $10,700. The crew member you get from this is also pretty good, so that’s why you’ll want to grab him. If you get all of the items that only have one stock and still have a lot of leftover points, then you could probably just grab the money option.
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