The Wanted Men Mysterious Blue Ninjas will be your fifth bounty in Like a Dragon Ishin. If you can remember what the beleaguered woman said at the end of the White Ninja request, you’ll remember that she mentioned other ninjas taking advantage of the situation. Well, this is what she meant by it, you’ll need to discover, and hunt down a group of mysterious blue ninjas who appear to be robbing the town.
This is the second Mysterious Ninjas request, but this one involves blue ninjas.
Where to Find Wanted Men Blue Ninja¶
The pamphlet will tell you that the blue ninjas can be found in the Fushimi Ichibangai which is situated to the west of the Teradaya Inn. Once again, take the Boatman in the south of Mukurogai where you’ll be next to the inn. Head south, then take the path west until you reach South Fusimi Ichibangai. Now follow the path to the end where you’ll find another robbery victim on the corner of North Fushimi Ichibangai, next to the Jizo Statue. As you approach the woman, you’ll get another scene of her getting robbed, and you’ll have to chase down the blue ninjas.
(1 of 2) Head to the southeast corner of North Fushimi Ichibangai where you’ll find a woman near the Jizo Statue.
Head to the southeast corner of North Fushimi Ichibangai where you’ll find a woman near the Jizo Statue. (left), As you approach her, you’ll get a short scene of her being robbed which triggers the request. (right)
How to Capture Wanted Men: Blue Ninjas¶
Similar to the White Ninja request, you’ll have to capture the ninjas again, but this time there are 10, yes…10. Fortunately, they don’t stray too far from the Fushimi Ichibangai area, so all you need to do is run after them, and press the button prompt when you’re near them. After you’ve captured all 10, they’ll run away again, but before they do, you’ll ask one of the ninjas why they’re now robbing the poor where as it was the rich in the past.
(1 of 3) The Blue Ninjas won’t stray too far from the main Fushimi Ichibangai area.
The ninja will tell you it doesn’t involve you, and to leave them alone. It appears that they are just following their leader’s orders, but you can sense that they’re not happy with their actions. Once they’ve run off, you’ll automatically return the victim’s belongings, and warn her to be careful in the future. Now all you need to do is make your way back to the Wanted Men Headquarters for your reward.
Wanted Men Blue Ninjas Rewards¶
Turning in this request will reward you with 2 ryo. There won’t be any items to pick up as there isn’t any fighting in this bounty.
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