While playing through Like a Dragon: Ishin you can train your styles to unlock special abilities which are locked initially. The training takes place at a Master’s Dojo for each style, although Swordsman and Wild Dancer are represented by the same master. This page will guide you through each training including where to find the dojo.
Ryoma and Ginryu inside the Master Dojo.
Where to Find Swordsmen and Wild Dancer Training¶
Ginryu is the Master for the Swordsmen and Wild Dancer style, and he can be found at the aptly named Ginryu Dojo in the northwest of Rakunai, west of the Palanquin Fast Travel. When you visit the Dojo for the first time, you’ll get a short scene where some random street thugs will confront you. Ginryu will step in, and tell them to pick fights away from his Dojo before he introduces himself to you.
He’ll tell you about the styles he teaches and offer you to train there whenever you like. Head inside the Dojo and speak to Master Ginryu, and he’ll ask you to fight his students, so he can get a feeling of your level. This will give you your first training session. Unlike the other Dojos, each training session will teach you a few abilities from both the Swordsmen and Wild Dancer styles. Once you’ve completed the training, the ability will be unlocked in the ability wheel, but you’ll still need to unlock it with an orb.
Swordsmen Training¶
Training 1 - Dragonfang Flash¶
A grand technique to unleash many powerful cuts after sheathing your sword. Consumes Heat.
Dragonfang Flash is the Swordsmen Style’s special attack.
The first training you’ll learn for the Swordsmen style is the special ability Dragonfang Flash. It can be performed by holding down /
, then move the analogue stick while pressing
The easiest way to perform this ability correctly is to hold /
for a brief moment, then release it to unleash an attack. Now move the left stick towards the enemy while pressing
) just after the first attack makes contact. The last part can be used repeatedly providing you have Heat left as every attack will drain a small portion of Heat.
Training 1 - Splendid Skill: Morning Mist¶
Strike an enemy after evading. However, by sacrificing poise, this attack does little damage on its own.
Morning Mist can be learned in the first training session with Ginryu.
The next Swordsmen style ability is Splendid Skill: Morning Mist. This ability can only be performed during an evade which you can do by pressing /
. While evading towards an enemy, press the
button and you’ll reach in and stab the enemy. Although this doesn’t do much damage, it can be useful to close the gap, and interrupt the enemy.
Here is where you’ll find Morning Mist on the Ability Wheel.
Training 2 - Splendid Skill: Lightning’s Glory¶
A powerful reversal unleashed the instant before an enemy’s attack. The risk is high, but success can move mountains.
Lightnings Glory can be learned in the second training session with Ginryu.
This training requires you to have a Good (Blue) grade sword equipped before talking to Ginryu otherwise he won’t teach you your next set of training abilities. Don’t worry about losing the sword as he only wants to take a look at it.
Another timing-based attack where you’ll need to press +
just before the enemy attacks you. This is a powerful ability that deals a lot of damage and becomes a staple Swordsman skill once you get the hang of it. The timing works similarly to the parries. Perform it just as the enemy is about to attack.
This training is different where you’ll have to win a battle against his students using one of the two styles while maintaining a battle rank of Solid or above. The best way to obtain it is by changing up your combos, so you’re not just repeating the same attacks all the time while trying to avoid as many attacks as possible by either guarding, parrying, or evading.
Here is where Lightning’s Glory appears on the Ability Wheel.
Training 3 - Essence of Scintillant Lead¶
Cut through an oncoming bullet and set upon the poor fool who fired it. Consumes Heat.
Scintillant Lead can be learned in the third training session with Ginryu.
Starting this training requires you to have a Great (Purple) grade weapon equipped before talking to Ginryu.
Do you like cutting bullets with your sword? Well this ability is for you! Press /
when an enemy at distance fires upon you with a firearm. This is a situational ability that is great when you need it, but you won’t need it that often.
Similar to the last training, but this time it will be against the Dojo’s star student Heinosuke (he sucks). You’ll need to finish the battle with a Battle Ranking of at least Sharp. The easiest way to do this is to take your time, and defeat the enemy by using different combos, finishing the fight undamaged, activating Heat Actions (try not to duplicate them), and finishing the battle with a special move. Once you defeat Heinosuke, he’ll leave you, and Ginryu in a strop due to being so bad at his craft. Ginryu will tell you that he needs to rest for a while, so you’ll need to leave for a bit.
Here is where Scintillant Lead is on the Ability Wheel.
Training 4 - Splendid Skill: Rustling Leaves¶
Turn the enemy’s blade aside. You may even disarm them while using a high-grade sword-take their weapon with /
Rustling Leaves can be learned in the fourth training session with Ginryu.
After leaving the Dojo at the end of Training 3, you’ll have a short scene with the students where you’ll say some pretty harsh words to them. Head back to the Dojo, and when you ask Ginryu what swords he wants this time, he’ll tell you that it’s free due to the incident with Heinosuke.
This ability is a great defensive skill where you can disarm the enemy from their weapon. You do this by getting into stance with /
and press
just as the attack is about to hit you. This has a chance to disarm the enemy, but it isn’t 100%. You’ll need to perform this three times against a bunch of Ginryu’s students who don’t appear to be too happy with you.
Here is where Rustling Leaves appears on the Ability Wheel.
Training 5 - Ash of Withered Branches¶
Bring an enemy who thinks he’s caught you off-guard to an unhappy realization. Consumes Heat.
Ash From Withered Branches can be learned in the final training session with Ginryu.
This training can only be accepted by talking to Ginryu with a Best (Gold) grade sword equipped and will be your final training.
Talk to Ginryu to start your final training, against the Master himself. You’ll need to defeat Ginryu with a Battle Ranking of Sharp or above to complete the training. As you’re fighting one vs one, choose the Swordsman style as that fares better in one vs one combat. Ginryu isn’t too tough, but he does have a four-hit combo that you’ll want to guard against. Start the fight by using your Rush Combo (,
) and finish of the combo with the various finishing blows. Throw in a few Lightning Glory’s, and Heat attacks and that should be enough to bring you above the Sharp Battle Ranking.
The Ash of Withered Branches ability is a great defensive ability that deals a lot of damage. When you’ve been attacking a group of enemies in the past, you may have gotten frustrated once or twice with enemies attacking you from behind. Well, now, you have this ability where a simple /
just as the enemy is about to backstab you will turn the tables, and counter them for huge damage. The only downside is you’ll need Heat to perform it.
Here is where Ash From Withered Branches appears on the Ability Wheel.
Wild Dancer Training¶
Training 1 - Dragon God Dance¶
A grand technique to lay waste to all around you with sword and sidearm. Consumes Heat.
Dragon God Dance is the Wild Dancer Style’s special move.
The first training you’ll learn for the Wild Dancer style is the special ability Dragon God Dance. This is a simple ability to perform as all you’ll need to do is hold down /
then release it. This performs better when you have more Heat, so only use it once you’ve charged some up.
Training 1 - Splendid Skill: Ghostly Wind¶
Extends the timing of parries, giving you more freedom. Your foes will lose their footing from this technique. Do not let them regain it.
Ghostly Wind can be learned in the first training session with Ginryu.
The next Wild Dancer ability you’ll learn is Splendid Skill: Ghostly Wind. This just gives you another way to avoid an attack by parrying the enemy. This can be performed by pressing /
just before the enemy is about to attack. The timing can be pretty tight, but you’ll want to time it just as the attack is about to hit you.
Here is where Ghostly Wind appears on the Ability Wheel.
Training 2 - Splendid Skill: Moonlit Sake¶
Strike an enemy after evading. However, by sacrificing poise, this attack does little damage on its own.
Moonlit Sake can be learned in the second training session with Ginryu.
This training requires you to have a Good (Blue) grade sword equipped before talking to Ginryu otherwise he won’t teach you your next set of training abilities. Don’t worry about losing the sword as he only wants to take a look at it.
The next Wild Dancer ability is Splendid Skill: Moonlit Sake. This is a simple evade, and attack skill. It does little damage, but it will add a bit of extra damage while you evade. You can perform this ability by pressing /
) when evading (
This training is different where you’ll have to win a battle against his students using one of the two styles while maintaining a battle rank of Solid or above. The best way to obtain it is by changing up your combos, so you’re not just repeating the same attacks all the time while trying to avoid as many attacks as possible by either guarding, parrying, or evading.
Here’s where Moonlit Sake is on the Ability Wheel.
Training 3 - Majestic Dispersal¶
Slash and shoot and spin about-a dynamic and versatile tool for the surrounded dancer. Consumes Heat.
Majestic Dispersal can be learned in the third training session with Ginryu.
Starting this training requires you to have a Great (Purple) grade weapon equipped before talking to Ginryu.
This is a fun ability. When you have Heat, walk up to a group of four or more enemies and press /
while holding in
. This will perform the special attack Majestic Dispersal which will spin around while slashing and shooting the enemies for massive amounts of damage.
Similar to the last training, but this time it will be against the Dojo’s star student Heinosuke (he sucks). You’ll need to finish the battle with a Battle Ranking of at least Sharp. The easiest way to do this is to take your time, and defeat the enemy by using different combos, finishing the fight undamaged, activating Heat Actions (try not to duplicate them), and finishing the battle with a special move. Once you defeat Heinosuke, he’ll leave you, and Ginryu in a strop due to being so bad at his craft. Ginryu will tell you that he needs to rest for a while, so you’ll need to leave for a bit.
Here’s where Majestic Dispersal is on the Ability Wheel.
Training 4 - Mirage of Shimmering Heat¶
Your enemies may come from every angle, but they will find you as easily as one finds a desert oasis. Consumes Heat.
Mirage of Shimmering Heat can be learned in the fourth training session with Ginryu.
After completing the Swordsman training, speak to Ginryu again, and you’ll have to defeat the students with a Battle Ranking of Sharp or above. As you’re fighting a group, choose the Wild Dancer style. Start the battle of with your ,
combo, then perform Heat attacks, and/or your Rush Combo. This should be enough to get you above Sharp.
The Mirage of Shimmering Heat ability allows you to deal with enemies who try to attack you from behind by simply pressing /
as the attack is about to hit you. This requires Heat though, so make sure you have some charged.
Here’s where Mirage of Shimmering Heat appears on the Ability Wheel.
Training 5 - Essence of Winged Flight¶
You are a dancer, and death is the stage upon which you soar. Consumes Heat.
Winged Flight can be learned in the final training session with Ginryu.
This training can only be accepted by talking to Ginryu with a Best (Gold) grade sword equipped and will be your final training.
Talk to Ginryu to start your final training, against the Master himself. You’ll need to defeat Ginryu with a Battle Ranking of Sharp or above to complete the training. As you’re fighting one vs one, choose the Swordsman style as that fares better in one vs one combat. Ginryu isn’t too tough, but he does have a four-hit combo that you’ll want to guard against. Start the fight by using your Rush Combo (,
) and finish of the combo with the various finishing blows. Throw in a few Lightning Glory’s, and Heat attacks and that should be enough to bring you above the Sharp Battle Ranking.
The Essence of Winged Flight ability is a stylistic ability that consumes Heat. Once your Heat has charged up, run at a distant foe, and press /
. Ryoma will throw his blade at the enemy and jump on its hilt to lift himself up. He’ll do a somersault and shoot the enemy. Not only does this attack look awesome, but it deals a fair amount of damage too.
Here’s where Winged Flight appears on the Ability Wheel.
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