This activity can be acquired from Andrew, the innkeeper at the Inn in the Glade. He wants you to hunt some fresh meat, the first batch being boar meat. There are boar hunting spots west, east and north of the Inn in the Glade, as seen on the maps below.
(1 of 3) The boar hunting spot west of the Inn in the Glade.
You should only need to kill one boar to acquire a sufficient amount of meat. Once you have enough, take it back to Andrew and ask about the next batch. This time he will ask you to hunt some hare meat. Hares can be found throughout the woods surrounding the Inn in the Glade. Once you have the meat, return to Andrew and accept the next task.
The third task requires that you hunt some roe deer meat. Roe deer are notoriously elusive, but your best chance of finding some are on the outskirts of the woods. They are particularly present along the outskirts of the woods west of Neuhof, but can also be found along the edges of the woods south of the Inn in the Glade, as seen below.
You will find roe deer darting in and out of the edges of the woods south of the Inn in the Glade. If you are having no luck, try the woods west of Neuhof.
With the roe deer meat handed in, the activity completes.
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