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How to Upgrade Weapons in Grounded

Craig Robinson
Paul McNally
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One of the important facets of survival games is crafting and upgrading your gear, base, and more so you can progress through the game’s harsh world. Grounded is no different, with the game sending you off to scavenge and collect goodies to improve your character. One of the ways it does that is by letting the player upgrade their favorite tools, armor, and weapons. In this guide, we teach you how to upgrade weapons in Grounded. Below you will find the best tips for crafting and upgrading Grounded weapons.

Here is a guide on how to upgrade weapons in Grounded

Upgrading Weapons in Grounded

The process for upgrading weapons is a long one, with several stages you need to know. This guide will go over the following:

  • Step 1: How to unlock the weapon upgrade feature
  • Step 2: Upgrading weapons from levels 1-5
  • Step 3: Upgrading weapons post level 5

Feel free to skip to the relevant heading that best matches your current situation.

How to Build a Smithing Station in Grounded: Step 1

To upgrade your weapons in Grounded, you must first unlock the building. Players will need to spend Raw Science on a technology called Smithing Station from a computer terminal. You will unlock this science once you complete the Mysterious Machine quest, and then unlock the Oak Tree Lab and meet BURGL. Once that’s done, head to a computer terminal, and buy the Smithing Station resource for 100 Raw Science.

Once you have the research, you can now build the Smithing Station. To do so, head into the crafting menu, then head to ‘Storage and Utilities’, which is the second blue bar in the menu. From there, scroll down to ‘Misc’ at the bottom and select the Smithing Station. You will need the following items to craft it:

The best place to go for the shards is the Old Anthill, which is the safest place to go and collect the shards you need once you complete the Oak Lab. If not, then you can find plenty in the Red Anthill when you get the Red Ant armor or the other surrounding caves you come across. Note you will need a "Pebblet Hammer" iconPebblet Hammer to whack the boulders to get the shards.

Anthill Map Marker
Red Anthill Northwest Grasslands
Old Anthill North Grasslands

As for the Crude Rope, you can handcraft them by getting plant fibers from the open world, and you can collect sap from wooden areas or through a sap collector you build in your base.

Once you have these items, you can now build the Smithing Station in your base and begin to upgrade Grounded’s weapons.

Upgrade early-level weapons in Grounded: Step 2

Now you have the Smithing Station set up, players can begin to upgrade weapons. The primary resource, at least early on, is the . To make this, you need to gather , or gather Sap and "Larva Spike" iconLarva Spikes. When you have these items, you can craft "Brittle Whetstone" iconBrittle Whetstones.

Making Brittle Whetstones

Here is an example of a Brittle Quartzite rock you can find in caves.

The best places to acquire Brittle Quartzite shards are typically in the lab’s storage rooms and in caves or Anthill areas. You can occasionally find them loose in the open world, such as around the Oak tree, at the bottom of the ponds, and in other such discrete locations.

If you’re looking to craft them, you can instead opt to kill the Larvae that spawn in the Larvae cave. You need to break the cave entrance by blowing the acorns up and then entering. You can also find some Quartz and Marble here too! If you’re better geared at later stages of the game, you can fight Infected Larvae near the haze, or kill "Ladybird" iconLadybird Larvae near the BBQ Grill in the end-game areas of the map.

Amount of Brittle Whetstones needed

Once you have the right materials, you can then proceed to upgrade your weapons. The number of Brittle Whetstones you need will then change depending on the level of the weapon.

Level "Brittle Whetstone" iconBrittle Whetstones needed
1 2xBrittle Whetstone
2 4xBrittle Whetstone
3 6xBrittle Whetstone
4 8xBrittle Whetstone
5 10xBrittle Whetstone

For early-level players, it is a grind to upgrade your weapon early on. However, you will naturally find plenty of Brittle Quartzites as you play through the game, so you can easily upgrade your weapons the more you naturally explore and complete the labs.

Upgrade weapons post level 5 in Grounded: Step 3

Once you get a weapon to level 5, you then get several choices of what type of weapon you want to make a weapon. These effects are:

  • Fresh
  • Mighty
  • Salty
  • Sour
  • Spicy

Each one adds extra factors to the weapons. Mighty is your standard raw strength and durability option, while the other four options add an extra damage type to the weapon. This is important, as enemies in the game have weaknesses in different elements, making it easier to fight some of the harder enemies in the game.

If you wish to upgrade a weapon, you are forced to choose for it. Depending on which route you choose, you will then need to make the corresponding elemental globs for levels 6 and 7, and then jewels for 8 and 9.

Here is a table referencing what to expect from the resource requirements for weapon upgrades post-level 5.

Level Globs or Jewels needed
6 5 Globs Mighty Glob for your chosen weapon type
7 10 Globs Mighty Glob per chosen weapon type
8 5 Jewels Mighty Jewel per chosen weapon type
9 10 Jewels Mighty Jewel per chosen weapon type
Globs and Jewels Required resources
Might GlobMighty Glob 2x "Sturdy Whetstone" iconSturdy WhetstonesSturdy Whetstone
"Mighty Jewel" iconMighty JewelMighty Jewel 2x Supreme WhetsonesSupreme Whetstone, 1x "Twinkling Shell" iconTwinkling Shell Twinkling Shell
"Mint Glob" iconMint GlobMighty Glob 2x "Mint Shard" iconMint ShardsMint Shard, 1x "Sturdy Whetstone" iconSturdy WhetstoneSturdy Whetstone
"Mint Jewel" iconMint JewelMint Jewel 2x "Mint Shard" iconMint ShardMint Shard, 1x "Twinkling Shell" iconTwinkling ShellTwinkling Shell, 1x "Supreme Whetstone" iconSupreme Whetstone Supreme Whetstone
"Salt Glob" iconSalt GlobSalt Glob 3x "Salt Shard" iconSalt ShardSalt Shard, 1x "Sturdy Whetstone" iconSturdy WhetstoneSturdy Whetstone
Salt JewelSalty Jewel 3x "Salt Shard" iconSalt ShardSalt Shard, 1x "Twinkling Shell" iconTwinkling ShellTwinkling Shell, 1x "Supreme Whetstone" iconSupreme Whetstone Supreme Whetstone
"Spicy Glob" iconSpicy GlobSpicy Glob 2x "Spicy Shard" iconSpicy ShardSpicy Shard, 1x "Sturdy Whetstone" iconSturdy WhetstoneSturdy Whetstone
"Spicy Jewel" iconSpicy JewelSpicy Jewel 2x "Spicy Shard" iconSpicy ShardSpicy Shard, 1x "Twinkling Shell" iconTwinkling ShellTwinkling Shell, 1x "Supreme Whetstone" iconSupreme Whetstone Supreme Whetstone
"Sour Glob" iconSour GlobSour Glob 2x "Sour Lump" iconSour LumpSour Lump, 1x "Sturdy Whetstone" iconSturdy WhetstoneSturdy Whetstone
"Sour Jewel" iconSour JewelSour Jewel 2x "Sour Lump" iconSour LumpSour Lump, 1x "Twinkling Shell" iconTwinkling ShellTwinkling Shell, 1x "Supreme Whetstone" iconSupreme Whetstone Supreme Whetstone.

Acquirig the crafting resources for Jewels and Globs

Here is an example of what Sturdy Quartzite looks like in the game.

For a quick reference, "Sturdy Whetstone" iconSturdy Whetstones require , which come from the T2 Quartz, often found in more dangerous caves around the Pond, Haze, Hedge and Upper Yard. This is the same for the "Supreme Whetstone" iconSupreme Whetstones, which require the T3 Supreme Quartz resource, and is often found alongside some T2 Quartz deposits.

It is also possible to craft the Whetstones using animal parts, but that requires killing tough enemies such as the Black Ox Beetle and Ladybirds. Both of these enemies spawn near and in the Shed at the top left of the map. When you get to that stage, you can also get the flavored shards more reliably from digging treasures in the Sandbox. Moreso, you can occasionally find Mints in the open world and caves, while Sour comes from wormholes found in more advanced areas of the map.

The other item in the table is the "Twinkling Shell" iconTwinkling Shell. These come from the Scarabs you can see glinting in the light in the Upper Yard. You can find them easily around the BBQ Spill as they stand out the most. But rest assured they are all over the upper yard.

Unlocking the post-level 5 weapon upgrade research

However, to begin creating elemental or mighty weapons, you will need to get the relevant research unlocked at level 5, and then again at level 8. You will also need to build an Oven, which requires its own research and burgl unlock. Here are the following research and the main story progression you need to reach to get the relevant technology.

Requirements Burgle Chip location Research after getting the chip Raw Science Cost
"Mighty Glob" iconMighty Glob Black Anthill Lab Advanced Smithing: "Mighty Glob" iconMighty Glob 2500
"Mighty Jewel" iconMighty Jewel Stump Lab Outpost Advanced Smithing: Flavoured Globs 2500
Elemental Globs Sandbox Lab Outpost Advanced Smithing: Flavored Globs 2500
Elemental Jewels Sump Lab Outpost Advanced Smithing: Flavoured Jewels 2500
Oven Haze Lab Advanced Production: Buildings 2500

And there you have it, you now know how to upgrade weapons in Grounded from levels 1-9, and have an idea of how to get the materials for it. Feel free to check out our map and find the Quartz and other relevant animals you need to help you farm the resources you need to upgrade weapons in Grounded.

Latest changes to combat in 2023 update

Obsidian implemented some key adjustments to Grounded’s difficulty modes to fine-tune the gameplay experience. In Medium Mode, all enemy damage has been reduced by 10% and pets are now invincible.

In Whoa Mode, player damage has been increased, alongside building health and item durability. Durability penalty on death is more severe, creatures are beefier, and the time of day speed is slowing down a bit. Taking fall damage is now more dangerous and all of your items will drop on death.

Creative mode now has all mutations unlocked and fully yoked, and pets are also invincible.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Microsoft Game Studios
  • Platforms,
    PC, Steam, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    25 September 2022
  • Last Updated
    21 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Grounded is a survival game published by Oblivion Entertainment. It has been in early access since July 2020, and was fully released on September 27th, 2022.

In this guide, you’ll find information on all essential aspects of the game:

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