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Chipsleuth - Grave Robbery BURG.L Chip

Scott Peers
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This page details everything you need to know about where to find the Grave Robbery BURG.L Chip during the Chipsleuth quest, which can be acquired from an ASL Terminal after speaking with the robot named BURG.L in the Oak Lab. We’ll cover how to enter the Red Anthill without being attacked by soldier ants, and the exact location of the chip within the nest. We’ll also discuss the rewards that you receive for completing this quest in the form of new purchases available at the Science Shop from ASL Terminals.

Where to Find the Grave Robbery BURG.L Chip

The Grave Robbery BURG.L Chip is located inside the nest at the Red Anthill, which itself is located on the western side of the lower yard, as shown in the screenshot below. If you’ve already completed the Explorer - Red Anthill trail marker there, you can just follow the icon on your HUD. Otherwise, the map below will bring you to the exact location.

(1 of 2) The location of the Red Anthill in the western part of the lower yard.

The location of the Red Anthill in the western part of the lower yard. (left), You can enter the nest of the Red Anthill from the mound entrance here. (right)

It’s important to note that in order to travel through the Red Anthill nest safely, you’ll need to have the following armor pieces:

It’s worth crafting these and wearing them to trigger the set bonus, which makes Red Ants see you as one of them so that they ignore you as you walk near them. Keep in mind that they will still become hostile if you attack them, but otherwise you’ll be completely safe from the soldier ants inside the nest.

How to Find the Chip in the Red Anthill

To reach the Grave Robbery BURG.L Chip within the Red Anthill, you’ll need to travel down the tunnel and keep going until you see a split path, where you’ll find one tunnel to your left and another directly ahead. Take the path directly ahead and follow it down until you enter a chamber with larger roots growing through it. Take the left turn here and follow the tunnel with red foliage surrounding its entrance. You’ll soon come across a pink blob which will provide you with 500 Raw Science. Immediately in front of you after this you’ll see another chamber, with a drop through a hole in front of you. Drop down here to find the chip in the chamber below.

If you’re still struggling to find the chip, see the gif below which demonstrates exactly where to find it.

Grave Robbery BURG.L Chip Rewards

You should note that every tunnel in the Red Anthill is connected to another in some way, so it’s difficult to get lost. Once you have the chip, it’s worth exploring the rest of the tunnels before you return to BURG.L at the Oak Lab. However, when you’re ready go back to BURG.L and speak with him to provide him with the new chip. You will now have access to the following new rewards:


The recipe for the Canteen+ can now be purchased from the Science Shop for 1500 Raw Science at an ASL Terminal. This will replace the recipe for the old canteen, and it will require 3 Bug Hides and 2 Crude Rope to craft. The Canteen+ allows you to store 4 scoops of liquid instead of the 2 from the normal canteen.

Fiber Bandage Efficiency

The Fiber Bandage Efficiency recipe can now be purchased from the Science Shop for 1500 Raw Science at an ASL Terminal. The main advantage of this recipe is that you will now only need 1 Plant Fiber and 1 Sap to produce one Fiber Bandage, making the recipe much more efficient. Unfortunately it doesn’t improve the amount of health initially restored, or the amount replenished over time.

Buff Lungs

The last reward for obtaining the Grave Robbery chip is a new Mutation called Buff Lungs. This can also be purchased from the Science Shop at an ASL Terminal for 3000 Raw Science, and it effectively provides you with a stamina buff by increasing its stat by +50. This is easily one of the most useful mutations to be using early on in the game, so we highly recommend purchasing this and activating the mutation as soon as possible.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Microsoft Game Studios
  • Platforms,
    PC, Steam, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    25 September 2022
  • Last Updated
    21 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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