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A Grounded Pets Guide to Taming and Housing

Craig Robinson
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The lawn is tough for little people like yourself. You’ll need to get yourself weapons, armor, and other goodies to survive it. But, if you don’t want to do it alone, players can get themselves little pets, to accompany them on their travels. Here is everything you need to know about Grounded pets, including how to tame and train your little pals.

Home sweet home, big weeve.

How to Tame Pts in Grounded

The first thing you need to know is that there are only three pets you can tame in Grounded as of the 1.0 update, which are the "Gnat" iconGnat, "Aphid" iconAphid, and "Weevil" iconWeevil. To tame these, though, you need to complete two major steps. These are:

  • Build a Pet House
  • Feed a Potential pet

Building a Pet House requires the player to unlock a few things first. Players will need to complete the Haze Lab, and get the Haze Lab BURGL Chip. Once that’s done, you can buy Advanced Production: Buildings research for 2500 Raw Science from a computer terminal in the Oak Lab or the Field Stations on the map. Upon unlocking that research you are now eligible to create "Mushroom Brick" iconMushroom Bricks, which you need to build a Pet House, and "Mushroom Slurry" iconMushroom Slurry, which is Weevil food.

Once that’s done. the ingredients required to build a Pet House are as follows:

Feeding the Pet

Now you have the pet house built, you can then create slurries, which are pet food you can use to tame a pet in Grounded. Each pet has a favourite food that they will love. This increases the pet’s happiness and makes the creature more likely to become loyal to you.

Players will need to construct a Grinder in their base to make Slurries. Each of these recipes requires one plant fibre, mushroom, or spoiled meat to craft The mushroom Slurry can be crafted at x6 and x10 rates, which require either a "Toadstool Chunk" iconToadstool Chunk or "Mushroom Chunk" iconMushroom Chunk to create.

Taming a pet in the wild

They sure love the mushroom slurry.

Once you have your food, run around the Grasslands area, especially if you’re looking for a Weevil or Aphid pet. If you want a Gnat, plenty are floating around the light to the south of the Oak Tree.

Once you’ve found your newfound buddy, you can drop some food by placing it in your hot bar and then pressing the drop button. The nearby critter(s) will notice it and start eating it. Make sure to bring a few just in case there’s quite a lot nearby, as they will all eat it. You can tell one is tame by looking at it, as the critter will have a love heart next to it.

Now you have a critter with a love heart symbol thats pops up as you stand beside and look at it, head back to your base and interact with your Pet House. A new pop-up will reveal itself at the bottom, saying pet detected. Press the relevant button on screen, and you’ll get an action camera of your new pet moving over to the Pet House to settle in. It should safely path back to your base, finding a route into your house, even if it’s akward to get to it.

Pet armor in Grounded

Once the pet is settled in the Pet House, you can then manage your pet. It will show its inventory, the option to rename your pet, and even equip attire on your pet

There are currently four items you can craft for your pet, which are:

The Helms require the head of a relevant coloured fire ant, along with some "Mite Fuzz" iconMite Fuzz. Players can get Mite Fuzz by killing "Lawn Mite" iconLawn Mites. Meanwhile, you can get ant heads by killing the relevant ant. You can find Red ants in the grasslands by the Red Anthill, Black Ants via the Balck Anthill in the Sandbox / Trash Heap. Meanwhile, Fire Ats are found near the Lawnmower Anthill in the top right of the map in the Upper Grasslands.

The Googles, on the other hand, only require "Grub Hide" iconGrub Hide, which you can get by digging up "Grub" iconGrubs from their burrowed movement near the Oak Tree using a shovel.

Note that each tier of the helmet provides 2 bars of defence per tier, and increases resistance by 25% per tier.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Microsoft Game Studios
  • Platforms,
    PC, Steam, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    25 September 2022
  • Last Updated
    21 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Grounded is a survival game published by Oblivion Entertainment. It has been in early access since July 2020, and was fully released on September 27th, 2022.

In this guide, you’ll find information on all essential aspects of the game:

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