Legend | Reward |
Moderate Increase | +2 Gold, Technique Point |
Recover Sashimono Banners¶
Make your way northwest from Jogaku Temple, along the edge, and you’ll eventually reach General Dogshin’s Stronghold, this is arguably the largest Outpost in the game.
As such, your main objectives here are to recover the Sashimono Banners, Defeat the Hwacha Operators before taking on General Dogshin himself. Due to the size of the Stronghold, there are so many ways you can go about approaching this but consider dropping down from the cliffs to the southeast, this will get you close to those deadly Hwacha Operators. You’ll find a group of five Mongols here and you can dispatch them with a Chain Assassination followed by a quick Kunai throw.
(1 of 2) This is a good location to drop down from, taking out an initial 5 Mongols
This is a good location to drop down from, taking out an initial 5 Mongols (left), this allows you to reach a Hwacha and cause chaos if you wish. (right)
From here, you can head along the southern edge to find another five Mongols protecting the first Hwacha, once again the Chain Assassination is useful here. At this point you can choose to continue the stealth approach or go for chaos, using the Hwacha to take on groups of enemies. This is the quickest route through the Stronghold although do note that you will eventually run out of arrows on the Hwacha.
Regardless of your choice, drop down to claim a Sashimono Banner and then head west to deal with all of the Mongols in the lower camps here. From here, it’s an easy path up the western side of the camp for easy takedowns and eventually you’ll reach the upper camps where you can use the same tactics as before on the lower camps. Once you reach the northeast, you’ll see a small path leading high up the mountainside, follow this and you’ll find the last enemies to defeat if you’ve been exploring the lower and upper camps properly. Once you have all the Banners, destroy the black power cache to draw out General Dogshin.
General Dogshin is another Mongol that has a shield, meaning you’ll want to switch to Water Stance for this battle. You’ll want to enter the battle with Ghost Stance as always so you can deal a large chunk of damage from the outset and then focus on countering the General’s attacks. Dogshin is a lot quicker than the General at the other Stronghold in Kamiagata and as such, you’ll need to dodge a lot of his red unblockable Shield Bashes, looking out to dodge his follow up swipe too. He will however have the same exploitable downward slash that you should look to perfect parry. Along with the usual rewards for clearing this Outpost, you’ll also obtain a Piece of Mongol Armor needed for the Fit for the Khan Tale.
(1 of 2) Beware of Dogshin’s deadly Shield Bash
Beware of Dogshin’s deadly Shield Bash (left), look to exploit his slow downward strike. (right)
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