This is one of two available Mythic Tales in the Iki Island Expansion for Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut. This tale focuses on the Sakai Horse Armor that once belonged to Jin’s father, Kazumasa Saki.
The Legacy of Kazumasa Sakai is a Mythic Tale in the Iki Island Expansion.
Sneak into the camp to hear the rest of the story¶
This Mythic Tale won’t show on the map until you get close to the starting point so make your way to Zasho Bay, found along the eastern coast of Iki Island, northeast from Senjo Gorge. As you reach the area, ensure you’re not wearing the Sakai Armor and then head over to the Storyteller to begin the Tale.
After hearing the beginning of the Tale, one that Jin claims is fabricated, you’ll need to find another way back in to try and hear the rest of the story with regards to the horse armor. Look to the left of the entrance and head under the ship to find and wait for the other villagers to move before heading to the objective marker to eavesdrop, being seen will see you having to repeat the steps from outside the ship.
(1 of 2) You can start this Mythic Tale at Zasho Bay, along the eastern coast
You can start this Mythic Tale at Zasho Bay, along the eastern coast (left), once you get thrown out, sneak back in here to hear the rest of the tale. (right)
Find the horse armor of Kazumasa Sakai¶
With the location of the Horse Armor now known, leave the ship the way you entered and head for the marker nearby. You’ll be able to scale the nearby cliff and at the top, leap toward the broken masts to use your grapple to swing across to land on a long rope, continue along this to the end and drop down to the rocky platform below.
From here, make your way onto the next wooden beam and drop to the next rocky platform and you’ll spot more broken masts up ahead. Ignore these and instead look to the left where you’ll be able to head down to a boat, do so and pull down the mast with your grapple before returning to the previous rocky platform. With the mast in the new position, you can now use this to grapple across over to the next platform and follow the next path to another wooden beam you can use to cross.
The wooden beam will give way and you’ll fall into the water below but if you look carefully, you’ll see an opening you can swim through. Do so and you’ll notice on the left is another grapple point, use it and then climb onto the boat and follow it to the next rocky platform. Head across the wooden beam and grapple across to the next pool of water to use your grapple on another boat and then swim through the next two gaps to return to the last boat you pulled down and reach the previous rocky platform.
You can now use the grapple again to swing across multiple masts and reach a large ship. There’s another grapple point you can use here on the mast, this will pull it down and create a bridge across. Follow this and the ropes that follow to reach a mossy a mossy platform where you can jump and grapple over to another. From here, leap up to the rope and cross it to two more mossy platforms that will lead you to a rocky platform.
Drop into the water here and head along to the edge to find a path leading up and around to another rope you can cross. Wait for the tide to pass and leap to the mossy platform before using your grapple on the hold of the wrecked ship above where you’ll finally reach the horse armor you were searching for.
Defeat the Mongols¶
Jin will automatically make his way back to the shore and strap the armor to his horse as a group of Mongols attack the Survivor’s Camp. With the Sakai Armor equipped to your horse, the damage of the Horse Charge is increased and now is the perfect time to put it to use. Run down the Mongols and finish off any that survive before speaking to the survivors to bring this Mythic Tale to an end.
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