Legend | Reward |
Minor Increase | Minor Defence Charm, +4 Leather |
Free the Village Elders / Open the Gates¶
Upon completing the [The Broken Blacksmith] Tale, return to Azamo Bay and speak with the Peasants outside the gate to begin Tale. Head through the gap in the wall and open the gate, then sneak through the tall grass on the left to reach the Leader without being seen.
Quickly take him down, then climb up onto the roofs and head towards the far building on the right whilst taking out any nearby enemies with your Bow. Drop into the building and rescue the first Elder, then climb back up and continue following the buildings around to find the first gate.
(1 of 4) Use the Roofs to take down the enemies
Open it and free the villagers from the cages, then head into the next building ahead and rescue the next Elder from the second floor. From here, head towards the stairs to free the last of the villagers, then continue following the path along and take out the next Mongol Leader from above, now head through the building on the right and take out the final Leader.
Continue to hug the right wall until you find the next gate, then open it and through the large open area to locate the last Elder. Finally, return to the open area to initiate a Duel against Hanrunori.
Duel: Hanrunori¶
Begin this battle, by putting yourself in the Water Stance, as it’s the most effective option against Shield Enemies. Now sit back and wait for an opportunity to counter, then strike three times before getting back.
(1 of 2) Counter Hanrunori’s attack to get a couple hits in
Counter Hanrunori’s attack to get a couple hits in (left), then dodge out of the way when you see the red marker. (right)
However, make sure to dodge the Unblockable Attacks (Red Marker), as these will do some serious damage if you get hit by them.
Upon defeating Hanrunori, head over to the banners and raise them to complete the Tale.
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