This Tale begins immediately following the completion of The Eagle’s Cry on Iki Island in Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut. This tale focuses on Jin’s encounters with the raider, Tenzo.
The A Raider’s Return Tale begins following the end of The Eagle’s Cry.
Travel with Tenzo to meet the Raiders¶
This Tale will be automatically added to your Journal following the events of The Eagle’s Cry, in which Jin met the raider, Tenzo. He’s instructed Jin to meet him at an abandoned village and you’ll need to head there to begin your journey back to his camp. Open the map and plot a course west from your current location, through Lone Spirit Falls, and you’ll eventually reach the abandoned village that Tenzo mentioned, with him nearby with his horse.
Head on over and speak with him to begin the Tale and Tenzo will agree to take you to an old Raider stronghold. Mount your horse and follow him while discussing the current state of affairs and you’ll happen upon a group of Mongols. If you’ve unlocked all the Stand-Off Techniques, it’s not a bad idea to make use of it here, you can cut down many of your foes and Tenzo will then join the battle to finish them off. Once the main group has been dispatched, two further Mongols can be found near the entrance itself, a Chain Assassination will make quick work of them.
With the entrance blocked, and another vision with the Eagle, you’ll decide with Tenzo to find an alternate route to the stronghold. Be sure to loot the camp for supplies and then follow Tenzo once more. As you head down the cliffside’s winding paths, you’ll come to a gap, use the Grapple to pull it down and continue along the path with Tenzo. You’ll reach another bridge only, this time, once you attempt to pull it down, you won’t get the desired effect.
(1 of 2) Consider starting this encounter with a Stand-Off
Consider starting this encounter with a Stand-Off (left), then use an Explosive Arrow to deal with the Shaman at the back. (right)
Find a way down the cliffs¶
You’ll need to find an alternate route down the cliffs, turn around and look to where Tenzo is facing, you’ll spot some logs you can walk out to and then you’ll be able to leap over to the cliff itself. Head up the cliff now and then begin heading left to fall to the logs below, from here it’s just a short leap over to the other side of the gap where you can untie the rope to allow Tenzo across.
Continue your descent as you witness another raider ship fall victim to the nearby Mongol warship. Head to the bottom, loot some resources and then use your grapple against the wood stacked on the wall to open the entrance. More resources await you through this narrow passage and once you reach the other side, Jin will suffer another vision before you reach the gate. Help Tenzo with opening it and after the initial suspicion, follow Tenzo to the large building at the back to trigger a scene and end the Tale.
(1 of 2) Head out to the log and look to the cliff to find a path across
Head out to the log and look to the cliff to find a path across (left), once you begin scaling to the left, you’ll drop down to this log. (right)
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