There’s a total of 59 Pieces of Vanity Gear to find throughout Tsushima, but 39 of those can be acquired through Haiku and Pillar’s of Honour.
Healer’s Headband - North of Akashima Village¶
(1 of 2) Head North of Akashima Village to find a building
Head North of Akashima Village to find a building (left), then climb to the 2F to acquire the Headband. (right)
Head North of Akashima Village to find a building, then climb up to the 2F to find the Healer’s Headband.
Wood Spirit Staw Hat - Southwest of Firefly Marsh¶
(1 of 2) Head Southwest of Firefly Marsh
Head Southwest of Firefly Marsh (left), to find the Wood Spirit Staw Hat in the center of a pond. (right)
Head Southwest of Firefly Marsh to find the Wood Spirit Staw Hat in the center of a pond.
Toyotama Straw Hat - Southeast of Yoshinaka Bay¶
(1 of 2) Head Southeast of Yoshinaka Bay
Head Southeast of Yoshinaka Bay (left), to find the Toyotama Straw Hat sitting by the cliff edge. (right)
Head Southeast of Yoshinaka Bay to find the Toyotama Straw Hat sitting by the cliff edge.
Plum Blossom Headband - Kushi Temple¶
(1 of 2) Head to Kushi Temple
Head to Kushi Temple (left), and climb to the top with the assistance of your Grappling Hook to acquire Headband. (right)
Head to Kushi Temple and climb to the top with the assistance of your Grappling Hook to acquire Headband.
Riverbed Straw Hat - North of Kushi Temple¶
(1 of 2) Head North of Kushi Temple to find a small destroyed building
Head North of Kushi Temple to find a small destroyed building (left), then climb up on top to acquire the Hat. (right)
Head North of Kushi Temple to find a small destroyed building, then climb up on top to acquire the Hat.
Band of the Second Son - Omi Monastery¶
(1 of 2) Head to the Omi Monastery,
Head to the Omi Monastery, (left), then climb to the top with the assistance of your Grappling Hook to acquire Headband. (right)
Head to the Omi Monastery, then climb to the top with the assistance of your Grappling Hook to acquire Headband.
Gyozen’s Blindfold - East of Fort Koyasan¶
(1 of 2) Head East of Fort Koyasan to find a tower,
Head East of Fort Koyasan to find a tower, (left), then climb to the top to acquire the Headband. (right)
Head East of Fort Koyasan to find a tower, then climb to the top to acquire the Headband.
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