Record #1 - Akashima Village (Entrance)¶
(1 of 2) Head to Akashima Village
Head to Akashima Village (left), and go inside the first building to the right of the entrance to find this Record. (right)
Head to Akashima Village and go inside the first building to the right of the entrance to find this Record.
Record #2 - Akashima Village (East Side)¶
(1 of 2) Head to Akashima Village
Head to Akashima Village (left), and then go inside the second building to the right of the entrance to find this Record. (right)
Head to Akashima Village and then go inside the second building to the right of the entrance to find this Record.
Record #3 - Akashima Village (Northeast Side)¶
(1 of 2) Head to Akashima Village
Head to Akashima Village (left), and then go into the hut located to the northeast of the village for the Record. (right)
Head to Akashima Village and then go into the hut located to the northeast of the village for the Record.
Record #4 - Akashima Village (North)¶
(1 of 2) Head to Akashima Village
Head to Akashima Village (left), and then enter the building to the north of the area to find this Record. (right)
Head to Akashima Village and then enter the building to the north of the area to find this Record.
Record #5 - Numata Settlement¶
(1 of 2) Head to the Numata Settlement,
Head to the Numata Settlement, (left), then go into the hut to the north of the area to find this Record. (right)
Head to the Numata Settlement, then go into the hut to the north of the area to find this Record.
Record #6 - Umugi Cove (South)¶
(1 of 2) Head to Umugi Cove
Head to Umugi Cove (left), then go into the first building on the left to find this Record. (right)
Head to Umugi Cove, then go into the first building on the left to find this Record.
Record #7 - Umugi Cove (Raised Area)¶
(1 of 2) Head to Umugi Cove.
Head to Umugi Cove. (left), then climb up and go into the first building on the right to find this Record. (right)
Head to Umugi Cove. then climb up and go into the first building on the right to find this Record.
Record #8 - Umugi Cove (Northwest Part)¶
(1 of 2) Head to Umugi Cove,
Head to Umugi Cove, (left), then go into the small hut out in the open to find this Record. (right)
Head to Umugi Cove, then go into the small hut out in the open to find this Record.
Record #9 - Fort Imai¶
(1 of 2) Head to Fort Imai via the front entrance,
Head to Fort Imai via the front entrance, (left), then go into the building straight ahead to find this Record. (right)
Head to Fort Imai via the front entrance, then go into the building straight ahead to find this Record.
Record #10 - Yarikawa Stronghold (Watchtower)¶
(1 of 2) Head to Yarikawa Stronghold
Head to Yarikawa Stronghold (left), and then climb up the left Watchtower to find this Record. (right)
Head to Yarikawa Stronghold and then climb up the left Watchtower to find this Record.
Record #11 - Yarikawa Stronghold (Swordsmith’s Hut)¶
(1 of 2) Head to Yarikawa Stronghold,
Head to Yarikawa Stronghold, (left), then go inside the hut behind the Swordsmith to find this Record. (right)
Head to Yarikawa Stronghold, then go inside the hut behind the Swordsmith to find this Record.
Record #12 - Yarikawa Stronghold (Keep)¶
(1 of 2) Head to Yarikawa Stronghold,
Head to Yarikawa Stronghold, (left), then climb up to the top floor of the keep to find this Record. (right)
Head to Yarikawa Stronghold, then climb up to the top floor of the keep to find this Record.
Record #13 - Kishibe Village¶
(1 of 2) Head to Kishibe Village via the bridge, then take a right to find some buildings.
Head to Kishibe Village via the bridge, then take a right to find some buildings. (left), Now go into the final one on the left to find this Record. (right)
Head to Kishibe Village via the bridge, then take a right to find some buildings. Now go into the final one on the left to find this Record.
Record #14 - Omi Village (Sakai’s Home)¶
(1 of 2) Head to Omi Village,
Head to Omi Village, (left), then go inside the Sakai’s Home to find this Record on the floor. (right)
Head to Omi Village, then go inside the Sakai’s Home to find this Record on the floor.
Record #15 - Omi Village (East Side)¶
(1 of 2) Head to Omo Village,
Head to Omo Village, (left), then hug the right path after you pass the stairs to the Sakai Home and enter the final building to find this Record. . (right)
Head to Omi Village, then hug the right path after you pass the stairs to the Sakai Home and enter the final building to find this Record.
Record #16 - Omi Village (Southwest Side)¶
(1 of 2) Head to the stairs of the Sakai Home in Omi Village, then follow the path down until you see another past a small bridge.
Head to the stairs of the Sakai Home in Omi Village, then follow the path down until you see another past a small bridge. (left), Proceed inside, then climb up to the 2F to find this Record. (right)
Head to the stairs of the Sakai Home in Omi Village, then follow the path down until you see another building past a small bridge. Proceed inside, then climb up to the 2F to find this Record.
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