Updated Title Publisher
Updated Title Publisher
Updated Title
Published Title Score Editor's Choice Publisher
Published Title Publisher
Icon Color Key
Icon Title In-game Description Detailed Location Screenshots Related Persons of Interest Related Lay of the Land Related Mysteries of the Realm Related Bestiary Affiliation Flag/Banner Related Topics
Item icon

A sleepy settlement nestled amongst the lofty peaks of southern…

"The Grand Duchy of Rosaria" iconThe Grand Duchy of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Hawk's Cry Cliff" iconHawk's Cry Cliff The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Item icon

Though slightly smaller than her sister to the west, the eastern…

"Adamantite" iconAdamantite Mysteries of the Realm
"Behemoths" iconBehemoths The Bestiary
"Drake's Horn" iconDrake's Horn Lay of the Land
"Eistla" iconEistla The Kingdom of Waloed
"Orcs" iconOrcs The Bestiary
"Stonhyrr" iconStonhyrr The Kingdom of Waloed
"Thalan" iconThalan The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Continent" iconThe Continent Lay of the Land
"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Shadow Coast" iconThe Shadow Coast The Kingdom of Waloed
"Veldermarke" iconVeldermarke The Kingdom of Waloed
Item icon
Auldhyl Docks

A once thriving village of shipwrights located at the mouth of…

"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"The Cullings" iconThe Cullings Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon
Balmung Dark

A colosseum-like prison located immediately north of Ravenwit…

"Dorys" iconDorys Persons of Interest
"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"Bearer" iconBearer Mysteries of the Realm
The Kingdom of Waloed

The Kingdom of Waloed
Icon for <span>The Kingdom of Waloed</span>

"Ravenwit Walls" iconRavenwit Walls The Kingdom of Waloed
Item icon

Those who make their coin by stealing from others— or from their…

"Gerulf" iconGerulf Persons of Interest
"Ferda" iconFerda Persons of Interest
"Gerulf" iconGerulf Persons of Interest
"Konrad" iconKonrad Persons of Interest
"Natalie" iconNatalie Persons of Interest
Item icon
Belenus Tor

Named for the highest of its “peaks,” Sanbreque’s Belenus Tor…

"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Odin" iconOdin Eikons
"Bahamut" iconBahamut Eikons
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Barnabas Tharmr" iconBarnabas Tharmr Persons of Interest
"The Battle of Belenus Tor" iconThe Battle of Belenus Tor The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Item icon

A lake in the Blighted lands on the southern edge of the former…

"Airship" iconAirship Mysteries of the Realm
"The Deadlands" iconThe Deadlands Mysteries of the Realm
"Airship" iconAirship Mysteries of the Realm
"Obolus" iconObolus Persons of Interest
"The Hideaway" iconThe Hideaway Lay of the Land
Item icon
Bewit Bridge

A bridge built in the golden days of the duchy that spans part…

"Elwin Rosfield" iconElwin Rosfield Persons of Interest
"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

Item icon

Basic Information A busy market town situated on the northeastern…

"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Isles of Ark" iconThe Isles of Ark Crystalline Dominion
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"Dzemekys Falls" iconDzemekys Falls The Dhalmekian Republic
"Laetny's Cleft" iconLaetny's Cleft The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Cast Stones" iconThe Cast Stones The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Crimson Caravans" iconThe Crimson Caravans The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Silverpeak Consortium" iconThe Silverpeak Consortium The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Sins of Dzemekys" iconThe Sins of Dzemekys Lay of the Land
Item icon
Caer Norvent

An imperial stronghold located along the southern fringes of…

South Sanbreque.

"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"A Man Named "Margrace"" iconA Man Named "Margrace" Persons of Interest
"Attendant to Margrace" iconAttendant to Margrace Persons of Interest
"Benedikta Harman" iconBenedikta Harman Persons of Interest
"Gerulf" iconGerulf Persons of Interest
"Glorieuse" iconGlorieuse The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Margrace" iconMargrace Persons of Interest
"Norvent Valley" iconNorvent Valley The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Dragon's Aery" iconThe Dragon's Aery The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The High Cardinal" iconThe High Cardinal Persons of Interest
"The Hooded Man" iconThe Hooded Man Persons of Interest
"The Royal Intelligencers" iconThe Royal Intelligencers The Kingdom of Waloed
Item icon
Castle Dazbog

A castle built within the dome-like mountain that contains Drake’s…

"Hugo Kupka" iconHugo Kupka Persons of Interest
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"Titan" iconTitan Eikons
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"Drake's Fang" iconDrake's Fang The Dhalmekian Republic
"Drake's Fang" iconDrake's Fang The Dhalmekian Republic
"Hugo Kupka" iconHugo Kupka Persons of Interest
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
Item icon
Cid's Hideaway

Basic Information A refuge hidden in the Blighted lands of central…

In the central part of the Storm continent, nestled in Fallen…

"Cidolfus Telamon" iconCidolfus Telamon Persons of Interest
"The Fall of the Hideaway" iconThe Fall of the Hideaway Lay of the Land
"The Liberation of Bearers" iconThe Liberation of Bearers Mysteries of the Realm
"Arete Stone" iconArete Stone Mysteries of the Realm
"Bard" iconBard Mysteries of the Realm
"Blackthorne" iconBlackthorne Persons of Interest
"Charon" iconCharon Persons of Interest
"Cidolfus Telamon" iconCidolfus Telamon Persons of Interest
"Clive Rosfield" iconClive Rosfield Persons of Interest
"Gav" iconGav Persons of Interest
"Goetz" iconGoetz Persons of Interest
"Harpocrates II Hyperboreos" iconHarpocrates II Hyperboreos Persons of Interest
"Jill Warrick" iconJill Warrick Persons of Interest
"Kenneth" iconKenneth Persons of Interest
"Nektar" iconNektar Persons of Interest
"Orchestrion" iconOrchestrion Mysteries of the Realm
"Otto" iconOtto Persons of Interest
"Ramuh" iconRamuh Eikons
"Tarja" iconTarja Persons of Interest
"The Fall of the Hideaway" iconThe Fall of the Hideaway Lay of the Land
"The Fallen" iconThe Fallen Mysteries of the Realm
"The Liberation of Bearers" iconThe Liberation of Bearers Mysteries of the Realm
"Torgal" iconTorgal Persons of Interest
Item icon
Creag Loisgte

The capital city of Haearann, or the Iron Kingdom, located on…

"The Iron Kingdom" iconThe Iron Kingdom The Iron Kingdom
"The Crystalline Orthodox" iconThe Crystalline Orthodox The Iron Kingdom
The Iron Kingdom

The Iron Kingdom
Icon for <span>The Iron Kingdom</span>

"The Iron Kingdom" iconThe Iron Kingdom The Iron Kingdom
Item icon

A village located deep within the wetlands of central Rosaria.…

"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Bernard" iconBernard Persons of Interest
Item icon

A lance-wielding knight of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque. The…

They often appear as bosses through the main story.

"The Imperial Army" iconThe Imperial Army The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Attendant to Crown Prince" iconAttendant to Crown Prince Persons of Interest
"Dion Lesage" iconDion Lesage Persons of Interest
"Dion Lesage" iconDion Lesage Persons of Interest
Item icon
Drake's Breath

One of Valisthea’s five remaining Mothercrystals, located on…

"The Iron Kingdom" iconThe Iron Kingdom The Iron Kingdom
"The Grand Duchy of Rosaria" iconThe Grand Duchy of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
The Iron Kingdom

The Iron Kingdom
Icon for <span>The Iron Kingdom</span>

"Ancient Mural" iconAncient Mural Mysteries of the Realm
"High Priest Imreann" iconHigh Priest Imreann Persons of Interest
"Liquid Flame" iconLiquid Flame The Bestiary
"Mt. Drustanus" iconMt. Drustanus The Iron Kingdom
"The Boiling Sea" iconThe Boiling Sea Lay of the Land
"The Crystalline Orthodox" iconThe Crystalline Orthodox The Iron Kingdom
"The Fall of Drake's Breath" iconThe Fall of Drake's Breath The Iron Kingdom
"The Grand Duchy of Rosaria" iconThe Grand Duchy of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Iron Kingdom" iconThe Iron Kingdom The Iron Kingdom
Item icon
Drake's Eye

A Mothercrystal which stood in the frozen wastes of northern…

"The Northern Territories" iconThe Northern Territories Lay of the Land
"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Lost Mothercrystals" iconLost Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"The Northern Territories" iconThe Northern Territories Lay of the Land
Item icon
Drake's Fang

Basic Information One of Valisthea’s five remaining Mothercrystals,…

"Hugo Kupka" iconHugo Kupka Persons of Interest
"Castle Dazbog" iconCastle Dazbog The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"Titan" iconTitan Eikons
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"Orcs" iconOrcs The Bestiary
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Fall of Drake's Fang" iconThe Fall of Drake's Fang The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Jaw" iconThe Jaw The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Men of the Rock" iconThe Men of the Rock The Dhalmekian Republic
"Titan" iconTitan Eikons
"Velkroy Desert" iconVelkroy Desert The Dhalmekian Republic
Item icon
Drake's Head

Basic Information A Mothercrystal situated on the Sea of Grace…

"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Oriflamme" iconOriflamme The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"The Deadlands" iconThe Deadlands Mysteries of the Realm
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Mythos" iconMythos Mysteries of the Realm
"Northreach" iconNorthreach The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Oriflamme" iconOriflamme The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Fall of Drake's Head" iconThe Fall of Drake's Head The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Typhon" iconTyphon The Bestiary
"Ultima" iconUltima Persons of Interest
"Whitewyrm Castle" iconWhitewyrm Castle The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Item icon
Drake's Horn

A Mothercrystal which stood in southern Ash—an area now lost…

"Ash" iconAsh Lay of the Land
"Drake's Spine" iconDrake's Spine The Kingdom of Waloed
"Drake's Spine" iconDrake's Spine The Kingdom of Waloed
"Lost Mothercrystals" iconLost Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon
Drake's Spine

Basic Information A Mothercrystal situated in Stonhyrr, capital…

"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"Drake's Horn" iconDrake's Horn Lay of the Land
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
The Kingdom of Waloed

The Kingdom of Waloed
Icon for <span>The Kingdom of Waloed</span>

"Drake's Horn" iconDrake's Horn Lay of the Land
"Stonhyrr" iconStonhyrr The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Fall of Drake's Spine" iconThe Fall of Drake's Spine The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Interdimensional Rift" iconThe Interdimensional Rift Lay of the Land
Item icon
Drake's Tail

A Mothercrystal located in the Crystalline Dominion. It is one…

"The Crystalline Dominion" iconThe Crystalline Dominion Crystalline Dominion
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
The Crystalline Dominion

The Crystalline Dominion
Icon for <span>The Crystalline Dominion</span>

"Non-aggression Treaty" iconNon-aggression Treaty Crystalline Dominion
"The Crystal Road" iconThe Crystal Road Lay of the Land
"The Crystalline Dominion" iconThe Crystalline Dominion Crystalline Dominion
"The Fall of Drake's Tail" iconThe Fall of Drake's Tail Crystalline Dominion
"The Isles of Ark" iconThe Isles of Ark Crystalline Dominion
"Twinside" iconTwinside Crystalline Dominion
Item icon

A town located in the rugged mountainous mining region of central…

"Blackthorne" iconBlackthorne Persons of Interest
"Zoltan" iconZoltan Persons of Interest
"August" iconAugust Persons of Interest
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

Item icon
Ducal Loyalists

Those who maintain allegiance to the late Archduke Elwin and…

"The Grand Duchy of Rosaria" iconThe Grand Duchy of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Eastpool" iconEastpool The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Item icon

A Mothercrystal that is believed to have stood in an area in…

"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"Dzemekys Falls" iconDzemekys Falls The Dhalmekian Republic
"Lost Mothercrystals" iconLost Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"The Sins of Dzemekys" iconThe Sins of Dzemekys Lay of the Land
Item icon
Dzemekys Falls

Basic Information A vast cavity in the earth located in the Steps…

"Boklad" iconBoklad The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"Dzemekys" iconDzemekys Lay of the Land
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"Laetny's Cleft" iconLaetny's Cleft The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Sins of Dzemekys" iconThe Sins of Dzemekys Lay of the Land
Item icon

A hamlet located in the eastern part of the Imperial Province…

Eastern part of The Imperial Province of Rosaria.

"Anabella Lesage" iconAnabella Lesage Persons of Interest
"Hanna Murdoch" iconHanna Murdoch Persons of Interest
"Sir Wade" iconSir Wade Persons of Interest
"Oscar" iconOscar Persons of Interest
"Ducal Loyalists" iconDucal Loyalists The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Purge of Eastpool" iconThe Purge of Eastpool The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Guardians of the Flame" iconThe Guardians of the Flame The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Martha's Rest" iconMartha's Rest The Imperial Province of Rosaria
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Bernard" iconBernard Persons of Interest
"Gysahl Greens" iconGysahl Greens Mysteries of the Realm
"Martha" iconMartha Persons of Interest
"Rodney Murdoch" iconRodney Murdoch Persons of Interest
"Sir Wade" iconSir Wade Persons of Interest
"The Guardians of the Flame" iconThe Guardians of the Flame The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Purge of Eastpool" iconThe Purge of Eastpool The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Item icon

Basic Information A settlement situated in mining country in…

"Edda" iconEdda Persons of Interest
"Ash" iconAsh Lay of the Land
"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
The Kingdom of Waloed

The Kingdom of Waloed
Icon for <span>The Kingdom of Waloed</span>

"Reverie" iconReverie The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Arche" iconThe Arche Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon
Fort Zirnitria

A stronghold situated at the western end of the Nysa Defile in…

"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"The Nyse Defile" iconThe Nyse Defile The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Zirnitra Consult" iconThe Zirnitra Consult The Dhalmekian Republic
Item icon

An idyllic mountain village in the Kingdom of Waloed—or at least,…

"Vivian Ninetales" iconVivian Ninetales Persons of Interest
The Kingdom of Waloed

The Kingdom of Waloed
Icon for <span>The Kingdom of Waloed</span>

"From a Distance" iconFrom a Distance Mysteries of the Realm
"The Executors" iconThe Executors Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon

Basic Information An aging fortress in the western reaches of…

The Kingdom of Waloed

The Kingdom of Waloed
Icon for <span>The Kingdom of Waloed</span>

"Ancient Mural" iconAncient Mural Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon
Glaidemond Abbey

A clutch of humble stone buildings perched above Sorrowise Bay,…

Southeast Lowlands, Sorrowise.

The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Three Reeds" iconThree Reeds The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Item icon

A key strategic point in central Sanbreque. Its location just…

"Caer Norvent" iconCaer Norvent The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

Item icon
Hawk's Cry Cliff

A location in the southern part of the Imperial Province of Rosaria…

"Amber" iconAmber The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Rosalith" iconRosalith The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

Item icon
House Rosfield

The highest of the noble houses of Rosaria. The Dominant of the…

"Elwin Rosfield" iconElwin Rosfield Persons of Interest
"Joshua Rosfield" iconJoshua Rosfield Persons of Interest
"The Grand Duchy of Rosaria" iconThe Grand Duchy of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Elwin Rosfield" iconElwin Rosfield Persons of Interest
"Joshua Rosfield" iconJoshua Rosfield Persons of Interest
"The Seven High Houses" iconThe Seven High Houses The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Item icon
Kanver's Independence

The Free Cities’ bid for Independence began in 849, when several…

"The Free Cities of Kanver" iconThe Free Cities of Kanver The Free Cities of Kanver
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
The Free Cities of Kanver

The Free Cities of Kanver
Icon for <span>The Free Cities of Kanver</span>

"The Bank of Gilbard the Great Lender" iconThe Bank of Gilbard the Great Lender The Free Cities of Kanver
"The Free Cities of Kanver" iconThe Free Cities of Kanver The Free Cities of Kanver
"The Southwestern Alliance" iconThe Southwestern Alliance Lay of the Land
"The Triunity of 859" iconThe Triunity of 859 Lay of the Land
Item icon

An old, abandoned village built on the banks of Cerdra’s Thread…

"Eloise" iconEloise Persons of Interest
"The Dalimil Inn" iconThe Dalimil Inn The Dhalmekian Republic
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

Item icon

A town located in the rugged northern reaches of the Dhalmekian…

"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"Khiel" iconKhiel Persons of Interest
"Medicine Girl" iconMedicine Girl Persons of Interest
"Panthers" iconPanthers The Bestiary
"Viktor" iconViktor Persons of Interest
Item icon

A small Dhalmekian village of bean farmers and goatherds built…

"The Fallen" iconThe Fallen Mysteries of the Realm
"The Dalimil Inn" iconThe Dalimil Inn The Dhalmekian Republic
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"Mikkelburg" iconMikkelburg The Kingdom of Waloed
Item icon
Laetny's Cleft

A narrow sandstone valley that cuts through northeastern Dhalmekia.…

"Dzemekys Falls" iconDzemekys Falls The Dhalmekian Republic
"Boklad" iconBoklad The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"The Cast Stones" iconThe Cast Stones The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Sins of Dzemekys" iconThe Sins of Dzemekys Lay of the Land
Item icon
Lord Underhill

Clive’s alter ego—albeit one that was forced upon him by L’ubor’s…

"L'ubor" iconL'ubor Persons of Interest
"Natalie" iconNatalie Persons of Interest
"Konrad" iconKonrad Persons of Interest
"Ran'dellah" iconRan'dellah The Dhalmekian Republic
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"The League of Merchants" iconThe League of Merchants The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Town Guard" iconThe Town Guard The Dhalmekian Republic
Item icon

Basic Information A settlement located in central Sanbreque,…

Central Sanbreque, northeastern part of the Greatwood.

"Quinten" iconQuinten Persons of Interest
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Black Shields" iconThe Black Shields The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Airship" iconAirship Mysteries of the Realm
"The Liberation of Bearers" iconThe Liberation of Bearers Mysteries of the Realm
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Airship" iconAirship Mysteries of the Realm
"Bard" iconBard Mysteries of the Realm
"Gav" iconGav Persons of Interest
"Norvent Valley" iconNorvent Valley The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Orabelle Downs" iconOrabelle Downs The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Quinten" iconQuinten Persons of Interest
"The Fallen" iconThe Fallen Mysteries of the Realm
"The Hanged Man" iconThe Hanged Man The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Item icon
Martha's Rest

A small settlement huddled atop a rocky for overlooking the swampy…

The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Bernard" iconBernard Persons of Interest
"Eastpool" iconEastpool The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Gysahl Greens" iconGysahl Greens Mysteries of the Realm
"Martha" iconMartha Persons of Interest
"Sir Wade" iconSir Wade Persons of Interest
"The Bloodaxes" iconThe Bloodaxes The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Three Reeds" iconThree Reeds The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Item icon

A settlement situated in the south of Waloed. After being abandoned…

"Kretov" iconKretov The Dhalmekian Republic
"Echoes" iconEchoes Mysteries of the Realm
The Kingdom of Waloed

The Kingdom of Waloed
Icon for <span>The Kingdom of Waloed</span>

Item icon

A farming village located in the rye fields of the Royal Meadows…

"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Oriflamme" iconOriflamme The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Item icon
Mt. Drustanus

A solitary volcanic isle rising from a brutal and unforgiving…

"The Iron Kingdom" iconThe Iron Kingdom The Iron Kingdom
"Drake's Breath" iconDrake's Breath The Iron Kingdom
"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
The Iron Kingdom

The Iron Kingdom
Icon for <span>The Iron Kingdom</span>

"Flan" iconFlan The Bestiary
"Liquid Flame" iconLiquid Flame The Bestiary
"Marleigh" iconMarleigh Persons of Interest
Item icon
Non-aggression Treaty

A pact in which was codified the agreement between nations to…

"The Crystalline Dominion" iconThe Crystalline Dominion Crystalline Dominion
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Drake's Tail" iconDrake's Tail Crystalline Dominion
The Crystalline Dominion

The Crystalline Dominion
Icon for <span>The Crystalline Dominion</span>

"The Crystalline Dominion" iconThe Crystalline Dominion Crystalline Dominion
"The Crystalline Impasse" iconThe Crystalline Impasse Crystalline Dominion
Item icon

Basic Information A town which doubles as a defensive gateway…

"Isabelle" iconIsabelle Persons of Interest
"The High Cardinal" iconThe High Cardinal Persons of Interest
"Sabine" iconSabine Persons of Interest
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Drake's Head" iconDrake's Head The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Oriflamme" iconOriflamme The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Isabelle" iconIsabelle Persons of Interest
"Philippe" iconPhilippe Persons of Interest
"Sabine" iconSabine Persons of Interest
"The Dame" iconThe Dame Persons of Interest
"The Dragon's Aery" iconThe Dragon's Aery The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The High Cardinal" iconThe High Cardinal Persons of Interest
"The Veil" iconThe Veil The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Item icon
Norvent Valley

An expansive river valley that cuts through southern central…

"Caer Norvent" iconCaer Norvent The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Lostwing" iconLostwing The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Black Widows" iconBlack Widows The Bestiary
"Vampire Thorns" iconVampire Thorns The Bestiary
Item icon
Old Kanver

The capital of the Free Cities of Kanver, located at the tail…

The Free Cities of Kanver

The Free Cities of Kanver
Icon for <span>The Free Cities of Kanver</span>

"The Bank of Gilbard the Great Lender" iconThe Bank of Gilbard the Great Lender The Free Cities of Kanver
"The Kanver City Guard" iconThe Kanver City Guard The Free Cities of Kanver
Item icon
Orabelle Downs

In southwestern Sanbreque where the Greatwood ends, lie the secluded…

In the southwest part of the Sanbreque region just on the edge…

"Lostwing" iconLostwing The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Greatwood" iconThe Greatwood The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Fallen" iconThe Fallen Mysteries of the Realm
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Airship" iconAirship Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon

The capital of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, located in northeastern…

Northeast Storm with the backdrop of the Mothercrystal Drake’s…

"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Drake's Head" iconDrake's Head The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Moore" iconMoore The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Drake's Head" iconDrake's Head The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Gaute" iconGaute Persons of Interest
"Northreach" iconNorthreach The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Breadbasket" iconThe Breadbasket The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Fall of Drake's Head" iconThe Fall of Drake's Head The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Five Cardinals" iconThe Five Cardinals The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The High Cardinal" iconThe High Cardinal Persons of Interest
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Lord Chief Justice" iconThe Lord Chief Justice The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Whitewyrm Castle" iconWhitewyrm Castle The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Item icon

A vast structure that lay dormant beneath the Crystalline Dominion…

"Ultima" iconUltima Persons of Interest
"The Isles of Ark" iconThe Isles of Ark Crystalline Dominion
"The Crystalline Dominion" iconThe Crystalline Dominion Crystalline Dominion
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"The Crystalline Dominion" iconThe Crystalline Dominion Crystalline Dominion
Item icon
Phoenix Gate

A walled keep situated near Rosaria’s northwestern border. It…

Northwestern Rosaria

"The Apodytery" iconThe Apodytery The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Night of Flames" iconThe Night of Flames The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Phoenix" iconThe Phoenix Eikons
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Ancient Mural" iconAncient Mural Mysteries of the Realm
"Attendant to Joshua" iconAttendant to Joshua Persons of Interest
"Clive Rosfield" iconClive Rosfield Persons of Interest
"Iron Giants" iconIron Giants The Bestiary
"The Apodytery" iconThe Apodytery The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Ultima Civilization" iconThe Ultima Civilization Mysteries of the Realm
"Ultima's Thralls" iconUltima's Thralls Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon
Port Isolde

A port city situated on the southwestern coast of the Imperial…

"Rosalith" iconRosalith The Imperial Province of Rosaria
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Byron Rosfield" iconByron Rosfield Persons of Interest
"Rutherford" iconRutherford Persons of Interest
"The Lazarus District" iconThe Lazarus District The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Saint and the Sectary" iconThe Saint and the Sectary Mysteries of the Realm
"The Seven High Houses" iconThe Seven High Houses The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Item icon

Capital of the Dhalmekian Republic. It is a thriving hub of commerce,…

"Hugo Kupka" iconHugo Kupka Persons of Interest
"The Republican Prime Minister" iconThe Republican Prime Minister Persons of Interest
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Republican Parliament" iconThe Republican Parliament The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Royal Knights of Waloed" iconThe Royal Knights of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"Akashic" iconAkashic Mysteries of the Realm
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"Eugen Havel" iconEugen Havel Persons of Interest
"Lord Underhill" iconLord Underhill The Dhalmekian Republic
"Lord Underhill" iconLord Underhill The Dhalmekian Republic
"Sir Terence" iconSir Terence Persons of Interest
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Republican Prime Minister" iconThe Republican Prime Minister Persons of Interest
Item icon
Ravenwit Walls

Ravenwit’s towering rampart fills the narrow valley betwixt two…

"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Royal Knights of Waloed" iconThe Royal Knights of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"Balmung Dark" iconBalmung Dark The Kingdom of Waloed
"Orcs" iconOrcs The Bestiary
The Kingdom of Waloed

The Kingdom of Waloed
Icon for <span>The Kingdom of Waloed</span>

Item icon

An impossibly tall tower in central Waloed that seems to pierce…

"Barnabas Tharmr" iconBarnabas Tharmr Persons of Interest
"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"Eistla" iconEistla The Kingdom of Waloed
The Kingdom of Waloed

The Kingdom of Waloed
Icon for <span>The Kingdom of Waloed</span>

"The Ultima Civilization" iconThe Ultima Civilization Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon
Rise of the Wyrm

A rebellion of the Holy Order of the Knights Dragoon that took…

"Dion Lesage" iconDion Lesage Persons of Interest
"Dion Lesage" iconDion Lesage Persons of Interest
"The Holy Knights Dragoon" iconThe Holy Knights Dragoon The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Crystalline Dominion" iconThe Crystalline Dominion Crystalline Dominion
"The Accession of the Emperor Olivier" iconThe Accession of the Emperor Olivier The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"The Fall of Drake's Tail" iconThe Fall of Drake's Tail Crystalline Dominion
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Holy Knights Dragoon" iconThe Holy Knights Dragoon The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Item icon

The capital city of the Duchy of Rosaria. Rosalith Castle, seat…

"Elwin Rosfield" iconElwin Rosfield Persons of Interest
"The Grand Duchy of Rosaria" iconThe Grand Duchy of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Rosalith Castle" iconRosalith Castle The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Night of Flames" iconThe Night of Flames The Imperial Province of Rosaria
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Coeurls" iconCoeurls The Bestiary
"Hawk's Cry Cliff" iconHawk's Cry Cliff The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Port Isolde" iconPort Isolde The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Rosalith Castle" iconRosalith Castle The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Siege of Rosalith" iconThe Siege of Rosalith The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Viceregency" iconThe Viceregency The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Viceregency" iconThe Viceregency Lay of the Land
Item icon
Rosalith Castle

Situated in the heart of the ducal capital of Rosalith, it is…

"Hugo Kupka" iconHugo Kupka Persons of Interest
"Rosalith" iconRosalith The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Ambrosia" iconAmbrosia Persons of Interest
"Lord Harbard" iconLord Harbard Persons of Interest
"Rosalith" iconRosalith The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Saint and the Sectary" iconThe Saint and the Sectary Mysteries of the Realm
"Torgal" iconTorgal Persons of Interest
Item icon
Savior Cult

A religion that has arisen in recent years in Ash, and which…

"Barnabas Tharmr" iconBarnabas Tharmr Persons of Interest
"Akashic" iconAkashic Mysteries of the Realm
The Kingdom of Waloed

The Kingdom of Waloed
Icon for <span>The Kingdom of Waloed</span>

"The Savior Myth" iconThe Savior Myth Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon

There was a time, not long ago, that the songs of civilization…

Western Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

Item icon
Stillwind Marsh

An area of swampland that stretches northeast from Rosalith Castle.…

The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Gigas" iconGigas The Bestiary
"Morbols" iconMorbols The Bestiary
Item icon

Basic Information Capital of the Kingdom of Waloed, located on…

"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"Ash" iconAsh Lay of the Land
"Drake's Spine" iconDrake's Spine The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Royal Knights of Waloed" iconThe Royal Knights of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
The Kingdom of Waloed

The Kingdom of Waloed
Icon for <span>The Kingdom of Waloed</span>

"Glazheim Wall" iconGlazheim Wall Mysteries of the Realm
"The Fall of Drake's Spine" iconThe Fall of Drake's Spine The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
Item icon

The westerly of Valisthea’s two great continents. With its frozen…

"The Grand Duchy of Rosaria" iconThe Grand Duchy of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"Antelopes" iconAntelopes The Bestiary
"Rutherford" iconRutherford Persons of Interest
"The Continent" iconThe Continent Lay of the Land
"Valisthea" iconValisthea Lay of the Land
Item icon

Basic Information An ancient settlement in central southern Dhalmekia…

"Cyril" iconCyril Persons of Interest
"The Free Cities of Kanver" iconThe Free Cities of Kanver The Free Cities of Kanver
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"Ancient Mural" iconAncient Mural Mysteries of the Realm
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"Ancient Mural" iconAncient Mural Mysteries of the Realm
"The Krojit Echoes" iconThe Krojit Echoes The Dhalmekian Republic
Item icon

A mining settlement in the southern part of the continent of…

Can be found in the south of the Ash continent.

"Ash" iconAsh Lay of the Land
"The Deadlands" iconThe Deadlands Mysteries of the Realm
"Orcs" iconOrcs The Bestiary
The Kingdom of Waloed

The Kingdom of Waloed
Icon for <span>The Kingdom of Waloed</span>

"Adamantite" iconAdamantite Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon
The Accession of the Emperor Olivier

Holy Emperor Sylvestre Lesage handed power to Olivier, his second-born…

"Dion Lesage" iconDion Lesage Persons of Interest
"Dion Lesage" iconDion Lesage Persons of Interest
"Olivier Lesage" iconOlivier Lesage Persons of Interest
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Crystalline Impasse" iconThe Crystalline Impasse Crystalline Dominion
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Anabella Lesage" iconAnabella Lesage Persons of Interest
"Olivier Lesage" iconOlivier Lesage Persons of Interest
"Rise of the Wyrm" iconRise of the Wyrm The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Item icon
The Apodytery

A place of worship located in the depths of Phoenix Gate, an…

Beneath Phoenix Gate Ruins.

"Joshua Rosfield" iconJoshua Rosfield Persons of Interest
"Phoenix Gate" iconPhoenix Gate The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Ancient Mural" iconAncient Mural Mysteries of the Realm
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Ancient Mural" iconAncient Mural Mysteries of the Realm
"Phoenix Gate" iconPhoenix Gate The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Undying" iconThe Undying The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Item icon
The Badbach Conservatory

A dilapidated orphanage for Bearers that sits upon a hill overlooking…

"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"Bearer" iconBearer Mysteries of the Realm
"Branded Soldier" iconBranded Soldier Mysteries of the Realm
"Akashic" iconAkashic Mysteries of the Realm
The Kingdom of Waloed

The Kingdom of Waloed
Icon for <span>The Kingdom of Waloed</span>

Item icon
The Bank of Gilbard the Great Lender

A folk religion popular in the Free Cities of Kanver. Gilbard…

"The Free Cities of Kanver" iconThe Free Cities of Kanver The Free Cities of Kanver
"Old Kanver" iconOld Kanver The Free Cities of Kanver
"Kanver's Independence" iconKanver's Independence The Free Cities of Kanver
The Free Cities of Kanver

The Free Cities of Kanver
Icon for <span>The Free Cities of Kanver</span>

"Gil" iconGil Mysteries of the Realm
"The Free Cities of Kanver" iconThe Free Cities of Kanver The Free Cities of Kanver
"The Kanver City Guard" iconThe Kanver City Guard The Free Cities of Kanver
Item icon
The Bastards

Basic Information A unit of trained assassins deployed to the…

"Aevis" iconAevis Persons of Interest
"Biast" iconBiast Persons of Interest
"Branded Soldier" iconBranded Soldier Mysteries of the Realm
"Tiamat" iconTiamat Persons of Interest
"Wyvern" iconWyvern Persons of Interest
Item icon
The Battle of Belenus Tor

The Battle of Belenus Tor was a conflict fought between the Holy…

"Belenus Tor" iconBelenus Tor The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>
, The Kingdom of Waloed
Icon for <span>The Kingdom of Waloed</span>

"Barnabas Tharmr" iconBarnabas Tharmr Persons of Interest
"Odin" iconOdin Eikons
"The Holy Knights Dragoon" iconThe Holy Knights Dragoon The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
Item icon
The Battle of Nysa

The Battle of Nysa was a short, yet bloody clash between the…

"The Iron Kingdom" iconThe Iron Kingdom The Iron Kingdom
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"Clive Rosfield" iconClive Rosfield Persons of Interest
"Jill Warrick" iconJill Warrick Persons of Interest
"Priming" iconPriming Mysteries of the Realm
"Shiva" iconShiva Eikons
"The Iron Crusade" iconThe Iron Crusade The Iron Kingdom
"The Iron Crusade" iconThe Iron Crusade The Iron Kingdom
"The Nyse Defile" iconThe Nyse Defile The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Zirnitra Consult" iconThe Zirnitra Consult The Dhalmekian Republic
"Tiamat" iconTiamat Persons of Interest
"Wyvern" iconWyvern Persons of Interest
Item icon
The Battle of the Twin Realms

The Battle of the Twin Realms was a conflict fought between the…

"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Battle of Belenus Tor" iconThe Battle of Belenus Tor The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Battle of Belenus Tor" iconThe Battle of Belenus Tor The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Nyse Defile" iconThe Nyse Defile The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Valisthean Calendar" iconThe Valisthean Calendar Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon
The Black Shields

Basic Information An order of knights instituted by Empress Anabella…

"Anabella Lesage" iconAnabella Lesage Persons of Interest
"The Imperial Army" iconThe Imperial Army The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Viceregency" iconThe Viceregency Lay of the Land
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Lostwing" iconLostwing The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Cullings" iconThe Cullings Mysteries of the Realm
"The Lord Chief Justice" iconThe Lord Chief Justice The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Viceregency" iconThe Viceregency The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Viceregency" iconThe Viceregency Lay of the Land
Item icon
The Bloodaxes

The band of sellswords tasked with the protection of Martha’s…

"Martha" iconMartha Persons of Interest
"Martha's Rest" iconMartha's Rest The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Viceregency" iconThe Viceregency Lay of the Land
"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

Item icon
The Boiling Crusade

A surprise attack launched by the Iron Kingdom on the Duchy of…

"The Grand Duchy of Rosaria" iconThe Grand Duchy of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
The Iron Kingdom

The Iron Kingdom
Icon for <span>The Iron Kingdom</span>

"Jill Warrick" iconJill Warrick Persons of Interest
"Marleigh" iconMarleigh Persons of Interest
"The Iron Crusade" iconThe Iron Crusade The Iron Kingdom
"The Iron Crusade" iconThe Iron Crusade The Iron Kingdom
Item icon
The Boiling Sea

The sea that lies between Rosaria’s western coast and the distant…

"The Iron Kingdom" iconThe Iron Kingdom The Iron Kingdom
"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Drake's Breath" iconDrake's Breath The Iron Kingdom
Item icon
The Breadbasket

A region overlooking the Strait of Autha in the eastern part…

"Oriflamme" iconOriflamme The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Strait of Autha" iconThe Strait of Autha Lay of the Land
"The Deadlands" iconThe Deadlands Mysteries of the Realm
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

Item icon
The Briar's Kiss

L’ubor’s forge in Dalimil. Its name is known across the republic…

The Dhalmekian Republic
"Drika" iconDrika Persons of Interest
"Ferda" iconFerda Persons of Interest
"L'ubor" iconL'ubor Persons of Interest
"Rens" iconRens Persons of Interest
Item icon
The Cast Stones

A band of brigands who set up camp in Laetny’s Cleft on the outskirts…

"Boklad" iconBoklad The Dhalmekian Republic
"Honza" iconHonza Persons of Interest
"Theodore" iconTheodore Persons of Interest
"Laetny's Cleft" iconLaetny's Cleft The Dhalmekian Republic
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

Item icon
The Circle of Malius

Basic Information An ancient religion once prominent across the…

"Ultima" iconUltima Persons of Interest
"The Crystalline Orthodox" iconThe Crystalline Orthodox The Iron Kingdom
"Ancient Mural" iconAncient Mural Mysteries of the Realm
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"Ancient Mural" iconAncient Mural Mysteries of the Realm
"The Children of Dzemekys" iconThe Children of Dzemekys Mysteries of the Realm
"The Inner Sanctum" iconThe Inner Sanctum Mysteries of the Realm
"The Journal of Moss" iconThe Journal of Moss Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon
The Continent

Basic Information A vast landmass situated far from Valisthean…

"Barnabas Tharmr" iconBarnabas Tharmr Persons of Interest
"Valisthea" iconValisthea Lay of the Land
"Storm" iconStorm Lay of the Land
"Ash" iconAsh Lay of the Land
"The Children of Dzemekys" iconThe Children of Dzemekys Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon
The Council of Elders

Advisors to the Holy Emperor of Sanbreque, and the highest body…

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Astrologer" iconAstrologer Mysteries of the Realm
"The Five Cardinals" iconThe Five Cardinals The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The High Cardinal" iconThe High Cardinal Persons of Interest
"Whitewyrm Castle" iconWhitewyrm Castle The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Item icon
The Crimson Caravans

The most prestigious portering company in the market town of…

"Boklad" iconBoklad The Dhalmekian Republic
"Eloise" iconEloise Persons of Interest
"Boklad" iconBoklad The Dhalmekian Republic
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

Item icon
The Crystal Road

A protected trade route, designed to allow easy access to the…

"Drake's Tail" iconDrake's Tail Crystalline Dominion
"The Crystalline Dominion" iconThe Crystalline Dominion Crystalline Dominion
"Attendant to Joshua" iconAttendant to Joshua Persons of Interest
"Medicine Girl" iconMedicine Girl Persons of Interest
"The Isles of Ark" iconThe Isles of Ark Crystalline Dominion
Item icon
The Crystalline Dominion

A tiny, independent state straddling the continents of Storm…

A small nation between the Storm and Ash continents.

"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Twinside" iconTwinside Crystalline Dominion
"Non-aggression Treaty" iconNon-aggression Treaty Crystalline Dominion
"Drake's Tail" iconDrake's Tail Crystalline Dominion
"Origin" iconOrigin Lay of the Land
"Bahamut" iconBahamut Eikons
The Crystalline Dominion

The Crystalline Dominion
Icon for <span>The Crystalline Dominion</span>

"Dion Lesage" iconDion Lesage Persons of Interest
"Dion Lesage" iconDion Lesage Persons of Interest
"Drake's Tail" iconDrake's Tail Crystalline Dominion
"Khiel" iconKhiel Persons of Interest
"Non-aggression Treaty" iconNon-aggression Treaty Crystalline Dominion
"Origin" iconOrigin Lay of the Land
"Primogenesis" iconPrimogenesis Mysteries of the Realm
"Rise of the Wyrm" iconRise of the Wyrm The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Sabine" iconSabine Persons of Interest
"The Crystal Road" iconThe Crystal Road Lay of the Land
"The Crystalline Impasse" iconThe Crystalline Impasse Crystalline Dominion
"The Isles of Ark" iconThe Isles of Ark Crystalline Dominion
"Twinside" iconTwinside Crystalline Dominion
Item icon
The Crystalline Impasse

A conflict fought between the Holy Empire of Sanbreque and the…

"The Crystalline Dominion" iconThe Crystalline Dominion Crystalline Dominion
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Non-aggression Treaty" iconNon-aggression Treaty Crystalline Dominion
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
The Crystalline Dominion

The Crystalline Dominion
Icon for <span>The Crystalline Dominion</span>

"Olivier Lesage" iconOlivier Lesage Persons of Interest
"The Accession of the Emperor Olivier" iconThe Accession of the Emperor Olivier The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Fall of Drake's Fang" iconThe Fall of Drake's Fang The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Item icon
The Crystalline Orthodox

A religion dedicated to the worship of the Mothercrystals. Its…

"Drake's Breath" iconDrake's Breath The Iron Kingdom
"The Iron Kingdom" iconThe Iron Kingdom The Iron Kingdom
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
The Iron Kingdom

The Iron Kingdom
Icon for <span>The Iron Kingdom</span>

"Creag Loisgte" iconCreag Loisgte The Iron Kingdom
"High Priest Imreann" iconHigh Priest Imreann Persons of Interest
"Marleigh" iconMarleigh Persons of Interest
"The Circle of Malius" iconThe Circle of Malius Lay of the Land
"The Fall of Drake's Breath" iconThe Fall of Drake's Breath The Iron Kingdom
"The Inner Sanctum" iconThe Inner Sanctum Mysteries of the Realm
"The Iron Kingdom" iconThe Iron Kingdom The Iron Kingdom
Item icon
The Cursebreakers

A unit drawn from those of fighting age and martial training…

"Dorys" iconDorys Persons of Interest
"Cole" iconCole Persons of Interest
"Ember" iconEmber Persons of Interest
"The Hideaway" iconThe Hideaway Lay of the Land
The Cursebreakers

The Cursebreakers
Icon for <span>The Cursebreakers</span>

"August" iconAugust Persons of Interest
"Cole" iconCole Persons of Interest
"Dorys" iconDorys Persons of Interest
"Ember" iconEmber Persons of Interest
"Maeve" iconMaeve Persons of Interest
"Notorious Marks" iconNotorious Marks Mysteries of the Realm
"Otto" iconOtto Persons of Interest
Item icon
The Dalimil Inn

A literal oasis in the Velkroy—a desert in the western part of…

"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"Drika" iconDrika Persons of Interest
"Ferda" iconFerda Persons of Interest
"Kasjlok" iconKasjlok The Dhalmekian Republic
"Konrad" iconKonrad Persons of Interest
"Kretov" iconKretov The Dhalmekian Republic
"L'ubor" iconL'ubor Persons of Interest
"Natalie" iconNatalie Persons of Interest
"Rens" iconRens Persons of Interest
"The Desert Hare" iconThe Desert Hare Persons of Interest
"The Jaw" iconThe Jaw The Dhalmekian Republic
"The League of Merchants" iconThe League of Merchants The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Town Guard" iconThe Town Guard The Dhalmekian Republic
"Velkroy Desert" iconVelkroy Desert The Dhalmekian Republic
"Viktor" iconViktor Persons of Interest
Item icon
The Dhalmekian Republic

A nation formed from a federation of five smaller states. It…

"Eugen Havel" iconEugen Havel Persons of Interest
"Hugo Kupka" iconHugo Kupka Persons of Interest
"Ran'dellah" iconRan'dellah The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Holy Knights Dragoon" iconThe Holy Knights Dragoon The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Royal Knights of Waloed" iconThe Royal Knights of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Republican Parliament" iconThe Republican Parliament The Dhalmekian Republic
"Castle Dazbog" iconCastle Dazbog The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Men of the Rock" iconThe Men of the Rock The Dhalmekian Republic
"Drake's Fang" iconDrake's Fang The Dhalmekian Republic
"Drake's Fang" iconDrake's Fang The Dhalmekian Republic
"Titan" iconTitan Eikons
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"Bighorns" iconBighorns The Bestiary
"Boklad" iconBoklad The Dhalmekian Republic
"Castle Dazbog" iconCastle Dazbog The Dhalmekian Republic
"Chimeras" iconChimeras The Bestiary
"Coeurls" iconCoeurls The Bestiary
"Drake's Fang" iconDrake's Fang The Dhalmekian Republic
"Drake's Fang" iconDrake's Fang The Dhalmekian Republic
"Dravozd" iconDravozd The Dhalmekian Republic
"Dzemekys" iconDzemekys Lay of the Land
"Dzemekys Falls" iconDzemekys Falls The Dhalmekian Republic
"Eugen Havel" iconEugen Havel Persons of Interest
"Fort Zirnitria" iconFort Zirnitria The Dhalmekian Republic
"Hugo Kupka" iconHugo Kupka Persons of Interest
"Kanver's Independence" iconKanver's Independence The Free Cities of Kanver
"Khiel" iconKhiel Persons of Interest
"Kostnice" iconKostnice The Dhalmekian Republic
"Laetny's Cleft" iconLaetny's Cleft The Dhalmekian Republic
"Medicine Girl" iconMedicine Girl Persons of Interest
"Ran'dellah" iconRan'dellah The Dhalmekian Republic
"Scorpions" iconScorpions The Bestiary
"Storm" iconStorm Lay of the Land
"Tabor" iconTabor The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Battle of Nysa" iconThe Battle of Nysa The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Crystalline Impasse" iconThe Crystalline Impasse Crystalline Dominion
"The Dalimil Inn" iconThe Dalimil Inn The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Jaw" iconThe Jaw The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Krojit Echoes" iconThe Krojit Echoes The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Men of the Fist" iconThe Men of the Fist The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Men of the Rock" iconThe Men of the Rock The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Mysterious Watcher" iconThe Mysterious Watcher Persons of Interest
"The Nyse Defile" iconThe Nyse Defile The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Republican Parliament" iconThe Republican Parliament The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Republican Prime Minister" iconThe Republican Prime Minister Persons of Interest
"The Silverpeak Consortium" iconThe Silverpeak Consortium The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Southern Isles" iconThe Southern Isles Lay of the Land
"The Southwestern Alliance" iconThe Southwestern Alliance Lay of the Land
"The Zirnitra Consult" iconThe Zirnitra Consult The Dhalmekian Republic
"Titan" iconTitan Eikons
"Velkroy Desert" iconVelkroy Desert The Dhalmekian Republic
"Viktor" iconViktor Persons of Interest
"Zoltan" iconZoltan Persons of Interest
Item icon
The Dragon's Aery

A gently sloping plain stretching east from the Sanbrequois checkpoint…

"The Eye of the Tempest" iconThe Eye of the Tempest The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Northreach" iconNorthreach The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Caer Norvent" iconCaer Norvent The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

Item icon
The Ducal Army

The loyal soldiery of the Duchy of Rosaria. They serve under…

The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"First Shield" iconFirst Shield Mysteries of the Realm
"The Rosarian National Anthem" iconThe Rosarian National Anthem Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon
The Eye of the Tempest

Basic Information A raging vortex born upon Benedikta Harman’s…

"Dominant" iconDominant Mysteries of the Realm
"Priming" iconPriming Mysteries of the Realm
"Garuda" iconGaruda Eikons
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Benedikta Harman" iconBenedikta Harman Persons of Interest
"Garuda" iconGaruda Eikons
"The Dragon's Aery" iconThe Dragon's Aery The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Hooded Man" iconThe Hooded Man Persons of Interest
Item icon
The Fall of Drake's Breath

The Mothercrystal Drake’s Breath, held by the Iron Kingdom since…

"Drake's Breath" iconDrake's Breath The Iron Kingdom
"The Crystalline Orthodox" iconThe Crystalline Orthodox The Iron Kingdom
The Iron Kingdom

The Iron Kingdom
Icon for <span>The Iron Kingdom</span>

Item icon
The Fall of Drake's Fang

Drake’s Fang, Mothercrystal of the Dhalmekian Republic, was destroyed…

"Hugo Kupka" iconHugo Kupka Persons of Interest
"Drake's Fang" iconDrake's Fang The Dhalmekian Republic
"Drake's Fang" iconDrake's Fang The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Crystalline Impasse" iconThe Crystalline Impasse Crystalline Dominion
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"Hugo Kupka" iconHugo Kupka Persons of Interest
"The Men of the Rock" iconThe Men of the Rock The Dhalmekian Republic
Item icon
The Fall of Drake's Head

In the year 873, Cid the Outlaw, along with certain of his allies,…

"Oriflamme" iconOriflamme The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Drake's Head" iconDrake's Head The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Cid the Outlaw" iconCid the Outlaw Mysteries of the Realm
"Cidolfus Telamon" iconCidolfus Telamon Persons of Interest
"Clive Rosfield" iconClive Rosfield Persons of Interest
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Item icon
The Fall of Drake's Spine

In the year 878, the Waloeder capital of Stonhyrr, already besieged…

"Drake's Spine" iconDrake's Spine The Kingdom of Waloed
"Stonhyrr" iconStonhyrr The Kingdom of Waloed
"Akashic" iconAkashic Mysteries of the Realm
The Kingdom of Waloed

The Kingdom of Waloed
Icon for <span>The Kingdom of Waloed</span>

"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
Item icon
The Fall of Drake's Tail

In 878, an insurgency by Sanbreque’s Knights Dragoon, led by…

"Drake's Tail" iconDrake's Tail Crystalline Dominion
"Rise of the Wyrm" iconRise of the Wyrm The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Isles of Ark" iconThe Isles of Ark Crystalline Dominion
The Crystalline Dominion

The Crystalline Dominion
Icon for <span>The Crystalline Dominion</span>

Item icon
The Fall of the Hideaway

An assault by Hugo Kupka, Dominant of Titan, and his private…

"Cid's Hideaway" iconCid's Hideaway Lay of the Land
"Titan" iconTitan Eikons
"Charon" iconCharon Persons of Interest
"Cid's Hideaway" iconCid's Hideaway Lay of the Land
"Hugo Kupka" iconHugo Kupka Persons of Interest
"Kenneth" iconKenneth Persons of Interest
"Martelle" iconMartelle Persons of Interest
"Otto" iconOtto Persons of Interest
"Tarja" iconTarja Persons of Interest
"Tett" iconTett Persons of Interest
"The Men of the Rock" iconThe Men of the Rock The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Mysterious Watcher" iconThe Mysterious Watcher Persons of Interest
Item icon
The Five Cardinals

The senior statesmen that make up the highest office of government…

Based in the capital of Oriflamme.

"The High Cardinal" iconThe High Cardinal Persons of Interest
"Sylvestre Lesage" iconSylvestre Lesage Persons of Interest
"Oriflamme" iconOriflamme The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Council of Elders" iconThe Council of Elders The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"The High Cardinal" iconThe High Cardinal Persons of Interest
Item icon
The Free Cities of Kanver

A federation of neighboring independent city-states located to…

"Kanver's Independence" iconKanver's Independence The Free Cities of Kanver
"The Bank of Gilbard the Great Lender" iconThe Bank of Gilbard the Great Lender The Free Cities of Kanver
"The Royal Knights of Waloed" iconThe Royal Knights of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
The Free Cities of Kanver

The Free Cities of Kanver
Icon for <span>The Free Cities of Kanver</span>

"Gil" iconGil Mysteries of the Realm
"Kanver's Independence" iconKanver's Independence The Free Cities of Kanver
"Sleipnir Harbard" iconSleipnir Harbard Persons of Interest
"Tabor" iconTabor The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Bank of Gilbard the Great Lender" iconThe Bank of Gilbard the Great Lender The Free Cities of Kanver
"The Enterprise" iconThe Enterprise Mysteries of the Realm
"The Ironworks" iconThe Ironworks The Free Cities of Kanver
"The Kanver City Guard" iconThe Kanver City Guard The Free Cities of Kanver
"The Krojit Echoes" iconThe Krojit Echoes The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Naldia Narrow" iconThe Naldia Narrow Lay of the Land
"The Southern Isles" iconThe Southern Isles Lay of the Land
Item icon
The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

A nation occupying the western reaches of the continent of Storm,…

"Elwin Rosfield" iconElwin Rosfield Persons of Interest
"Drake's Breath" iconDrake's Breath The Iron Kingdom
"The Phoenix" iconThe Phoenix Eikons
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Amber" iconAmber The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Drake's Breath" iconDrake's Breath The Iron Kingdom
"Ducal Loyalists" iconDucal Loyalists The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Hornets" iconHornets The Bestiary
"House Rosfield" iconHouse Rosfield The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Jill Warrick" iconJill Warrick Persons of Interest
"Minotaurs" iconMinotaurs The Bestiary
"Rosalith" iconRosalith The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Storm" iconStorm Lay of the Land
"The Blessing of the Phoenix" iconThe Blessing of the Phoenix Mysteries of the Realm
"The Boiling Crusade" iconThe Boiling Crusade The Iron Kingdom
"The Kingsfall" iconThe Kingsfall The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Rosarian National Anthem" iconThe Rosarian National Anthem Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon
The Greagorian Church

The state religion of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, whose followers…

"Sylvestre Lesage" iconSylvestre Lesage Persons of Interest
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Astrologer" iconAstrologer Mysteries of the Realm
"Dragons" iconDragons The Bestiary
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Item icon
The Greatwood

A vast forest in the southwestern part of Sanbreque. Wildlife…

"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Fafnir of the North" iconFafnir of the North The Bestiary
"Hornets" iconHornets The Bestiary
"Aevises" iconAevises The Bestiary
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Fafnir of the North" iconFafnir of the North The Bestiary
"Orabelle Downs" iconOrabelle Downs The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Kingsfall" iconThe Kingsfall The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Vampire Thorns" iconVampire Thorns The Bestiary
"Wolves" iconWolves The Bestiary
Item icon
The Guardians of the Flame

A clandestine group of ducal loyalists who lead the rebellion…

"Sir Wade" iconSir Wade Persons of Interest
"Martha" iconMartha Persons of Interest
"The Night of Flames" iconThe Night of Flames The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Eastpool" iconEastpool The Imperial Province of Rosaria
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Guardians of the Flame
Icon for <span>The Guardians of the Flame</span>
, The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Byron Rosfield" iconByron Rosfield Persons of Interest
"Eastpool" iconEastpool The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Oscar" iconOscar Persons of Interest
"Sir Wade" iconSir Wade Persons of Interest
"The Lazarus District" iconThe Lazarus District The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Item icon
The Hanged Man

Quinten’s tavern in Lostwing. It is very much the beating heart…

Found right at the heart of Lostwing.

"Quinten" iconQuinten Persons of Interest
"Lostwing" iconLostwing The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Alliants" iconAlliants Mysteries of the Realm
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Quinten" iconQuinten Persons of Interest
Item icon
The Hideaway

Established under the leadership of Clive Rosfield, who took…

"Clive Rosfield" iconClive Rosfield Persons of Interest
"Bennumere" iconBennumere Lay of the Land
"The Deadlands" iconThe Deadlands Mysteries of the Realm
"Airship" iconAirship Mysteries of the Realm
"Airship" iconAirship Mysteries of the Realm
"Ambrosia" iconAmbrosia Persons of Interest
"August" iconAugust Persons of Interest
"Blackthorne" iconBlackthorne Persons of Interest
"Botany in the Deadlands" iconBotany in the Deadlands Mysteries of the Realm
"Brand Removal" iconBrand Removal Mysteries of the Realm
"Charon" iconCharon Persons of Interest
"Clive Rosfield" iconClive Rosfield Persons of Interest
"Cole" iconCole Persons of Interest
"Crow" iconCrow Persons of Interest
"Desiree" iconDesiree Persons of Interest
"Dorys" iconDorys Persons of Interest
"Ember" iconEmber Persons of Interest
"Gaute" iconGaute Persons of Interest
"Maeve" iconMaeve Persons of Interest
"Martelle" iconMartelle Persons of Interest
"Midadol Telamon" iconMidadol Telamon Persons of Interest
"Missives" iconMissives Mysteries of the Realm
"Molly" iconMolly Persons of Interest
"Nektar" iconNektar Persons of Interest
"Nigel" iconNigel Persons of Interest
"Obolus" iconObolus Persons of Interest
"Orchestrion" iconOrchestrion Mysteries of the Realm
"Otto" iconOtto Persons of Interest
"Owain" iconOwain Persons of Interest
"Rodrigue" iconRodrigue Persons of Interest
"Tarja" iconTarja Persons of Interest
"Tett" iconTett Persons of Interest
"The Cursebreakers" iconThe Cursebreakers Lay of the Land
"Torgal" iconTorgal Persons of Interest
"Vivian Ninetales" iconVivian Ninetales Persons of Interest
"Yvan" iconYvan Persons of Interest
Item icon
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

A nation occupying the northeastern reaches of the continent…

"Sylvestre Lesage" iconSylvestre Lesage Persons of Interest
"Olivier Lesage" iconOlivier Lesage Persons of Interest
"Dion Lesage" iconDion Lesage Persons of Interest
"Dion Lesage" iconDion Lesage Persons of Interest
"Anabella Lesage" iconAnabella Lesage Persons of Interest
"The Territorialization of Rosaria" iconThe Territorialization of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Rise of the Wyrm" iconRise of the Wyrm The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Holy Knights Dragoon" iconThe Holy Knights Dragoon The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Oriflamme" iconOriflamme The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Greagorian Church" iconThe Greagorian Church The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Drake's Head" iconDrake's Head The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Crystalline Impasse" iconThe Crystalline Impasse Crystalline Dominion
"The Fall of Drake's Head" iconThe Fall of Drake's Head The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Accession of the Emperor Olivier" iconThe Accession of the Emperor Olivier The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Bahamut" iconBahamut Eikons
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Anabella Lesage" iconAnabella Lesage Persons of Interest
"Attendant to Crown Prince" iconAttendant to Crown Prince Persons of Interest
"Bahamut" iconBahamut Eikons
"Belenus Tor" iconBelenus Tor The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Benedikta Harman" iconBenedikta Harman Persons of Interest
"Caer Norvent" iconCaer Norvent The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Cray Claws" iconCray Claws The Bestiary
"Dion Lesage" iconDion Lesage Persons of Interest
"Dion Lesage" iconDion Lesage Persons of Interest
"Dragoon" iconDragoon The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Drake's Head" iconDrake's Head The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Glorieuse" iconGlorieuse The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Griffins" iconGriffins The Bestiary
"Lostwing" iconLostwing The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Moore" iconMoore The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Non-aggression Treaty" iconNon-aggression Treaty Crystalline Dominion
"Northreach" iconNorthreach The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Norvent Valley" iconNorvent Valley The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Olivier Lesage" iconOlivier Lesage Persons of Interest
"Orabelle Downs" iconOrabelle Downs The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Oriflamme" iconOriflamme The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Philippe" iconPhilippe Persons of Interest
"Raptors" iconRaptors The Bestiary
"Sabine" iconSabine Persons of Interest
"Sir Terence" iconSir Terence Persons of Interest
"Storm" iconStorm Lay of the Land
"The Accession of the Emperor Olivier" iconThe Accession of the Emperor Olivier The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Battle of Belenus Tor" iconThe Battle of Belenus Tor The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Black Shields" iconThe Black Shields The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Breadbasket" iconThe Breadbasket The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Crystalline Dominion" iconThe Crystalline Dominion Crystalline Dominion
"The Crystalline Impasse" iconThe Crystalline Impasse Crystalline Dominion
"The Dame" iconThe Dame Persons of Interest
"The Greagorian Church" iconThe Greagorian Church The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Greatwood" iconThe Greatwood The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Hanged Man" iconThe Hanged Man The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The High Cardinal" iconThe High Cardinal Persons of Interest
"The Holy Knights Dragoon" iconThe Holy Knights Dragoon The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Kingsfall" iconThe Kingsfall The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Lord Chief Justice" iconThe Lord Chief Justice The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Night of Flames" iconThe Night of Flames The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Territorialization of Rosaria" iconThe Territorialization of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Veil" iconThe Veil The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Twinside" iconTwinside Crystalline Dominion
"Vampire Thorns" iconVampire Thorns The Bestiary
"Wyvern" iconWyvern Persons of Interest
"Wyvern Tail" iconWyvern Tail Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon
The Holy Knights Dragoon

Elite troops of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, led by Prince Dion…

"Dion Lesage" iconDion Lesage Persons of Interest
"Dion Lesage" iconDion Lesage Persons of Interest
"Sir Terence" iconSir Terence Persons of Interest
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Battle of Belenus Tor" iconThe Battle of Belenus Tor The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Rise of the Wyrm" iconRise of the Wyrm The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Holy Knights Dragoon

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>
, The Holy Knights Dragoon
Icon for <span>The Holy Knights Dragoon</span>

"Dragons" iconDragons The Bestiary
"Rise of the Wyrm" iconRise of the Wyrm The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Sir Terence" iconSir Terence Persons of Interest
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Item icon
The Holy Order of Shields of the Blackened Pinion

The official name of the order of knights established in the…

"The Black Shields" iconThe Black Shields The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Holy Knights Dragoon" iconThe Holy Knights Dragoon The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"The Black Shields" iconThe Black Shields The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Item icon
The Imperial Army

The assembled forces of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque. While officially…

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Aevises" iconAevises The Bestiary
"Attendant to Crown Prince" iconAttendant to Crown Prince Persons of Interest
"Dragonets" iconDragonets The Bestiary
"Dragons" iconDragons The Bestiary
"Dragoon" iconDragoon The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Philippe" iconPhilippe Persons of Interest
"The Black Shields" iconThe Black Shields The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Wolves" iconWolves The Bestiary
Item icon
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

A nation occupying the western reaches of the continent of Storm,…

"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Night of Flames" iconThe Night of Flames The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Rosalith" iconRosalith The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Phoenix" iconThe Phoenix Eikons
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Adamantoises" iconAdamantoises The Bestiary
"Ahriman" iconAhriman The Bestiary
"Ambrosia" iconAmbrosia Persons of Interest
"Auldhyl Docks" iconAuldhyl Docks The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Bernard" iconBernard Persons of Interest
"Bewit Bridge" iconBewit Bridge The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Bighorns" iconBighorns The Bestiary
"Cray Claws" iconCray Claws The Bestiary
"Cressida" iconCressida The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Drake's Eye" iconDrake's Eye Lay of the Land
"Elwin Rosfield" iconElwin Rosfield Persons of Interest
"Hawk's Cry Cliff" iconHawk's Cry Cliff The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Megalocrabs" iconMegalocrabs The Bestiary
"Mt. Drustanus" iconMt. Drustanus The Iron Kingdom
"Rosalith" iconRosalith The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Rosalith Castle" iconRosalith Castle The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Rutherford" iconRutherford Persons of Interest
"The Bloodaxes" iconThe Bloodaxes The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Boiling Sea" iconThe Boiling Sea Lay of the Land
"The Founder" iconThe Founder Mysteries of the Realm
"The Guardians of the Flame" iconThe Guardians of the Flame The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Lazarus District" iconThe Lazarus District The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Seven High Houses" iconThe Seven High Houses The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Silvermane" iconThe Silvermane Persons of Interest
"The Southwestern Alliance" iconThe Southwestern Alliance Lay of the Land
"The Territorialization of Rosaria" iconThe Territorialization of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Viceregency" iconThe Viceregency The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Viceregency" iconThe Viceregency Lay of the Land
"Three Reeds" iconThree Reeds The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Item icon
The Interdimensional Rift

Basic Information A place beyond space and time—termed both a…

"Ultima" iconUltima Persons of Interest
"Infernal Eikon" iconInfernal Eikon The Bestiary
"Drake's Spine" iconDrake's Spine The Kingdom of Waloed
"Logos" iconLogos Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon
The Iron Crusade

The fighting forces of the Iron Kingdom. Ultimate command rests…

"The Battle of Nysa" iconThe Battle of Nysa The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Boiling Crusade" iconThe Boiling Crusade The Iron Kingdom
"The Iron Kingdom" iconThe Iron Kingdom The Iron Kingdom
"Shiva" iconShiva Eikons
The Iron Kingdom

The Iron Kingdom
Icon for <span>The Iron Kingdom</span>

"Aevis" iconAevis Persons of Interest
Item icon
The Iron Kingdom

Also known in the local tongue as Haearann, the Iron Kingdom…

"The Crystalline Orthodox" iconThe Crystalline Orthodox The Iron Kingdom
"Creag Loisgte" iconCreag Loisgte The Iron Kingdom
"Drake's Breath" iconDrake's Breath The Iron Kingdom
"Shiva" iconShiva Eikons
The Iron Kingdom

The Iron Kingdom
Icon for <span>The Iron Kingdom</span>

"Creag Loisgte" iconCreag Loisgte The Iron Kingdom
"Drake's Breath" iconDrake's Breath The Iron Kingdom
"High Priest Imreann" iconHigh Priest Imreann Persons of Interest
"Jill Warrick" iconJill Warrick Persons of Interest
"Mt. Drustanus" iconMt. Drustanus The Iron Kingdom
"Shiva" iconShiva Eikons
"The Battle of Nysa" iconThe Battle of Nysa The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Boiling Sea" iconThe Boiling Sea Lay of the Land
"The Crystalline Orthodox" iconThe Crystalline Orthodox The Iron Kingdom
"The Iron Crusade" iconThe Iron Crusade The Iron Kingdom
"The Iron Crusade" iconThe Iron Crusade The Iron Kingdom
Item icon
The Ironworks

A fully functioning shipyard nestled within the hollow of a sea…

"Midadol Telamon" iconMidadol Telamon Persons of Interest
"The Free Cities of Kanver" iconThe Free Cities of Kanver The Free Cities of Kanver
"The Enterprise" iconThe Enterprise Mysteries of the Realm
The Free Cities of Kanver

The Free Cities of Kanver
Icon for <span>The Free Cities of Kanver</span>

"The Enterprise" iconThe Enterprise Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon
The Isles of Ark

The cluster of tiny islands upon which the Crystalline Dominion…

"Drake's Tail" iconDrake's Tail Crystalline Dominion
"The Crystal Road" iconThe Crystal Road Lay of the Land
"The Crystalline Dominion" iconThe Crystalline Dominion Crystalline Dominion
The Crystalline Dominion

The Crystalline Dominion
Icon for <span>The Crystalline Dominion</span>

"Boklad" iconBoklad The Dhalmekian Republic
"Medicine Girl" iconMedicine Girl Persons of Interest
"Origin" iconOrigin Lay of the Land
"The Fall of Drake's Tail" iconThe Fall of Drake's Tail Crystalline Dominion
Item icon
The Jaw

A wild, mountainous region of southwestern Dhalmekia, from which…

"Drake's Fang" iconDrake's Fang The Dhalmekian Republic
"Drake's Fang" iconDrake's Fang The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Dalimil Inn" iconThe Dalimil Inn The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

Item icon
The Kanver City Guard

A private military force employed to keep the peace in the Free…

"Barnabas Tharmr" iconBarnabas Tharmr Persons of Interest
"The Free Cities of Kanver" iconThe Free Cities of Kanver The Free Cities of Kanver
"Old Kanver" iconOld Kanver The Free Cities of Kanver
"The Bank of Gilbard the Great Lender" iconThe Bank of Gilbard the Great Lender The Free Cities of Kanver
The Free Cities of Kanver

The Free Cities of Kanver
Icon for <span>The Free Cities of Kanver</span>

Item icon
The Kingdom of Waloed

Basic Information The sole surviving nation in Ash. Waloed has…

"Benedikta Harman" iconBenedikta Harman Persons of Interest
"Barnabas Tharmr" iconBarnabas Tharmr Persons of Interest
"Royal Knight Lord Commander" iconRoyal Knight Lord Commander Persons of Interest
"The Royal Knights of Waloed" iconThe Royal Knights of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Zirnitra Consult" iconThe Zirnitra Consult The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Battle of Belenus Tor" iconThe Battle of Belenus Tor The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Stonhyrr" iconStonhyrr The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Fall of Drake's Spine" iconThe Fall of Drake's Spine The Kingdom of Waloed
"Ash" iconAsh Lay of the Land
"Beastmen" iconBeastmen Mysteries of the Realm
"Odin" iconOdin Eikons
"Orcs" iconOrcs The Bestiary
The Kingdom of Waloed

The Kingdom of Waloed
Icon for <span>The Kingdom of Waloed</span>

"Adamantite" iconAdamantite Mysteries of the Realm
"Balmung Dark" iconBalmung Dark The Kingdom of Waloed
"Barnabas Tharmr" iconBarnabas Tharmr Persons of Interest
"Benedikta Harman" iconBenedikta Harman Persons of Interest
"Drake's Spine" iconDrake's Spine The Kingdom of Waloed
"Edda" iconEdda Persons of Interest
"Eistla" iconEistla The Kingdom of Waloed
"Garuda" iconGaruda Eikons
"Lord Harbard" iconLord Harbard Persons of Interest
"Odin" iconOdin Eikons
"Orcs" iconOrcs The Bestiary
"Ramuh" iconRamuh Eikons
"Ravenwit Walls" iconRavenwit Walls The Kingdom of Waloed
"Reverie" iconReverie The Kingdom of Waloed
"Royal Knight Lord Commander" iconRoyal Knight Lord Commander Persons of Interest
"Sleipnir Harbard" iconSleipnir Harbard Persons of Interest
"Stonhyrr" iconStonhyrr The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Arche" iconThe Arche Mysteries of the Realm
"The Badbach Conservatory" iconThe Badbach Conservatory The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Battle of Belenus Tor" iconThe Battle of Belenus Tor The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Einherjar" iconThe Einherjar Mysteries of the Realm
"The Royal Intelligencers" iconThe Royal Intelligencers The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Royal Knights of Waloed" iconThe Royal Knights of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Shadow Coast" iconThe Shadow Coast The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Zirnitra Consult" iconThe Zirnitra Consult The Dhalmekian Republic
"Veldermarke" iconVeldermarke The Kingdom of Waloed
Item icon
The Kingsfall

Located in western Sanbreque near the Rosarian border, the Kingsfall…

Northwestern Sanbreque.

"The Greatwood" iconThe Greatwood The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Grand Duchy of Rosaria" iconThe Grand Duchy of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Gav" iconGav Persons of Interest
"Minotaurs" iconMinotaurs The Bestiary
Item icon
The Krojit Echoes

A bleak, ochre wilderness stretching through central Dhalmekia.…

"Tabor" iconTabor The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Free Cities of Kanver" iconThe Free Cities of Kanver The Free Cities of Kanver
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"Echoes" iconEchoes Mysteries of the Realm
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

Item icon
The Lazarus District

An exclusive walled residential area situated just outside the…

"Sir Wade" iconSir Wade Persons of Interest
"Port Isolde" iconPort Isolde The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Guardians of the Flame" iconThe Guardians of the Flame The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Aetherfloods" iconAetherfloods Mysteries of the Realm
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Sir Wade" iconSir Wade Persons of Interest
Item icon
The League of Merchants

The group responsible for filling and maintaining Dalimil’s collective…

"Natalie" iconNatalie Persons of Interest
"The Dalimil Inn" iconThe Dalimil Inn The Dhalmekian Republic
"Lord Underhill" iconLord Underhill The Dhalmekian Republic
"Lord Underhill" iconLord Underhill The Dhalmekian Republic
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"The Town Guard" iconThe Town Guard The Dhalmekian Republic
Item icon
The Lord Chief Justice

The highest ranking judge in the Sanbrequois judiciary. Quinten…

"Quinten" iconQuinten Persons of Interest
"Oriflamme" iconOriflamme The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Black Shields" iconThe Black Shields The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

Item icon
The Men of the Fist

Dhalmekia’s standing army. While officially an organ of the Republic,…

"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"Dhalmekian Chief Strategist" iconDhalmekian Chief Strategist Persons of Interest
"Eugen Havel" iconEugen Havel Persons of Interest
"Panthers" iconPanthers The Bestiary
"The Men of the Rock" iconThe Men of the Rock The Dhalmekian Republic
Item icon
The Men of the Rock

Loyalty Bought A private army under the command of Hugo Kupka.…

"Hugo Kupka" iconHugo Kupka Persons of Interest
"The Fall of Drake's Fang" iconThe Fall of Drake's Fang The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Republican Parliament" iconThe Republican Parliament The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Fall of the Hideaway" iconThe Fall of the Hideaway Lay of the Land
"Drake's Fang" iconDrake's Fang The Dhalmekian Republic
"Drake's Fang" iconDrake's Fang The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Men of the Fist" iconThe Men of the Fist The Dhalmekian Republic
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"Coeurls" iconCoeurls The Bestiary
"Hugo Kupka" iconHugo Kupka Persons of Interest
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Siege of Rosalith" iconThe Siege of Rosalith The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Item icon
The Naldia Narrow

A region of sea south of the Strait of Autha, lying between the…

"The Free Cities of Kanver" iconThe Free Cities of Kanver The Free Cities of Kanver
"The Strait of Autha" iconThe Strait of Autha Lay of the Land
"The Enterprise" iconThe Enterprise Mysteries of the Realm
"The Einherjar" iconThe Einherjar Mysteries of the Realm
"The Einherjar" iconThe Einherjar Mysteries of the Realm
"The Shadow Coast" iconThe Shadow Coast The Kingdom of Waloed
Item icon
The Night of Flames

An imperial attack on Rosarian forces stationed at Phoenix Gate…

"Anabella Rosfield" iconAnabella Rosfield Persons of Interest
"Elwin Rosfield" iconElwin Rosfield Persons of Interest
"The Phoenix" iconThe Phoenix Eikons
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Ambrosia" iconAmbrosia Persons of Interest
"Ancient Mural" iconAncient Mural Mysteries of the Realm
"Clive Rosfield" iconClive Rosfield Persons of Interest
"Elwin Rosfield" iconElwin Rosfield Persons of Interest
"Joshua Rosfield" iconJoshua Rosfield Persons of Interest
"Margrace" iconMargrace Persons of Interest
"Phoenix Gate" iconPhoenix Gate The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Rodney Murdoch" iconRodney Murdoch Persons of Interest
"Rosalith" iconRosalith The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Sir Tyler" iconSir Tyler Persons of Interest
"Sir Wade" iconSir Wade Persons of Interest
"The Dominant of Fire" iconThe Dominant of Fire Persons of Interest
"The Guardians of the Flame" iconThe Guardians of the Flame The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Hooded Man" iconThe Hooded Man Persons of Interest
"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Phoenix" iconThe Phoenix Eikons
"The Territorialization of Rosaria" iconThe Territorialization of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Triunity of 859" iconThe Triunity of 859 Lay of the Land
"Torgal" iconTorgal Persons of Interest
Item icon
The Northern Territories

A bitterly cold region in the northern reaches of the continent…

"Elwin Rosfield" iconElwin Rosfield Persons of Interest
"Jill Warrick" iconJill Warrick Persons of Interest
"The Territorialization of Rosaria" iconThe Territorialization of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Drake's Eye" iconDrake's Eye Lay of the Land
"Fafnir of the North" iconFafnir of the North The Bestiary
"Attendant to Joshua" iconAttendant to Joshua Persons of Interest
"Drake's Eye" iconDrake's Eye Lay of the Land
"Fafnir of the North" iconFafnir of the North The Bestiary
"Frost Wolf" iconFrost Wolf Mysteries of the Realm
"Heart of the Motherystal" iconHeart of the Motherystal Mysteries of the Realm
"Jill Warrick" iconJill Warrick Persons of Interest
"The Silvermane" iconThe Silvermane Persons of Interest
"Torgal" iconTorgal Persons of Interest
Item icon
The Nyse Defile

A deep, arid valley located in the eastern part of the Dhalmekian…

"The Battle of Nysa" iconThe Battle of Nysa The Dhalmekian Republic
"Fort Zirnitria" iconFort Zirnitria The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"Cidolfus Telamon" iconCidolfus Telamon Persons of Interest
"Goetz" iconGoetz Persons of Interest
"Torgal" iconTorgal Persons of Interest
Item icon
The Purge of Eastpool

The Purge was a brutal attack on the Rosarian village of Eastpool…

Eastpool, The Imperial Province of Rosaria

"Anabella Lesage" iconAnabella Lesage Persons of Interest
"Hanna Murdoch" iconHanna Murdoch Persons of Interest
"Eastpool" iconEastpool The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Viceregency" iconThe Viceregency The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Eastpool" iconEastpool The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Mysterious Watcher" iconThe Mysterious Watcher Persons of Interest
Item icon
The Republican Parliament

The highest council of government of the Republic of Dhalmekia.…

"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"Dhalmekian Chief Strategist" iconDhalmekian Chief Strategist Persons of Interest
"Ran'dellah" iconRan'dellah The Dhalmekian Republic
"Sleipnir Harbard" iconSleipnir Harbard Persons of Interest
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Men of the Rock" iconThe Men of the Rock The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Republican Prime Minister" iconThe Republican Prime Minister Persons of Interest
Item icon
The Royal Intelligencers

Basic Information An elite unit of the Royal Knights of Waloed…

"Benedikta Harman" iconBenedikta Harman Persons of Interest
"Gerulf" iconGerulf Persons of Interest
"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"Caer Norvent" iconCaer Norvent The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Kingdom of Waloed

The Kingdom of Waloed
Icon for <span>The Kingdom of Waloed</span>

"Benedikta Harman" iconBenedikta Harman Persons of Interest
"Gerulf" iconGerulf Persons of Interest
Item icon
The Royal Knights of Waloed

The kingdom of Waloed’s main battlefield forces, also known as…

"Sleipnir Harbard" iconSleipnir Harbard Persons of Interest
"Barnabas Tharmr" iconBarnabas Tharmr Persons of Interest
"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"Akashic" iconAkashic Mysteries of the Realm
"Orcs" iconOrcs The Bestiary
The Kingdom of Waloed

The Kingdom of Waloed
Icon for <span>The Kingdom of Waloed</span>

"Behemoths" iconBehemoths The Bestiary
"Gerulf" iconGerulf Persons of Interest
"Ran'dellah" iconRan'dellah The Dhalmekian Republic
"Ravenwit Walls" iconRavenwit Walls The Kingdom of Waloed
"Royal Knight Lord Commander" iconRoyal Knight Lord Commander Persons of Interest
"Stonhyrr" iconStonhyrr The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Einherjar" iconThe Einherjar Mysteries of the Realm
"The Free Cities of Kanver" iconThe Free Cities of Kanver The Free Cities of Kanver
"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
Item icon
The Seven High Houses

The highest noble houses of old Rosaria, of which House Rosfield…

"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Port Isolde" iconPort Isolde The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"House Rosfield" iconHouse Rosfield The Imperial Province of Rosaria
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Byron Rosfield" iconByron Rosfield Persons of Interest
"Rutherford" iconRutherford Persons of Interest
Item icon
The Shadow Coast

The forbidding cliffs that line the Naldia Narrow on the Ash…

"The Naldia Narrow" iconThe Naldia Narrow Lay of the Land
"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"Ash" iconAsh Lay of the Land
"The Deadlands" iconThe Deadlands Mysteries of the Realm
The Kingdom of Waloed

The Kingdom of Waloed
Icon for <span>The Kingdom of Waloed</span>

Item icon
The Siege of Rosalith

An incident in which Hugo Kupka, hoping to gain his revenge for…

"Hugo Kupka" iconHugo Kupka Persons of Interest
"Benedikta Harman" iconBenedikta Harman Persons of Interest
"Rosalith" iconRosalith The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Men of the Rock" iconThe Men of the Rock The Dhalmekian Republic
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Hugo Kupka" iconHugo Kupka Persons of Interest
"Torgal" iconTorgal Persons of Interest
Item icon
The Silverpeak Consortium

One of the largest and most prestigious trading houses in Dhalmekia,…

"Eloise" iconEloise Persons of Interest
"Theodore" iconTheodore Persons of Interest
"Boklad" iconBoklad The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

Item icon
The Sins of Dzemekys

An incident told of in myths and legends throughout Valisthea.…

"Dzemekys Falls" iconDzemekys Falls The Dhalmekian Republic
"Dzemekys" iconDzemekys Lay of the Land
"Laetny's Cleft" iconLaetny's Cleft The Dhalmekian Republic
"Boklad" iconBoklad The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Children of Dzemekys" iconThe Children of Dzemekys Mysteries of the Realm
"The War of the Magi" iconThe War of the Magi Lay of the Land
Item icon
The Southern Isles

A nation once based on an archipelago in the seas to the south…

"Tarja" iconTarja Persons of Interest
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Free Cities of Kanver" iconThe Free Cities of Kanver The Free Cities of Kanver
"The Deadlands" iconThe Deadlands Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon
The Southwestern Alliance

An entente formed between Dhalmekia and the Duchy of Rosaria…

"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"Kanver's Independence" iconKanver's Independence The Free Cities of Kanver
"The Triunity of 859" iconThe Triunity of 859 Lay of the Land
Item icon
The Strait of Autha

The narrow channel to the north of the Crystalline Dominion that…

"The Breadbasket" iconThe Breadbasket The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Naldia Narrow" iconThe Naldia Narrow Lay of the Land
Item icon
The Territorialization of Rosaria

In the year 861, taking advantage of the discord arising from…

"Anabella Lesage" iconAnabella Lesage Persons of Interest
"The Night of Flames" iconThe Night of Flames The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Maeve" iconMaeve Persons of Interest
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Northern Territories" iconThe Northern Territories Lay of the Land
Item icon
The Town Guard

The volunteer fighting force assembled and led by Konrad. Unlike…

"Konrad" iconKonrad Persons of Interest
"The Dalimil Inn" iconThe Dalimil Inn The Dhalmekian Republic
"The League of Merchants" iconThe League of Merchants The Dhalmekian Republic
"Lord Underhill" iconLord Underhill The Dhalmekian Republic
"Lord Underhill" iconLord Underhill The Dhalmekian Republic
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

Item icon
The Triunity of 859

A tripartite alliance formed in the year 859 between Rosaria,…

"The Southwestern Alliance" iconThe Southwestern Alliance Lay of the Land
"Kanver's Independence" iconKanver's Independence The Free Cities of Kanver
"The Night of Flames" iconThe Night of Flames The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Item icon
The Undying

Basic Information A secretive order who serve the lords of Rosaria…

"Cyril" iconCyril Persons of Interest
"Jote" iconJote Persons of Interest
"The Apodytery" iconThe Apodytery The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Phoenix" iconThe Phoenix Eikons
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

Item icon
The Veil

Northreach’s premiere house of companionship. While it is frequented…

"Northreach" iconNorthreach The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Liberation of Bearers" iconThe Liberation of Bearers Mysteries of the Realm
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Isabelle" iconIsabelle Persons of Interest
Item icon
The Viceregency

After the incorporation of Rosaria into the empire, Emperor Sylvestre…

"Anabella Lesage" iconAnabella Lesage Persons of Interest
"Rosalith" iconRosalith The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Black Shields" iconThe Black Shields The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"The Purge of Eastpool" iconThe Purge of Eastpool The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Item icon
The Viceregency

The imperial province incorporating the lands that were once…

"Anabella Lesage" iconAnabella Lesage Persons of Interest
"Rosalith" iconRosalith The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Black Shields" iconThe Black Shields The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Black Shields" iconThe Black Shields The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Bloodaxes" iconThe Bloodaxes The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Cullings" iconThe Cullings Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon
The War of the Magi

One of many great conflicts waged near the end of the age of…

"The Sins of Dzemekys" iconThe Sins of Dzemekys Lay of the Land
"The Fallen" iconThe Fallen Mysteries of the Realm
"The Deadlands" iconThe Deadlands Mysteries of the Realm
"Magitek" iconMagitek Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon
The Zirnitra Consult

Looking to bring an end to their long-running conflict with the…

"Fort Zirnitria" iconFort Zirnitria The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Battle of Nysa" iconThe Battle of Nysa The Dhalmekian Republic
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"Barnabas Tharmr" iconBarnabas Tharmr Persons of Interest
"Benedikta Harman" iconBenedikta Harman Persons of Interest
"Dhalmekian Chief Strategist" iconDhalmekian Chief Strategist Persons of Interest
"Royal Knight Lord Commander" iconRoyal Knight Lord Commander Persons of Interest
"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
Item icon
Three Reeds

An area of marshland in the eastern part of the Imperial Province…

Just south of Martha’s Rest in the east of The Imperial Province…

"Glaidemond Abbey" iconGlaidemond Abbey The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Martha's Rest" iconMartha's Rest The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Adamantoises" iconAdamantoises The Bestiary
The Imperial Province of Rosaria

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Adamantoises" iconAdamantoises The Bestiary
Item icon

The former capital of the Crystalline Dominion. After a unilateral…

"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Crystalline Dominion" iconThe Crystalline Dominion Crystalline Dominion
"Drake's Tail" iconDrake's Tail Crystalline Dominion
The Crystalline Dominion

The Crystalline Dominion
Icon for <span>The Crystalline Dominion</span>

"Primogenesis" iconPrimogenesis Mysteries of the Realm
"The Crystalline Dominion" iconThe Crystalline Dominion Crystalline Dominion
Item icon

A realm comprising the twin continents of Storm and Ash, over…

"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"Storm" iconStorm Lay of the Land
"Adamantite" iconAdamantite Mysteries of the Realm
"Brand" iconBrand Mysteries of the Realm
"Gil" iconGil Mysteries of the Realm
"Harpocrates II Hyperboreos" iconHarpocrates II Hyperboreos Persons of Interest
"Metia" iconMetia Mysteries of the Realm
"Moss the Chronicler" iconMoss the Chronicler Persons of Interest
"Obelisk" iconObelisk Mysteries of the Realm
"The Continent" iconThe Continent Lay of the Land
"The Deadlands" iconThe Deadlands Mysteries of the Realm
"The Fallen" iconThe Fallen Mysteries of the Realm
"The Journal of Moss" iconThe Journal of Moss Mysteries of the Realm
"The Valisthean Calendar" iconThe Valisthean Calendar Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon

Formerly the most powerful kingdom in Ash, until Barnabas Tharmr…

"Barnabas Tharmr" iconBarnabas Tharmr Persons of Interest
"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"Odin" iconOdin Eikons
"Ash" iconAsh Lay of the Land
The Kingdom of Waloed

The Kingdom of Waloed
Icon for <span>The Kingdom of Waloed</span>

Item icon
Velkroy Desert

A vast, arid wilderness located in the Dhalmekian Republic. The…

"The Dalimil Inn" iconThe Dalimil Inn The Dhalmekian Republic
"Drake's Fang" iconDrake's Fang The Dhalmekian Republic
"Drake's Fang" iconDrake's Fang The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
The Dhalmekian Republic

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

"Scorpions" iconScorpions The Bestiary
Item icon
Whitewyrm Castle

The towering citadel from which the holy emperor of Sanbreque…

The home of the Emperor and Cardinals of The Holy Empire of…

"Sylvestre Lesage" iconSylvestre Lesage Persons of Interest
"The Council of Elders" iconThe Council of Elders The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Oriflamme" iconOriflamme The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Drake's Head" iconDrake's Head The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

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