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The Viceregency The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Category iconIn-game Description

After the incorporation of Rosaria into the empire, Emperor Sylvestre elected not to rule the new province directly, but to make of it a viceregency with "Rosalith" iconRosalith as its provincial capital.

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconRelated Persons of Interest

"Anabella Lesage" iconAnabella Lesage Persons of Interest

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"Rosalith" iconRosalith The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Black Shields" iconThe Black Shields The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Category iconAffiliation

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
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