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Tarja Persons of Interest

Category iconIn-game Description

Resident physicker of Cid’s hideaway. "Tarja" iconTarja is an expert in all manner of medicines and medical interventions—skills that are indispensable in their deadland home, where they cannot call on healing magicks. After Cid brings an unconscious Jill back to the hideaway from his expedition to the Nysa Defile, she is placed into "Tarja" iconTarja’s care.

At the New Hideaway

Resident physicker of Clive’s hideaway, and trusted ally of the cause. "Branded" iconBranded as a "Bearer" iconBearer from birth and forced to serve as a battlefield healer, "Tarja" iconTarja put her surgical training to use in removing her own brand—a procedure she has since perfected, and offers to any other escaped slave.

A Hidden Past

Resident physicker of Clive’s hideaway, and trusted ally of the cause. She learned much of her knowledge of non-magical interventions in the southern isles, where she served as a "Branded" iconBranded healer—with her magic next to useless in the Blighted land, a man she called her mentor taught her the true physicker’s art. Fate brought the two together again in her mentor’s final hours. Long past healing, it was all "Tarja" iconTarja could do to use the skills he had taught her to ease his passing.

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Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

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"The Fall of the Hideaway" iconThe Fall of the Hideaway Lay of the Land
"The Hideaway" iconThe Hideaway Lay of the Land

Category iconRelated Mysteries of the Realm

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Category iconScreenshots


Category iconAffiliation

The Cursebreakers
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