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Akashic Mysteries of the Realm

Category iconIn-game Description

The irreversible change brought about by a living being’s overexposure to aether. Creatures are stripped of any intelligence or sense of self they may once have had, and become suffused with life force—usually manifesting as extreme strength and aggression. Flora can also turn, resulting in their twisted overgrowth. Those with aetherial tolerance, however, such as "Dominant" iconDominants and "Bearer" iconBearers, are less likely to turn "Akashic" iconAkashic.


The irreversible change brought about by a living being’s overexposure to aether. Creatures are stripped of any intelligence or sense of self they may once have had, and become suffused with life force—usually manifesting as extreme strength and aggression. Though most regard men who turn "Akashic" iconAkashic as naught but mindless monsters, Barnabas and Sleipnir claim they are, in fact, “divine.”

Hidden Truths

The irreversible change brought about by a living being’s overexposure to aether. Creatures are stripped of any intelligence or sense of self they may once have had, and become suffused with life force—usually manifesting as extreme strength and aggression. "Ultima" iconUltima’s casting of "Primogenesis" iconPrimogenesis turned much of mankind directly, gifting Barnabas his "Akashic" iconAkashic army— and with the despair they wrought, he sought to strip the wills of the rest, making them, in his eyes, “pure.”

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Category iconRelated Mysteries of the Realm

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