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Dorys Persons of Interest

Category iconIn-game Description

Born and branded in Rosaria, "Dorys" iconDorys now captains the Cursebreakers, directing their "Bearer" iconBearer-liberating operations in concert with "Cole" iconCole, her second in command. While she is fiercely committed to the cause, she abhors violence and will only bloody her blade if circumstances demand it.

In the Shadow of the Slave Trade

Captain of the Cursebreakers, who directs their "Bearer" iconBearer- liberating operations. "Dorys" iconDorys was raised by a Rosarian slavemaster who treated her branded charges as if they were her own children—teaching them how to read, write, and wield a blade, before hiring out their services to the highest bidder. Though "Dorys" iconDorys resents her former master for the terrible deeds she made her do, she thanks her for making her the strong, scrupulous woman she is today.

At "Balmung Dark" iconBalmung Dark

Captain of the Cursebreakers, who directs their "Bearer" iconBearer- liberating operations. She learns that Chadwick, fellow "Bearer" iconBearer and brother-in-arms who helped her escape her former master, met his untimely end in the cursed depths of the "Balmung Dark" iconBalmung Dark. He died the same hero he was in life, having fought until the bitter end to save the life of a young "Bearer" iconBearer girl. "Dorys" iconDorys swears to keep fighting herself, that his legacy might live on.

Category iconRelated Persons of Interest

"Cole" iconCole Persons of Interest

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"The Cursebreakers" iconThe Cursebreakers Lay of the Land
"The Hideaway" iconThe Hideaway Lay of the Land

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconAffiliation

The Cursebreakers
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