The Men of the Rock The Dhalmekian Republic
In-game Description
Loyalty Bought
A private army under the command of Hugo Kupka. Originally employed by the Dhalmekian parliament to guard
Drake’s Fang, the bulk of the force was co-opted by Kupka when he seized control of the Mothercrystal, and has served him and only him ever since. Most Men of the Rock idolize their commander for his political and financial achievements. After all, few can claim to have been made Permanent Economic Advisor to the Dhalmekian parliament and built a wealth worthy of several generations in a single lifetime.
A Republic on the Brink
A private army under the command of Hugo Kupka. Originally employed to guard
Drake’s Fang, the bulk of the force was co-opted by Kupka when he seized control of the Mothercrystal, and has served him and only him since. After Kupka’s death, his forces scattered, largely returning to the countryside where many now engage in banditry.
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