The Northern Territories Lay of the Land
In-game Description
A bitterly cold region in the northern reaches of the continent of Storm. It was originally home to the Mothercrystal known as
Drake’s Eye, around which a series of small nations sprang up—nations whose belligerence proved troublesome for Rosaria over the centuries. In time, however, the Mothercrystal’s power dwindled, and with it, the power of these warlike nations. With the Blight encroaching on their territory ever more, the remaining tribes were united and pacified by Archduke
Elwin Rosfield of Rosaria in the year 854.
After the Fall of Phoenix Gate
A bitterly cold corner of Storm’s most northerly reaches. The loose collection of nations that sprang up around the region’s erstwhile Mothercrystal—Drake’s Eye—were united and pacified by Archduke
Elwin Rosfield of Rosaria in the year 854. However, in the years following Rosaria’s annexation by the empire, a combination of both the Blight’s inexorable advance and Sanbreque’s lack of interest in the territories has only worked to quicken the area’s destabilization.
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