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The Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Category iconIn-game Description

A nation occupying the western reaches of the continent of "Storm" iconStorm, with "Rosalith" iconRosalith as its capital. When the duchy was left leaderless in the aftermath of the attack on "Phoenix Gate" iconPhoenix Gate in the year 860, the Ironblood seized the opportunity to attack the capital. Their campaign did not last long, however, as the Holy Empire of Sanbreque soon returned in full force to stake its own claim, leaving the once-proud duchy no choice but to submit and become an imperial vassal state.

Under Anabella’s Purview

The lands comprising the western reaches of the continent of "Storm" iconStorm. Formerly known as the Grand Duchy of Rosaria, it became an imperial province after its annexation by the Holy Empire of Sanbreque in the year 861. "Anabella Lesage" iconAnabella Lesage, once Duchess of Rosaria and now Empress of Sanbreque, was granted stewardship of her former home and the title of vicereine, a role she embraced with sadistic relish, enacting a regime of crippling taxation and constant surveillance, along with renewed persecution of the "Bearer" iconBearer population.

** Following the Siege of Rosalithe**

A nation formerly known as the Grand Duchy of Rosaria, occupying the western reaches of the continent of "Storm" iconStorm. With the fall of "Drake's Breath" iconDrake’s Breath, life for the people of Rosaria grew steadily more difficult, and countless thousands were forced to seek refuge in and around the country’s already overcrowded cities. Then, in 878, "Hugo Kupka" iconHugo Kupka’s forces invaded. piling further misery on the downtrodden populace, but loosening the empire’s grip somewhat in the process.

Following the Destruction of "Twinside" iconTwinside

A nation formerly known as the Grand Duchy of Rosaria, occupying the western reaches of the continent of "Storm" iconStorm. While Rosaria has been a vassal state of the empire for nigh on two decades, the uprising in "Twinside" iconTwinside led by Prince "Dion Lesage" iconDion Lesage and his loyal dragoons, and subsequent death of both holy emperor and empress in the year 878, has left Sanbreque with barely the wherewithal to rule itself, rendering the erstwhile dukedom a subject of the empire in name and little else.

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Night of Flames" iconThe Night of Flames The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Rosalith" iconRosalith The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Category iconRelated Bestiary

"The Phoenix" iconThe Phoenix Eikons

Category iconAffiliation

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
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