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The Zirnitra Consult The Dhalmekian Republic

Category iconIn-game Description

Looking to bring an end to their long-running conflict with the Iron Kingdom, the Dhalmeks convened a council with their Waloeder allies at Zirnitra Stronghold. However, the Waloeders were unwilling to concede to the Dhalmeks’ requests, leaving the Republic no choice but to field its "Dominant" iconDominant, "Hugo Kupka" iconHugo Kupka. In so doing, parliament further indebted itself to this already powerful player in national politics.

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"Fort Zirnitria" iconFort Zirnitria The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Battle of Nysa" iconThe Battle of Nysa The Dhalmekian Republic

Category iconAffiliation

The Dhalmekian Republic
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