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Origin Lay of the Land

Category iconIn-game Description

A vast structure that lay dormant beneath the Crystalline Dominion for countless centuries. When "Ultima" iconUltima’s scheme reached its final stages, it was summoned from the depths, sowing untold destruction, and leaving bleak, black skies in its wake. It eerily resembles a Mothercrystal.

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconRelated Persons of Interest

"Ultima" iconUltima Persons of Interest

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"The Isles of Ark" iconThe Isles of Ark Crystalline Dominion
"The Crystalline Dominion" iconThe Crystalline Dominion Crystalline Dominion

Category iconRelated Mysteries of the Realm

"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
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