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Vivian Ninetales Persons of Interest

Category iconIn-game Description

A scholar and strategist who makes her home in the hideaway, analyzing every shred of information that comes in from the wider world in order to divine the dispositions of the realm’s armies and those who lead them. She offers her insight to Clive, that he might better understand the lay of the land. The moniker “Ninetales,” of which she herself is fond, was gifted her by her fellow scholars in recognition of her ability to speak at length on almost any subject.

At the Hideaway

A scholar and strategist who makes her home in the hideaway, offering her insight to Clive that he might better understand the lay of the land. Once a professor at the University of Kanver, her dogged pursuit of the truth earned her the enmity of some of her less scrupulous colleagues. After learning of a plot on her life, she fled to the hideaway, and has been slowly but surely warming to her new surroundings ever since.

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Category iconAffiliation

The Cursebreakers
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