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Icon Title In-game Description Detailed Location Related Persons of Interest Related Lay of the Land Related Bestiary Related Mysteries of the Realm Eikon Abilities Screenshots Artwork Affiliation Flag/Banner Related Topics
Item icon

Enormous creatures with nigh-impermeable—and oddly fertile—shells…

Commonly found around the Three Reeds area of The Imperial Province…

"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Three Reeds" iconThree Reeds The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Morbols" iconMorbols The Bestiary

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Three Reeds" iconThree Reeds The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Item icon

Middling dragons whose membranous wings are attached to their…

Found throughout the Storm continent, especially in The Imperial…

"The Imperial Army" iconThe Imperial Army The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Dragonets" iconDragonets The Bestiary
"The Greatwood" iconThe Greatwood The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Item icon

With their single unblinking eye, these winged horrors ever scan…

"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Flan" iconFlan The Bestiary
"Bombs" iconBombs The Bestiary
"Egis" iconEgis Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon

A large, herbivorous creature found mainly on Storm. It has distinctive,…

Often found in the open fields around Sanbreque and Rosaria.…

"Storm" iconStorm Lay of the Land
"Bighorns" iconBighorns The Bestiary
"Bighorns" iconBighorns The Bestiary
Item icon

Towering agents of destruction known for their distinctive dual…

"The Royal Knights of Waloed" iconThe Royal Knights of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"Ash" iconAsh Lay of the Land
"Great Beasts" iconGreat Beasts Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon

Found to graze primarily in the emerald meadows of Rosaria or…

Meadows of Rosaria and plains of Dhalmekia.

"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Antelopes" iconAntelopes The Bestiary

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>
, The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Antelopes" iconAntelopes The Bestiary
Item icon
Black Widows

Unlike many arachnids which use gossamer webbing to ensnare their…

"Norvent Valley" iconNorvent Valley The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Hornets" iconHornets The Bestiary

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Hornets" iconHornets The Bestiary
"Scorpions" iconScorpions The Bestiary
Item icon

Floating masses of self-contained flame found across both Storm…

Found within The Apodytery beneath Phoenix Gate Ruins.

"Egis" iconEgis Mysteries of the Realm
"Ahriman" iconAhriman The Bestiary
"Flan" iconFlan The Bestiary
Item icon

That there might exist a creature so terrible, so twisted as…

"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"Griffins" iconGriffins The Bestiary
"Coeurls" iconCoeurls The Bestiary
Item icon

An aetherial conjuration summoned forth by Benedikta Harman when…

Fought at Caer Norvent during the Headwind Main Quest.

"Benedikta Harman" iconBenedikta Harman Persons of Interest
"Garuda" iconGaruda Eikons
"Suparna" iconSuparna The Bestiary
"Egis" iconEgis Mysteries of the Realm
"Egis" iconEgis Mysteries of the Realm
"Suparna" iconSuparna The Bestiary
Item icon

Favored steeds of the people of Valisthea. While they are mainly…

"Ambrosia" iconAmbrosia Persons of Interest
"Ambrosia" iconAmbrosia Persons of Interest
"Gysahl Greens" iconGysahl Greens Mysteries of the Realm
"Vultures" iconVultures The Bestiary
Item icon

Sleek-bodied creatures with coats of silken fur, coeurls are…

"The Men of the Rock" iconThe Men of the Rock The Dhalmekian Republic
"Rosalith" iconRosalith The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"Chimeras" iconChimeras The Bestiary
"Panthers" iconPanthers The Bestiary
Item icon
Cray Claws

Found mostly in and around the lakes and rivers of Sanbreque…

Riverside around Sanbreque and Rosaria.

"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Megalocrabs" iconMegalocrabs The Bestiary

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>
, The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Icon for <span>The Holy Empire of Sanbreque</span>

"Megalocrabs" iconMegalocrabs The Bestiary
Item icon

Lesser dragons known for their nimbleness in flight. Those specimens…

"The Imperial Army" iconThe Imperial Army The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Aevises" iconAevises The Bestiary
"Raptors" iconRaptors The Bestiary
Item icon

Majestic winged beasts that are commonly considered to be some…

"The Greagorian Church" iconThe Greagorian Church The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Holy Knights Dragoon" iconThe Holy Knights Dragoon The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Imperial Army" iconThe Imperial Army The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Item icon
Fafnir of the North

An ancient dragon adapted exclusively for life on the ground,…

Fought as a boss during the Fanning Embers Main Quest.

"The Greatwood" iconThe Greatwood The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Northern Territories" iconThe Northern Territories Lay of the Land
"The Greatwood" iconThe Greatwood The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Northern Territories" iconThe Northern Territories Lay of the Land
Item icon

Massive amorphous beings capable of bending and distorting their…

"Mt. Drustanus" iconMt. Drustanus The Iron Kingdom
"Egis" iconEgis Mysteries of the Realm
"Bombs" iconBombs The Bestiary
"Ahriman" iconAhriman The Bestiary
Item icon

As they are oft witnessed in the presence of goblins, many believe…

"Stillwind Marsh" iconStillwind Marsh The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Goblins" iconGoblins The Bestiary
"Minotaurs" iconMinotaurs The Bestiary
Item icon

A common species of beastman. While at first glance they may…

"Beastmen" iconBeastmen Mysteries of the Realm
"Gigas" iconGigas The Bestiary
"Minotaurs" iconMinotaurs The Bestiary
Item icon

Fantastical abominations of nature, upon which the crown and…

"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Chimeras" iconChimeras The Bestiary
"Vultures" iconVultures The Bestiary
Item icon

Most commonly found in the woodlands of Rosaria and western Sanbreque,…

"The Grand Duchy of Rosaria" iconThe Grand Duchy of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Black Widows" iconBlack Widows The Bestiary
"Black Widows" iconBlack Widows The Bestiary
"The Greatwood" iconThe Greatwood The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Item icon
Infernal Eikon

A form long since discarded by Ultima that brings to mind Ifrit,…

"Ifrit Risen" iconIfrit Risen Eikons
"The Interdimensional Rift" iconThe Interdimensional Rift Lay of the Land
"Ultima Prime" iconUltima Prime The Bestiary
Item icon
Interdimensional Ultima

In order to further test the strength of the vessel “Mythos,”…

"Ultima" iconUltima Persons of Interest
"Infernal Eikon" iconInfernal Eikon The Bestiary
"Mythos" iconMythos Mysteries of the Realm
"The Interdimensional Rift" iconThe Interdimensional Rift Lay of the Land
Item icon
Iron Giants

Oversized suits of armor animated by lost Fallen magicks. Deceptively…

A Miniboss found beneath Phoenix Gate during the Buried Memories…

"Phoenix Gate" iconPhoenix Gate The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Echoes" iconEchoes Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon
Liquid Flame

An ever-shifting mass of living flame that rose from the fiery…

"Drake's Breath" iconDrake's Breath The Iron Kingdom
"Mt. Drustanus" iconMt. Drustanus The Iron Kingdom
"Egis" iconEgis Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon

Making a habitat of waters both fresh and brackish, these goodly…

"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Phoenix" iconThe Phoenix Eikons
"Cray Claws" iconCray Claws The Bestiary

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
Icon for <span>The Imperial Province of Rosaria</span>

"Cray Claws" iconCray Claws The Bestiary
Item icon

Towering beastmen that combine the heads of oxen with bodies…

The first encounter is at The Kingsfall during the main quest…

"The Grand Duchy of Rosaria" iconThe Grand Duchy of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Kingsfall" iconThe Kingsfall The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Goblins" iconGoblins The Bestiary
"Beastmen" iconBeastmen Mysteries of the Realm
"Beastmen" iconBeastmen Mysteries of the Realm
"Gigas" iconGigas The Bestiary
Item icon

The foul cocktail of bile and partially digested prey that accumulates…

"Stillwind Marsh" iconStillwind Marsh The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"Adamantoises" iconAdamantoises The Bestiary
Item icon

A warlike, yet surprisingly organized species of beastman native…

"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"Ash" iconAsh Lay of the Land
"Drake's Fang" iconDrake's Fang The Dhalmekian Republic
"Drake's Fang" iconDrake's Fang The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Deadlands" iconThe Deadlands Mysteries of the Realm
"Beastmen" iconBeastmen Mysteries of the Realm
"Beastmen" iconBeastmen Mysteries of the Realm
"Ravenwit Walls" iconRavenwit Walls The Kingdom of Waloed
"Thalan" iconThalan The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Royal Knights of Waloed" iconThe Royal Knights of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
Item icon

Archetypal predators known best for their brilliant spotted coats…

"The Men of the Fist" iconThe Men of the Fist The Dhalmekian Republic
"Kostnice" iconKostnice The Dhalmekian Republic
"Coeurls" iconCoeurls The Bestiary
Item icon

Though still widely believed by the commonfolk of Sanbreque to…

"Dragonets" iconDragonets The Bestiary
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Vultures" iconVultures The Bestiary
Item icon

With pincers the size of boulders and a hooked tail as long as…

"Velkroy Desert" iconVelkroy Desert The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic
"Black Widows" iconBlack Widows The Bestiary

The Dhalmekian Republic
Icon for <span>The Dhalmekian Republic</span>

Item icon

Owls capable of transmitting the thoughts of others—specifically…

"Alliants" iconAlliants Mysteries of the Realm
"Missives" iconMissives Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon

An aetherial creation of Benedikta Harman, Dominant of Wind.…

"Benedikta Harman" iconBenedikta Harman Persons of Interest
"Garuda" iconGaruda Eikons
"Chirada" iconChirada The Bestiary
"Egis" iconEgis Mysteries of the Realm
"Chirada" iconChirada The Bestiary
"Egis" iconEgis Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon

Seemingly drawn to the destruction of the heart of Drake’s Head,…

"Ultima" iconUltima Persons of Interest
"Drake's Head" iconDrake's Head The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Item icon
Ultima Prime

One of Ultima’s many discarded avatars, this iteration of the…

"Ultima" iconUltima Persons of Interest
"Infernal Eikon" iconInfernal Eikon The Bestiary
"Ifrit Risen" iconIfrit Risen Eikons
Item icon

True name of the incarnation of Ultima that brought the last…

"Ultima" iconUltima Persons of Interest
"The Savior Myth" iconThe Savior Myth Mysteries of the Realm
Item icon
Vampire Thorns

While most flora is thought of as stationary, roots binding them…

Often found in The Greatwood and Norvent Valley.

"Norvent Valley" iconNorvent Valley The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Greatwood" iconThe Greatwood The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Item icon

Opportunistic avians that, like many other predatory birds, prefer…

"Chocobos" iconChocobos The Bestiary
"Raptors" iconRaptors The Bestiary
"Griffins" iconGriffins The Bestiary
Item icon

Individually lacking in both strength and speed to subdue prey…

Often found in The Greatwood.

"The Imperial Army" iconThe Imperial Army The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Greatwood" iconThe Greatwood The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Frost Wolf" iconFrost Wolf Mysteries of the Realm
"Heart of the Motherystal" iconHeart of the Motherystal Mysteries of the Realm
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