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Liquid Flame The Bestiary

Category iconIn-game Description

An ever-shifting mass of living flame that rose from the fiery pools of "Drake's Breath" iconDrake’s Breath in what appeared to be response to an unwarranted trespass into the Mothercrystal’s inner sanctum. Possessed with both the swiftness and temper of an untamed wildfire, the creature rained fury down upon the intruders, wielding the molten lifeblood of sacred "Mt. Drustanus" iconMt. Drustanus like it were but fistfuls of mud.

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"Drake's Breath" iconDrake's Breath The Iron Kingdom
"Mt. Drustanus" iconMt. Drustanus The Iron Kingdom

Category iconRelated Mysteries of the Realm

"Egis" iconEgis Mysteries of the Realm

Category iconScreenshots

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