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The Dominant of Fire Persons of Interest

Category iconIn-game Description

First Encounter

A mysterious figure who was first seen amid the chaos of the imperial invasion of "Phoenix Gate" iconPhoenix Gate, immediately before the appearance of the second "Eikon" iconEikon of Fire— the very "Eikon" iconEikon that slew the heir to the ducal throne. Clive believes this man to be the "Dominant" iconDominant who murdered his brother, and has sworn to take his revenge.

At Caer Norvent

A Man Named “Margrace” - A mysterious man that many believe to be a "Dominant" iconDominant of Fire. He is rarely seen without his heavy robe, nor his loyal attendant. The two journey together far and wide across the realm to an unknown end.

At Ifrit’s "Awakening" iconAwakening

"The Hooded Man" iconThe Hooded Man - A mysterious man that many believe to be a "Dominant" iconDominant of Fire. Clive first saw him at "Phoenix Gate" iconPhoenix Gate on the night of the imperial invasion, and for years believed him to be the "Dominant" iconDominant of the "Eikon" iconEikon that killed his brother—but to Clive’s eternal chagrin, he is proved otherwise.

Category iconRelated Persons of Interest

"Joshua Rosfield" iconJoshua Rosfield Persons of Interest

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"The Night of Flames" iconThe Night of Flames The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Category iconRelated Mysteries of the Realm

"Dominant" iconDominant Mysteries of the Realm

Category iconRelated Bestiary

"Ifrit" iconIfrit Eikons
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