Quick Mission Guide¶
Follow these steps to complete the mission successfully without worrying about medal requirements. If you need help with the Gold Medal, check here.
- Head back to Tonya after you’ve completed the Pulling Favors mission.
- Collect the Tow Truck - Like before, collect the tow truck from the impound, then head to the illegally parked car which is marked on your map.
- Pickup the Car - Reverse into the parking lot to align yourself with the car, then lower the chain to hook it up.
- Deliver it to the Impound - Finally, drive it back to the impound to complete the mission.
Gold Medal Requirements:¶
- Mission Time - Complete within 05:30.
- Unhook Bonus - Keep the vehicle hooked until delivery
Mission Time¶
If you are playing this mission for the first time, you will find this time easily do-able. If you are replaying however, there is a slight snag. The timer will start as soon as you finish the opening cutscene and you have no vehicle around. There is sometimes a vehicle down the street, parked in the little driveway beside the building Tonya was stood in front of. There are occasional cars passing on the street that you could jack, but the best thing to do is quickly run to the main road and jack the first car you see.
Floor it to the tow truck and speed to the illegally parked SUV. Do not worry about crashing too much because the truck can take a fair amount of damage.
When you reach the location, pull up in front of the road leading into the parking lot. Reverse back so the back end is lined up with the front of the SUV. Hook up the SUV and start your journey back to the towing lot.
(1 of 2) Make sure you are completely straight on the SUV, as it makes hooking up faster and easier.
Make sure you are completely straight on the SUV, as it makes hooking up faster and easier. (left), then watch out for the cars position when cornering (right)
Unhook Bonus¶
As with all of these missions, use Franklin’s special around any tight corners or to avoid any collisions and to gain a bit of speed if time is short. Try not to swing the truck around corners too tightly or the SUV will swing wildly and unhook.
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