This page is a walkthrough for The Doomsday Heist Setup Mission, Rescue ULP. It’ll navigate you through the necessary steps to successfully rescuing Agent ULP.
Overview of the Rescue ULP mission.
Team 1: Assaults the foundry to rescue Agent ULP. Team 2: Provides cover from a vantage point.
Go to Grand Banks Courtyard / Go to the Foundry (Ground Team)¶
If you’ve started the mission on the Ground Team, take any car and drive to the Grand Banks Courtyard. Upon arrival, enter the building and take cover, then clear out all the enemies before taking the stairs to the next floor. Head over to Agent ULP who’s marked on your map and take out the enemy holding him.
Escort Agent ULP out of the Foundry by staying close by and taking out any enemies in his path. Once you’re outside, take any of the armored vehicles that the enemy was using and follow the waypoint to the drop off.
Go the Vantage Point / Take out the agents (Lookout Team)¶
If you’ve started the mission on the Lookout Team, take any car and drive to the Grand Banks Courtyard. Upon arrival, climb up to the top of the water tower and take out any incoming enemies whilst your teammates are in the Foundry.
(1 of 3) Head over to this location on the map
Once your team has managed to get Agent ULP outside, clear out the area below you before climbing down and then jump in any armored vehicle and take Agent ULP to the drop off to bring this mission to a close.
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