This page is a walkthrough for the Infiltration Points in Cayo Perico. It’ll navigate you through the necessary steps to successfully finding out points of entry for the Heist.
#1 Cayo Perico Airstrip¶
Airstrip Infiltration Point Location.
Approach the Airstrip which located at the top left of the Island and you’ll automatically unlock this Infiltration Point.
#2 West Beach¶
West Beach Infiltration Point Location.
Approach the West Beach which is shown above and you’ll unlock this Infiltration Point.
#3 Halo Jump¶
Halo Jump Infiltration Point Location.
Purchase the Sparrow Helicopter for the Kosatka which costs $1,815,000 to unlock this Infiltration Point.
#4 North Dock¶
North Dock Infiltration Point Location.
You’ll be required to unlock this Infiltration Point during the Gather Intel mission of the Cayo Perico Heist.
#5 Main Dock¶
Main Dock Infiltration Point Location
Head to the Main Dock which is shown on the map above, then take a picture of the Dock to unlock this Infiltration Point.
#6 North Point Drop Point¶
North Drop Zone Infiltration Point Location.
Head to the location shown on the map above and take a picture of the hut to unlock this Infiltration Point.
#7 Drainage Tunnel¶
Drainage Tunnel Infiltration Point Location.
Head to the location shown on the map above and dive into the water to find an underground tunnel. Take a picture of it and you’ll unlock this Infiltration Point.
#8 South Drop Zone¶
South Drop Zone Infiltration Point Location
Head to the location shown on the map above and take a picture of the construction equipment to unlock this Infiltration Point.
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