This page is a walkthrough for The Doomsday Heist Preparation Mission, Paramedic Equipment. It’ll navigate you through the necessary steps to acquiring the Ambulance.
Overview of the Paramedic Equipment Mission.
Steal an ambulance containing paramedic equipment
Steal the Ambulance¶
Once you’ve started the mission, take any car and follow the yellow waypoint to Del Perro Freeway. Upon arrival, you’ll find the ambulance nearby some police cars, sneak into the vehicle whilst the police are occupied then race off.
You’ll now need to lose the Cops which can be done by either phoning Lester and choosing the “Remove Wanted Level” option or you’ll need some smart driving to make the cops lose sight of you long enough to give up.
(1 of 2) Heas to the waypoint marked on your map
Heas to the waypoint marked on your map (left), then steal the ambulance whilst the police aren’t looking. (right)
Finally, you’ll now want to return the Ambulance to your Facility, but beware there is now a global signal being sent out to lobby, so you’ll need to make your journey a quick one before anyone reaches you.
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