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Grand Theft Auto V

Scouting The Port, Minisub and Cargobob

Claire Farnworth
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Quick Mission Guide (Scouting The Port)

Follow these steps to complete the mission successfully without worrying about medal requirements. If you need help with the Gold Medal, check here.

  1. Head to the T on the map to begin this mission.
  2. Pier 400 - After the scene has come to a close, drive over to port with the group.
  3. Move the Containers - Once you’ve arrived, get in the handler and help Floyd move the containers to the loading area.
  4. Climb the Crane - After you’ve dealt with the containers, climb into the cabin of the crane and load another two containers onto the trucks.
  5. Pictures - Now that you’ve finished loading the trucks, climb to the top of the crane and take a picture of the Front, Back and the guard on the ship.
  6. Docking Area - Finally, drive to the next docking area in the truck and collect a briefcase, then return to Floyd’s Apartment to complete the Mission.

Gold Medal Requirements: (Scouting The Port)

  1. Mission Time - Complete within 20:00.
  2. Employee Of The Month - Complete without damaging the containers.
  3. Perfect Surveillance - Snap all 3 photographs of the boat as instructed.
  4. An Honest Days Work - Complete without causing a disturbance at the docks.

Trevor has a hair-brained scheme so you need to prepare for it.

Mission Time

I don’t think I need to say it again (skip the cutscenes). 20 minutes is plenty of time to finish the objectives. Some parts are a little fiddly but you have enough time to make sure you get things right so don’t panic.

Employee Of The Month

As long as you perform each objective carefully, you won’t have any trouble with this challenge. Once you get the hang of the controls and the handling of the machinery, you shouldn’t have to worry about damaging the containers. You can slightly knock them but nothing more so try to avoid any mishaps. Just take your time and be patient.

(1 of 3) Use the handler to relocate the two containers

Perfect Surveillance

To fulfill this challenge, you must take all the photographs properly when prompted. So no taking random pictures of the dock worker scratching his butt! Firstly, Ron will ask you to take a picture of the front of the freighter. As expected, all you need to do is line up your shot directed at the front of the freighter and you will have the right picture.

The second picture Ron wants is one of a guard on the ship. There are a few around so just snap the first one you see. Finally, Ron needs a “long” shot of the back of the ship. Make sure to zoom out for this one as Ron needs to see a lot of the ship. Point your shot towards the back and then send all the pictures to Ron when you’ve finished.

An Honest Days Work

This challenge will be completed providing you do not kill or maim any dock workers or make a general nuisance of yourself. Trevor must complete his duties as instructed so as tempting as it may be to use the forklift truck to skewer a hapless worker on, try and at least pretend to be professional about it.

Quick Mission Guide (Minisub)

Follow these steps to complete the mission successfully without worrying about medal requirements. If you need help with the Gold Medal, check here.

  1. Head to the H icon on the map after you’ve finished Scouting the Port to begin this mission.
  2. Release the Sub - Once you’ve arived at the dock, go to the side of the ship and shoot the ropes holding the sub to cause it to fall.
  3. Steal the Sub - Now collect the sub and take it over to the extraction point.
  4. Hide - Finally, drive the truck to the hiding spot that Floyd has told you about to complete the mission.

Gold Medal Requirements: (Minisub)

  1. Mission Time - Complete within 08:30.
  2. No Boarding - Steal the submersible without boarding the boat.

Trevor needs a submersible. What better way to acquire one than steal one right under the noses of some unwitting guards?

Mission Time

This is a nice, easy mission. There is nothing special or hard about it. Just follow the directions, read the next section for the other challenge and you’ll have that shiny gold medal in no time.

(1 of 2) Stand here in order to get a good sight on the Sub

Stand here in order to get a good sight on the Sub (left), then shoot the ropes holding the sub to cause it fall. (right)

No Boarding

To get the gold medal, you cannot board the boat and steal it that way. Instead you must go around the boat, looking down the length until you have a decent line of sight of the submarine. Equip a sniper rifle with a good scope, zoom in where the sub is suspended and target the cables it is attached to.

Shoot them off and the sub will drop into the ocean, leaving you free to dive down after it.

Quick Mission Guide (Cargobob)

Follow these steps to complete the mission successfully without worrying about medal requirements. If you need help with the Gold Medal, check here.

  1. Head to the H icon on the map after you’ve finished Scouting the Port to begin this mission.
  2. Steal a Cargobob - Grab yourself a fast car and drive full speed to the Cargobob that is sitting in the center of the Military Base.
  3. Lose the Chopper - Now fly far away to get the military chopper of your back, then store the cargobob in the hangar to complete the mission.

Gold Medal Requirements: (Cargobob)

  1. Mission Time - Complete within 05:30.

If you chose the “Off-shore” approach, you need a cargo helicopter.

(1 of 2) Use a fast car to quickly reach the Cargobob in the centre of the military base

Use a fast car to quickly reach the Cargobob in the centre of the military base (left), then fly far away to lose the chopper. (right)

Mission Time

To complete this challenge, you must barrel through it at full speed. Don’t stop to engage any enemies, just plough through them. A vehicle with good speed and armour works wonders here unless you prefer to fly into the base and hijack the chopper.

Either way, jump in the Cargobob and fly at full speed in the opposite direction from the base. The Cargobob is a speedy aircraft so it should lose the chopper quickly. Fly back to the hangar at full speed and you should complete the mission with time to spare.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Rockstar Games
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, PS4, PS5, Steam, XB 360, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    15 September 2013
  • Last Updated
    23 December 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Claire Farnworth, Shane Williams

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