Sweet is bringing the fight to the Ballas and wants everyone to meet him in Downtown, under the Mulholland Intersection. As you exit the house, you will receive a phone call from Cesar, who has something very important to show you in Verdant Bluffs. So, before you go meet up with Sweet, you will be paying a visit to Cesar. Drive to the blip on your map and stop in the red marker, then enter the car down the alleyway. A cutscene will play out here, showcasing a pretty major plot point, with CJ thinking that Sweet is walking into a trap.
Sweet’s health will now appear on the screen, so you will need to quickly drive the ambush spot before he dies. Get back in the car you were just in and begin flooring it to the destination. Once you’re there, you will see some Ballas, but ignore them and just get to the red marker to trigger a cutscene. The cops will be arriving soon, but before they come, you will take on the Ballas that will be showing up. There will be four vehicles that come to your location, with Ballas inside all of them. You simply need to kill them here, which won’t be too hard if you’re well-equipped.
(1 of 2) Use the vehicles as cover as you kill the Ballas
Use the vehicles as cover as you kill the Ballas (left), The final vehicle will just circle around, doing a drive-by (right)
The Ballas will stop and get out of the first three vehicles, while the fourth will do a drive-by real quick before stopping. Upon finishing off all of the Ballas, a cutscene will take over, with the police finally arriving, then cutting to you in a vehicle with Tenpenny and Pulaski. It turns out they brought you somewhere else, in the middle of nowhere, and want you to do some jobs for them. The mission will be over at this point and the next chapter of the story will begin.
You will unlock the All Dressed Up for San Fierro trophy/achievement upon completion of this mission.
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